Found 283 Articles for Business and Leadership

Shotgun Approach vs. Rifle Approach in Marketing

Abhishek Sengupta
Updated on 22-Dec-2022 11:51:35

1K+ Views

Definition: Shotgun Approach Marketers that take a "shotgun" approach use a broad variety of promotional tactics (both above- and below-the-line) in an effort to reach as many potential buyers as possible. When a company has a target audience that is too broad to be divided into manageable subsets, this is the case. Marketers choose ATL & BTL methods like TV advertising, billboards, radio spots, and more to reach as many people as possible, much like a shotgun that discharges a high number of tiny pellets over a broad region. With this method, marketers aim for broad appeal by concentrating on ... Read More

Pyramid Structure Marketing Vs. Network Marketing

Abhishek Sengupta
Updated on 22-Dec-2022 11:45:38


What is Network Marketing? Network marketing is a common option for those seeking flexible work schedules and a low initial investment. Network marketing includes some of the most well-known American brands, such as Avon, Mary Kay, and Tupperware. With network marketing, you may sell a product line to friends, family, and acquaintances with little to no overhead costs (often only a few hundred dollars for the purchase of a product sample kit) and a high potential for personal profit. Participants in most network marketing schemes are also expected to find and attract new salespeople to join the network. A salesperson's ... Read More

How does Cause Marketing Work?

Abhishek Sengupta
Updated on 22-Dec-2022 12:45:25


What is Cause Marketing? To boost revenues and bring about social change, businesses and non-profits often work together in a strategy known as "cause marketing." Its marketing efforts emphasise corporate responsibility and activist ideals. By using this method, a business may strengthen its relationships with local communities while also boosting its brand's visibility and differentiating itself from the competition. Types of Cause Marketing Initiatives There are several types of cause marketing initiatives that businesses run. Point-of-Sale A cashier could ask for donations instead of money when a customer is ready to pay for an item. Various donation-related adverts are ... Read More

Aggressive Marketing vs. Discrete Marketing

Abhishek Sengupta
Updated on 22-Dec-2022 11:33:57

1K+ Views

Introduction The idea of marketing has evolved from aggressive to discrete: from the old marketing that is equal to all to marketing that is targeted to a specific group or even to a single individual. This rule is followed by business executives as well. Let us now look at both these marketing strategies in detail. Aggressive Marketing Modern technology advancements have an impact on digital marketing, which has grown within the ambit of marketing and is now a part of marking as a unique scientific subject. Because the generations that have emerged in the new millennium, have no need to ... Read More

Trends and Technologies Driving Digital Transformation

Geerthana M.S
Updated on 20-Dec-2022 15:38:06


Businesses may implement innovations into every element and draw major changes by utilizing digital transformation. Ultimately, it produces new value for the shareholders, customers, and employees. Additionally, it increases organizational agility and effectiveness. Fresh discoveries produced by these creative work processes have the potential to improve core business performance, staff creativity, and customer satisfaction. Benefits of Digital Transformation Around 92% of executives adopt comprehensive digital transformation plans to meet customers' needs and almost all businesses are becoming more conscious of this. When you go digital, you may monitor KPIs and examine the information you get while engaging in digital marketing. ... Read More

Top Digital Transformation Trends in Government

Geerthana M.S
Updated on 20-Dec-2022 15:35:45


State and local government IT trends point to a greater emphasis on enhancing the digital experiences of staff and people. Many institutions and organizations that receive government financing continue to employ obsolete methods to accomplish their goals. By improving the digitalization and modernization of these procedures, handling delays, safeguards, and the efficiency of the entire IT sector process for the public and government sectors are all reduced. It transcends conventional careers like sales, marketing, and customer service. Why Do We Need Digital Transformation? Customers want firms to use the finest online and digital tools to continue to shine in the ... Read More

Boss vs Leader: Differences and Key Characteristics to Identify a Leader

Geerthana M.S
Updated on 20-Dec-2022 15:32:48


Every organization has bosses and leaders. While a boss is respected and feared, the leader is celebrated. Although the designations do not define who is who, there are a few traits that would help identify the fine line between the two. Let us get a deeper look at the subtle differences between a boss and a leader. Who is Boss? A boss is someone who has other individuals under their control. Bosses may be in charge of one, two, several, an entire department, or all of the preceding. They are the one who is responsible for a firm or set ... Read More

Best Management Tools You Must Know

Geerthana M.S
Updated on 20-Dec-2022 15:26:34


A business management tool helps a firm run more efficiently, remain competitive, and improve performance. This broad category includes a variety of solutions, many of which are specific to particular sectors and needs. Simple projects can be completed with nothing more than a to-do list, whereas large projects require careful planning, work delegation, deadline set, and time tracking. To correctly identify and assign tasks based on their relevance, you must also employ management tools. Project Management Tools It is a tool mainly developed for the team to plan the team project, track the project or idea, and easily manage the ... Read More

Why Do Employees Prefer a Hybrid Mode of Working?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 20-Dec-2022 15:08:07


COVID-19 has changed our way of life. It has made working from home not only a possibility but also an option that is being preferred by individuals and companies alike. It has proven that with a good internet connection, robust digital infrastructure, and trust in the employees, working from home is possible. However, public opinion favors a hybrid mode of operation. A hybrid mode helps employees get the benefits of both work-from-home and work-from-office situations. Why Do Companies Prefer a Hybrid Mode of Working? Companies now prefer a hybrid mode of working, i.e., working from both home and the office. ... Read More

What is Moonlighting? What Are the Pros and Cons of Moonlighting?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 20-Dec-2022 14:59:24

5K+ Views

The market has opened as a result of globalization and country liberalization. Human resources can easily work for companies overseas with utmost ease. The work is not the particular 9–5 jobs that we had earlier or the work-from-office requirements. Now, with a laptop and a good internet connection, one can easily serve the company from anywhere and get the work done. Part-time opportunities, freelancing opportunities, or internship opportunities are in style. This brings us to the problem of moonlighting. Introduction to Moonlighting The times are changing. With organizations hiring and firing their employees without proper strategies or resource management ... Read More
