Found 283 Articles for Business and Leadership

What are the 5 Cs of Leadership?

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 09-Feb-2023 11:47:13


The biggest goal of any leader is to improve employee engagement. The engagement affects your employees' productivity, desire to contribute to organizational growth, and ability to do routine tasks. The company’s leadership plays a pivotal role in employee engagement. A great leader is someone that employees feel great to talk to. They don’t just set the mission and vision for the organization but work as an active member of the company, helping the teams achieve their goals. As a leader, you should ask yourself these questions − Do people trust my leadership? Do I do what I preach? ... Read More

Top Tips for Building a Strong Leadership Team

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 09-Feb-2023 11:45:13


Building a strong leadership team is the most important step in achieving success. Setting corporate goals is easy, but working on them and ensuring that your human resources and projects are aligned with the organizational objectives is pretty challenging. Do you know 40% of leaders fail within the first 18 months? What do you think is the reason behind the increasing number of leadership failure cases? The success of a business depends on multiple factors, from stellar customer service to a streamlined workflow. The leadership team also matters. A great leadership team that consists of qualified, trained, and experienced ... Read More

CSR vs CSV: Not the same?

Mayank Singh
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 16:12:10


Since 2011, when Michael Porter, a professor at Harvard Business School, first coined the term CSV, it is often confused with CSR and at times used interchangeably. There is a big difference between the two concepts. This article aims to explain how these two concepts are distinct and which one is better. What is CSR? CSR stands for corporate social responsibility. In simplest terms, it is the use of a company's economic resources for philanthropic purposes. It is self-regulatory in nature. It allows companies to be socially accountable to themselves, their stakeholders as well the general public. There are numerous ... Read More

Analyzing the Culture of an Organization: Competing Value Framework?

Mayank Singh
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 16:07:30


If one walked into the headquarters of Patagonia, an American company that designs gear for silent sports (climbing, surfing, or skiing), he/she would see employees wearing shorts and slippers. After work, some of the employees might go surfing. The ambiance inside the headquarter is vibrant where people work hard and have a lot of fun at the same time. On the other side of the spectrum, if one entered the headquarters of Exxon Mobil, an American multinational oil and gas corporation, he/she would notice people with typical business attires seriously doing their work. The atmosphere exudes competitiveness and rigor. Why ... Read More

The Parameters of Data Safety in Business?

Prita Roy
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 15:33:35


In any business sector, data is important. Data or business information is the crucial component that helps you make a decision, and run the organization. Keeping the data safe and secure must be the responsibility so that competitors do not use them to beat you in business. In today’s post, we will highlight the safety parameters of data security. Before going for data safety parameters, you must learn what data safety is and what kinds of data generate in business, and why it’s so important part of any business. Let’s learn. What is Data Safety? Data or information safety ... Read More

Business in 2023: What Are the Ins and Out?

Prita Roy
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 15:29:59


Business is based on people's choices, preferences, and tastes. To start your venture, you need to understand these demands and plan your actions accordingly. If you want to create your own project but can't chalk out what will be your action plan, read the article and get the input. Each year comes with new demand, and its keeps on changing. Entrepreneurs need to sense the changing mind of the buyers as the behavioral psychology of people, buying influence and many parameters never stay static. So, your ability to accommodate yourself with their modified buying decision must be the first ... Read More

How is Artificial Intelligence (AI) replacing Human Intelligence?

Prita Roy
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 15:27:19


Artificial intelligence or Machine Learning has been invented to reduce human workload. As the usage of AI has increased for the past decades, the day is not so far that AI rule over human intelligence. If you're an avid user of AI, stay with us and read the post, as the article will explore many important aspects of using artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence or Machine learning is a vast subject. But to understand what is inside the topic, you can be something other than an engineer or science student. Therefore, before jumping into the deep discussion about how it ... Read More

The Best Practices for Client Relationship Management

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 18:03:49


Without an effective client relationship management strategy, getting new clients can be just as challenging as retaining them. It's important to remember that if you are not managing your new client properly, all your money and effort could be wasted. You can manage your client relationships better by using some unorthodox methods. First of all, let’s understand what client relationship management means. What do you Understand by Client Relationship Management? It is the process of maintaining relationships with prospects, new clients, and current clients. It includes the following steps − A system for tracking and managing your clients ... Read More

The best design thinking Blogs to Read as a Beginner

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 18:01:16


In the age of the internet, we can connect with so many different companies and groups that benefit us. Several decades ago, we might not have been able to find new opportunities and peers. It hasn't taken more than a decade or so for blogs to become a significant part of the online world and a superb way to create content for others to enjoy. Popular Design Thinking Blogs You can learn a lot from these UX blogs, design thinking, and CX thought leaders. On these sites, you will find tips, best practices, and interesting stories about design thinking, customer ... Read More

How to Create an Impactful Business Proposal?

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 17:59:09


The initial stages of a new business are a challenging time for many business owners because they don't know how to write a business proposal. You might not consider proposing your business for a project as soon as you have developed your products, the business plans, and all other aspects of your business. Businesses underestimate its importance. You can use your business proposal to create a plan of action, secure funding, identify your brand's strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, and serve as a guide for its future, even if it doesn't have an immediate benefit. This guide will help you write ... Read More
