Found 283 Articles for Business and Leadership

The Best Qualities The Best Qualities of Community Leaders

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 10-Feb-2023 10:25:02


Community leaders are responsible for keeping a community together and fostering its growth. Community leaders inspire others to do good, so it is essential that they possess qualities that make them successful. We will explore the best qualities of community leaders in this blog. What is a Community Leader An effective community leader brings people together, inspires them, and helps them work together. Leaders aren't just traditional leaders, but also mentors, problem-solvers, and advocates for their communities. They are the ones who take on the responsibility of ensuring the health and well-being of their community. There are many different ... Read More

The Best Characteristics of Grit that You Must Know

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 10-Feb-2023 10:22:18


Grit is an important characteristic that can help you succeed in life. It is a combination of passion, perseverance, and resilience that enables you to persist even in the face of adversity and to achieve long-term goals. It can help you stay focused and motivated in order to reach your goals. In this article, we will discuss the best characteristics of grit that you must know. Introduction to Grit Grit is a quality that is often associated with success. It is a combination of determination, perseverance, and resilience that enables you to stay focused on a goal and to ... Read More

Localization Vs Standardization: The Company's Choice

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 09-Feb-2023 14:30:11


Privatization, liberalization, and globalization policies have been beneficial for every country. These policies have ensured that trade can flourish, and the globe has now become borderless when it comes to trade. Countries and their citizens can now enjoy the benefit of having Swiss chocolate with French bread and the United Kingdom’s tea on their dining tables in India. But everything has its own pros and cons. With this variety, it has also become difficult for companies to survive and boom in their own country. Big multinational corporations can take advantage of their capital and expand the market to produce quality ... Read More

How Can Companies Target the Different Family Life Cycles of an Individual?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 09-Feb-2023 14:22:20


Companies have understood that acquiring new consumers is much costlier than retaining old ones. In today’s cutthroat environment, a business can only succeed in the long run when it has a loyal customer base. New companies that can offer similar and sometimes identical products to consumers at a low cost are born every day. Globalization has made the competition even worse. Hence, companies are now becoming the brand of the household by providing the consumer with products that they will need at every stage of their life cycle. In this article, we will be understanding the various family life cycle ... Read More

What is an Applicant Tracking System and Why is it Popular?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 09-Feb-2023 12:34:41


Artificial intelligence is not going to eat away at the jobs of individuals, but people who know how to use artificial intelligence will eat away at the jobs. The only way to survive in this fast-paced, dynamic world is to be technologically advanced. Being technologically or digitally obsolete is a curse in itself. With this notation in mind, various industries' or companies' recruitment departments have moved into the Application Tracking System Web. Today, as per the data, more than 99% of Fortune 500 companies have moved their recruitment department to ATS. In this article, we will be diving deep into ... Read More

Various Human Resources Analytics Formulas That Can Help You Deck Up

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 09-Feb-2023 12:31:33


Gone are the days when the only work of the Human Resources department was to organize the Rangoli-making competitions or reply to the employees' emails with "we will get back to you." In the dynamic world, we live in people are only talking about data. Big data is the future and present. If you can present it in a pivot table along with the analysis of the past few years, then it is only worth consideration. With artificial intelligence and the technological boom, the way that organizations work has also changed. The Human Resources department today has become an integral ... Read More

Just a Minute Sessions and How They Help Students

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 09-Feb-2023 12:26:57

16K+ Views

Communication is the key to success. Not every individual that you meet in life will be good at communication. Anyone and everyone can deliver prepared speeches, but that is not how you should be judging an individual’s communication skills. The real test lies in surprises. Today, the most trending communication gauge is the JAM session. In this article, we will be taking a deep look into the meaning of JAM sessions, how an individual can excel in the JAM sessions, what benefits an individual generally receives by practicing for the JAM session, and what different topics a speaker can prepare ... Read More

Job Information and Seeking Training (JIST) - The Trending Concept in Resume Creation

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 09-Feb-2023 12:20:48


The recruiters are overburdened with resumes. No matter which job board a recruiter uses or which company he works for, the number of junk emails, inappropriate resumes, and irrelevant work experience will always flood his inbox. Going through more than 50 resumes on a daily basis of around 2 pages each is a task in itself. It gets very difficult for a recruiter to find the correct fit and, at the same time, for the application to stand out in the crowd of thousands. To solve this problem, the industry has now come up with the JIST technique of resume ... Read More

How are Consumers Exploited by Businesses?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 09-Feb-2023 12:17:51

4K+ Views

Businesses operate to maximize their profit in this fast-paced, dynamic world. With every drop of the hat, we see new competitors rising up with similar and sometimes identical products or services to offer consumers. It is recommended that producers or marketers take a different path or point of differentiation in order to make their offerings more appealing to consumers. It could be in terms of Product or service offering The price at which the product is offered The way the product is being offered in terms of packaging or marketing strategies Where the product is being offered To whom ... Read More

What are the Top Elements of Business Leadership?

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 09-Feb-2023 11:49:10


To ensure effective leadership, it’s important to understand that leadership is much more than working for organizational goals. Of course, as a business leader, your main job is to facilitate all resources for your team so that they can work on the long-term organizational objectives. Leadership is not about telling your employees what to do. It’s more of a systematic and consistent approach, which requires the leader to hone their skills and continue to be a great leader. Top Elements of Business Leadership A leader has much more responsibilities than any member of your organization. Since they are supposed ... Read More
