Found 283 Articles for Business and Leadership

The Five Steps of the Design Thinking Process

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 16:13:35


Businesses today revolve around the satisfaction of consumers. Consumers are spoiled with choices today, and every day a new brand comes up with a similar product but at a lower price. Hence, in this tough time, what can help a business thrive in the short term as well as the long term is customer satisfaction. design thinking in a customer-centric approach to solving complicated business problems. "Design thinking" is the new buzzword or trend in businesses today. In this article, we will be diving deep into the 5 steps of the design thinking process and their importance.  The Concept of ... Read More

The Concept of Applied Ethics and Business

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 16:12:30


Ethics define how people should behave in certain situations. There is no right or wrong when it comes to ethics because it is an individual's judgment. In simple terms, the majority considers ethics to be good. "Applied ethics" in ethics means the practical aspect of ethics. What would be the practical solution in the given scenario, not the ideal ethical answer that an individual might give without taking the situations and emotions into consideration? In this article, we will be diving deep into the concept of applied business ethics, what are the benefits of applied business ethics for firms, and ... Read More

The New Trends in the Arrangement of a Workplace and Workspace

Abhimanyu V
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 14:59:12


Recent trends in office departments include versatile workspaces, cooperation and collaboration, and automated processes. The combination of these qualities produces a successful hybrid workplace. Employees feel informed and motivated, and management has the resources and information to keep enhancing the working environment. Simply saying "You go to work at the workplace, and you work at the workspace." What is the exact meaning of “workplace” and “workspace”? Anywhere an employee happens to be is now considered their "workplace, " which no longer refers to a specific location. The firm no longer sets the rules for "work hours"; instead, the ... Read More

The Negative Side of Outsourcing to India

Abhimanyu V
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 14:49:46


A firm contracts a third party to carry out duties, manage operations or offer services on its behalf as part of the outsourcing business activity. Today, businesses can outsource a variety of jobs or services. Information technology services including programming, application development, and technical support are frequently outsourced. The external business, often referred to as the service provider or third-party provider, makes arrangements for its own personnel or technological resources to carry out the duties or offer the services either on-site at the premises of the hiring business or at other places. They commonly contract out call center and ... Read More

The Importance of Evaluating the Performance of a Team

Abhimanyu V
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 14:48:28


Typically, evaluating a team's performance entails determining how effectively the team is accomplishing its goals and objectives. This may involve taking measurements for things like productivity, effectiveness, job quality, and communication. It may also entail evaluating the dynamics and cohesiveness of the team as well as the leadership of the group. The particular techniques employed to assess a team's performance will vary depending on the team's makeup and the objectives it is attempting to achieve. Process of Team’s Performance Evaluation There are often multiple processes involved in assessing a team's performance Establishing specific and quantifiable goals − The ... Read More

Supply Chain and Operations Management Can Be Integrated

Abhimanyu V
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 14:45:02


When designing, producing, and providing after-sale support for a final product, a group of customers and suppliers collaborate to maximize their total results. It may be beneficial to imagine the contributors as the parts of a huge, vertically integrated organization, even if the several enterprises in the network are only linked by mutual trust, common objectives, and voluntarily entered into agreements. Unlike dependent contractors, independent suppliers typically manage the competing needs of many customers. The degree of supply network integration varies for each. Increased integration aims to maximize the performance of the supply chain as a whole by concentrating and ... Read More

Differences and Similarities in Managerial and Leadership Roles

Abhimanyu V
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 14:43:42

1K+ Views

Directing and mentoring people or teams toward accomplishing corporate goals is a component of managerial and leadership jobs. Overseeing and planning daily operations, making decisions, and assigning work to staff members are all aspects of managerial jobs. Leadership entails providing a clear vision, inspiring and motivating staff, and fostering a supportive workplace environment. Strong communication abilities and the ability to persuade people to work towards a similar objective are essential for a leader. Both positions demand the capacity to think critically, deliberate, and interact with others. The line separating the two roles can be hazy, and people frequently ... Read More

7 Signs Digital Marketing is the Best Career Option for You!

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 13:18:27


We have all realized the power of digital marketing and the importance of having a well-established digital marketplace. So, we can safely say digital marketing is here to stay in the upcoming years. It is the right time to jump in if you are considering digital marketing as a career option. But hear us out! Since this is a relatively new and unfamiliar field, you need to consider a few things to make the final leap. Before diving in, you also need to check your interest levels before choosing a career as a digital marketer. So, watch out for ... Read More

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

Unnati Singh
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 17:05:54


Leadership means not only technical abilities or expertise but also the ability to interact with and motivate people. A leader with strong emotional intelligence understands and responds to the thoughts of the members of the team, which aids in the development of trust and the creation of a healthy working environment. What is Emotional Intelligence in Leadership? Emotional Intelligence in leadership refers to a leader's ability to recognize, control, and display their own emotions as well as the emotions of others. This involves being aware of one's own emotions, recognizing and labeling emotions in others, managing one's own emotions, ... Read More

The Impact of Automation on Business and Leadership

Unnati Singh
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 17:04:42

1K+ Views

Automation is all around us, including in business and leadership. There are various benefits of automation technology for businesses. It is already changing how businesses manage orders, finish projects, and service consumers. What is Automation in Business and Leadership? Automation in business and leadership refers to the use of technology to automate repetitive tasks and processes, to increase efficiency, productivity, and cost savings. This can include the use of software, robotics, and other automation tools to automate tasks such as data entry, scheduling, and customer service. Automation can also include the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to ... Read More
