Found 283 Articles for Business and Leadership

What Are Some of the Techniques of Modern Management?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 18:04:26

2K+ Views

Businesses no longer think of their employees as just lazy and nonchalant wage earners. For them, employees have now turned into family. They have now understood that, though the primary need of every employee is to earn money, they have other needs as well that are equally pressing. The most important capital of any business is its employees, and it has been proven over time that a dedicated employee can keep the business from shrinking. Happy employees are the most productive employees, and hence it has become important for us to discuss modern management techniques in depth. In this article, ... Read More

The Impact of Digital Transformation on People Strategy

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 18:01:09


The major contributing factor to the success of digital transformation in an organizational structure is the attitude of the people involved. The employees of an organization can make or break the company. With this context in mind, it becomes extremely critical for businesses to adapt or improvise their people management strategy in the same manner. Digital transformation creates havoc for the employees involved; it ultimately benefits the employees only, but a lot is lost in between. In this article, we will be diving deep into how organizations can change their people management strategy to suit digital transformation and how some ... Read More

The Concept of Design Thinking and the Benefits of Design Thinking

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 17:59:41


Design thinking is a modern, humane, and creative way to solve business problems. In the business world today, where automation and data are the key factors, design thinking helps in solving problems and running the business in a more human way. Companies that automate are losing their human touch; for them, generalization and mass production of goods and services are the key factors in satisfying consumers and their needs. But while doing this, they are losing the humanity and creativity of business. A product that is the same for all and is low-priced can be replaced by another low-priced and ... Read More

Building Blocks of Digital Transformation

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 17:58:35


Businesses in every industry today are under tremendous pressure to digitally transform themselves. Every day, new companies are coming up with better technologies and trying to outpace the success of well-established multinational corporations. Technology has turned around the entire business platform. People with limited financial and human capital resources are doing wonders. For example, take WhatsApp, an application used in many countries and very popular in the Indian market, which even today has only 34 employees working for the company. Facebook, launched by Mark Zuckerberg to connect the alumni of Harvard students, is today used by more than 100 million ... Read More

How to Harness New HR Technologies?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 17:57:28


"Necessity is the mother of invention." The pandemic pushed us to accept the digitalization and collaboration of different functions of the business to run smoothly during the dreaded time. Now that the situation has improved, we can see that both employees and employers prefer the work-from-home model for a variety of reasons. The work-from-home model is leading to the opening up of the job market globally, and hence we are experiencing issues like retention, attrition, higher salary hike demand, less engagement among the employees, loss of productivity and motivation to succeed, and others. Modern problems require modern solutions, and hence ... Read More

How Should You Prepare Your Organization for Digital Transformation?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 17:56:16


Every organization in the business world, irrespective of the industry, has understood that they need digital transformation in their business model to survive and thrive in the cutthroat business environment. Digital transformation will help businesses not only produce better and more but also sell more. Digital transformation opens up the gates of efficiency and volume sales for the business. Companies can digitally transform by − Selling their goods online Ensuring that they can hire and make the employees work from across the globe and thus gain the best talent and save up on operational costs. Produce more and ... Read More

How Are Top Companies Using the Design Thinking Techniques?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 17:54:06


Design thinking is a human-centric, customer-centric, and creative way to solve modern-day complicated business issues. The world today is running on data, automation, and generalization. Design thinking, on the other hand, dares to be different. It is a very subjective form of problem-solving, and it helps the companies get an edge over the competitor, the competitor’s product, and the way they do business. It is time-consuming because it is subjective and a costly affair, but it helps the company create a bond with its consumers, which is going to ensure that the firm earns much more revenue than it originally ... Read More

Importance of Selecting High-Potential Leaders in an Organization

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 16:21:03


It goes without saying that employees are the building blocks of an organization. However, here’s the catch! To achieve long-term success, an employer needs to ensure their teams comprise high-potential leaders to keep their employees on the same page! Pruning your team members and investing in upskilling their personal and professional abilities is one of the major responsibilities of your leaders. Management is a crucial entity of a company and plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy work environment within the organization. Therefore, the managerial hierarchy should include high-potential leaders who can bring innovation in their team handling ... Read More

An Insight into Leadership Coaching

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 16:20:09


Leading a team or an entire organization is challenging, especially when working with people with different skill sets and experience levels. Moreover, the role becomes more demanding when there is rising market competition and uncertainty regarding customer demands and economic turbulence. Companies and their data are moving at a fast-paced speed, making it hard for businesses to keep up with the growing competition. This is where leadership coaching comes to play, enabling organizations to develop highly talented and efficient teams to bring more innovation to their work processes. What’s more, leadership coaching is vital for retaining your company’s talent ... Read More

What Are the Benefits of an HR Dashboard and How to Create One?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 16:14:31


Data is the fuel that runs the business world today. Data is present everywhere. The Human Resources department, just like other functional departments today, is using its internal data and industry-standard data to produce impeccable learnings. Human capital is the most important capital in the business, so businesses must take care of it. An HR dashboard helps the business understand the composition of the employees, what issues the company is facing when it comes to its employees and its working environment, and what the company is doing better than the industry. In this article, we'll look at how human resources ... Read More
