Found 700 Articles for Bootstrap

How to create warning notification alerts in Bootstrap?

Diksha Patro
Updated on 24-Mar-2023 14:37:13


Bootstrap provides a set of classes and components to create alert messages that can be used to notify users about different types of information, such as errors, warnings, and success messages.Warning alerts are commonly used to inform users about issues or errors on a website or application. The “alert-warning” class in Bootstrap is used to give an alert and indicate a warning message to the user. You can use it to convey different types of messages to the user, such as success, danger, info, and others, by using different classes like alert-success, alertdanger, alert-info, etc. Approaches We have two ... Read More

How to create pagination in Bootstrap 4?

Dishebh Bhayana
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 11:34:27


To implement pagination in our web application, we use the different classes provided to us in Bootstrap 4, like “pagination”, “page-item”, “active”, “disabled”, and so on. Pagination means specifying a page number for a particular page in a series of pages. This could apply to a web application that has lots of pages, a book, or any other entity that has a series of data that we only want to display a part of it at a time. Let’s discuss more about these classes and how we can use them to create a paginated layout in the examples below − ... Read More

How to Automatically Close Alerts using Twitter Bootstrap?

Dishebh Bhayana
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 11:30:51

2K+ Views

We can automatically close the Bootstrap Alert component by using the “close” method and “hide” class provided by Twitter bootstrap. Twitter Bootstrap Alert component is used to display an alert with a message to the user, often in response to a user action or an event. Approach 1: Using Close Method In this approach, we will use the “close” method provided by bootstrap to close the component, and we will use the setTimeout() browser API to achieve this after 5 seconds. Syntax $(alertComponent).alert(‘close’) Here, “alertComponent” is the Bootstrap Alert component, and we are calling the “close” method on this ... Read More

How to apply custom color to glyphicon icon embed within a link styled with Bootstrap?

Dishebh Bhayana
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 10:53:56


We can use glyphicons in a bootstrap project by simply giving a glyphicon-specific class to a “span” tag in HTML. Glyphicons are basically font icons that can be used anywhere in your web application, for example, in buttons, forms, inputs, texts, etc. They are provided by Bootstrap and usually consist of symbols, fonts, or graphic icons. Syntax Here, the “glyphicon” class is a Bootstrap class that allows us to use glyphicon icons in the web application, and “icon_name” refers to the particular glyphicon icon that we want to embed and use in the application. Approach 1: Using CSS ... Read More

How to Create a Bootstrap Spinner and Display on Screen till the data from the API loads ?

Saurabh Anand
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 17:31:43

6K+ Views

Using Bootstrap, we will create a Bootstrap spinner and display it on the screen until data from an API is loaded. This will give customers visual indications that something is going on in the background and can be an excellent method to improve the user experience. In this blog, we will be utilizing Bootstrap, a famous front-end programming framework. Follow the below steps to create a Bootstrap spinner and display on screen till the data from the API loads - Step 1: Include the Bootstrap CSS and JavaScript Files We will begin with our first step by importing JavaScript ... Read More

Tailwind CSS Vs Bootstrap

Riya Kumari
Updated on 12-Sep-2023 09:49:35

34K+ Views

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a stylesheet language used to style the HTML elements in a webpage. CSS framework is a library which enables the developers to design more standard-compliant websites using CSS in an easier way. These libraries are ready-to-use so there is no need of writing the long and monotonous CSS codes. Instead of starting your every project from zero, a CSS framework offers you tools which can quickly make a user interface that can be repeated more than once during the whole project. In this article, we will discuss about the two popular CSS frameworks- Tailwind ... Read More

How to align two navbars in bootstrap?

Diksha Patro
Updated on 17-Feb-2023 11:15:34


Introduction A well-liked front-end framework for creating websites and applications is called Bootstrap. The grid system in Bootstrap can be used to align two navigation bars (navbars). To align the two navbars in Bootstrap, use the ml-auto class on the second navbar and the’ justify-content-between’ type on the parent container of the two navbars. To position, the second navbar to the right of the parent container instead, use the 'float-right' class on the navbar. Approaches The following are some typical methods for aligning two navbars in bootstrap − Using the 'container' class on the parent container of the ... Read More

How to Align Navbar Items to Center using Bootstrap 4?

Diksha Patro
Updated on 17-Feb-2023 15:58:52

9K+ Views

Bootstrap 4 is a popular CSS framework that helps developers create responsive, mobilefirst websites quickly and easily. One of the most common design elements in a website is the navigation bar or navbar. In this article, we will discuss how to align the items in a navbar to the center using Bootstrap 4. Approaches There are a few different ways to align the items in a navbar to the center using Bootstrap 4. The two approaches that we will be discussing in this article are − Using Built-in Bootstrap 4 Classes Using CSS to override the default alignment ... Read More

How to create a chart using bootstrap?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 14:57:45

2K+ Views

The chart is very important to visualize the data, and we can show the data in various formats and analyze the pattern in the data. Also, the chart is more important for data scientists as they need to analyze the various data. Bootstrap is a library that allows us to draw various charts using JavaScript or JQuery. It contains the functions that we need to import and pass chart type and chart data as an argument of the function, and it will prepare a chart for us. This tutorial will teach us to draw various chart patterns using Bootstrap. Syntax ... Read More

How to add an active class on click event in a custom list group in Bootstrap?

Updated on 06-Feb-2023 11:48:16

6K+ Views

We can add an active class to a custom list group item in Bootstrap 4 by using JavaScript or jQuery. This can be achieved by adding an onclick event to each list group item and then using the "addClass" method to add the active class to the item that was clicked. By doing this, we can easily create a custom list group with an active state that changes based on user interaction. Bootstrap Intro Bootstrap is a popular open-source front-end development framework. It helps to create responsive and mobile-first webpages by providing a set of pre-designed CSS and JavaScript ... Read More
