Found 7 Articles for Blogging

11 Blogging Mistakes to Avoid in 2023

Shivam Jadoun
Updated on 10-May-2023 16:37:44


Getting started with blogging can be a daunting task, whether you’re new to the idea or have been writing for a long time. There are many mistakes that people make when it comes to blogging, and this guide will help you avoid them and get the most out of your blog. A blog can help boost your site's search engine ranking and attract more potential customers. It can also help build a stronger brand reputation and provide valuable industry insights. Unfortunately, many businesses don't consider blogging to be part of their overall strategy. It's important to consider the various ... Read More

8 Reasons Why Blogs Are Important for Businesses

Shivam Jadoun
Updated on 10-May-2023 16:29:46


Through blogs, businesses can easily find their products and services on Google. They can also provide customers with a better understanding of their products and services by helping them navigate through the various channels that a company uses to promote itself. According to a study conducted by HubSpot, over 60% of people read blogs regularly. Aside from being beneficial for marketing, blogs can also help businesses develop effective multichannel strategies. One of the most important factors that a marketing professional must consider is the changes in the marketing landscape. Over the years, blogging has become a vital component of ... Read More

7 Ways to Improve Your Business Blog

Shivam Jadoun
Updated on 10-May-2023 15:48:28


It’s always been your desire to try new things, so when you heard about blogging as a way to boost website traffic and raise brand awareness, you jumped at the chance. Unfortunately, despite the benefits of this approach, your business blog has not produced the results you expected. A well-designed business blog can help you market your company and attract new customers. Unfortunately, many companies start blogging without the necessary knowledge about how to use it for their business. This can lead to them spending a lot of time and energy trying to establish a blog that doesn’t work. ... Read More

Is the Blogging Era Coming to an End?

Prita Roy
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 15:01:14


Since the first blog appeared in 1994 by Justin Hall, a student, the graphing of blogging never fell. Then with the involvement of technology and marketing channels, videos and podcasts came into the digital platform and grabbed the users' attraction. Blogs once started as a piece of writing that contributed largely to various mediums under several names, niches, categories, etc., started slowing in the performance graph. Though there are mixed reactions on this topic among digital marketing leaders, we will brief the real facts to educate our readers. This post will focus on the most discussed topic through comparative analysis, ... Read More

Top 7 Techniques to Build Personal Branding Through Blogging

Kiruthika Ravi
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 15:35:16


Branding is an important tool in marketing that helps in the promotion of products and services offered. Personal branding is a distinctive technique that focuses on promoting oneself. It might involve promoting one’s values, expertise in a particular field or reputation in general. Personal branding can create or break an individual's image. The right techniques are crucial in building trust and credibility with others. This article focuses on bringing to you the top techniques that might help achieve personal branding through blogging. What Is Personal Branding? Personal branding is a conscious effort made towards creating and promoting the public ... Read More

Technical SEO for Bloggers: A Comprehensive Guide

Arpa Chatterjee
Updated on 14-Apr-2023 10:05:36


What is Technical SEO? Technical SEO is a set of strategies to make it easier for search engines to crawl and index a website or webpage. The first step of technical SEO is to perform a site audit. This tells you where your website stands in the overall SEO factor and comparison to your competitors. The second step is to plan and address the areas where your website needs improvement. This usually involves optimizing page loading speed, site architecture, and mobile utilization. However, it also includes working in tandem with your content and link-building strategies. Difference Between On-page SEO, Off-page ... Read More

Difference between Blogging and Microblogging

Md. Sajid
Updated on 19-Jan-2023 14:26:30

2K+ Views

Blogging enables you to communicate yourself in as many terms as you like in a conversational, communicative manner. Microblogs are short messages just because this medium limits the writer to articles with no and over 280 characters, that are frequently shared on microblogging sites or microblogging apps. Microblogging is a type of blog that varies from the regular blog in that the content is often shorter in length than a conventional blog post. Users can use microblogging tools to share brief pieces of content such as textual captions, images, or videos. Examples of micro-blogging websites include Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. ... Read More
