Found 110 Articles for Bitcoin

How Blockchain Is Reviving the Healthcare Industry's Capabilities

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 10-Aug-2022 12:48:56


"Blockchain" is one of the most popular terms in medical technology. There's a valid explanation behind this. Simply said, Blockchain has the ability to transform the healthcare industry. Patients may be properly focused on at the heart of all operations once it is fully deployed, which will be completely rebuilt with improved security, privacy, and accessibility. But how does Blockchain make all of this possible? How is the healthcare business maximizing the potential of this cutting-edge technology? What is Blockchain? A blockchain is a distributed database shared by nodes in a computer network. As a database, a blockchain stores information ... Read More

Understanding Cross-Chain Technology and Blockchain Interoperability

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 10-Aug-2022 12:47:17


What we know about blockchain technology on the surface is that it is a decentralized ecosystem based on distributed ledger technology. However, as time passes and individuals continue to delve deeper into the blockchain realm, they have recognized that it is not a cumulative ecosystem and that they want to conduct more transactions that are not tied to a single chain. Because developers are thinking outside the box as they try to optimize the technology's possibilities, the number of blockchain initiatives has exploded in recent years, particularly during the pandemic. The rising numbers demonstrate that issues in the field continue ... Read More

Inside GameFi: What It Is, How It Works, Why It’s Popular

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 10-Aug-2022 12:45:38


As the technology expands in prominence, businesses all over the world are seeking new ways to incorporate cryptocurrencies into their core products and services. In this arena, online gaming, in particular, has become a hub for novel ideas. Developers are coming up with new ways to buy and trade in-game stuff, cosmetics, unlock characters, and more using cryptocurrency. Our metaverse, where the virtual and the real collide, has never looked so lovely. While the Covid-19 outbreak pushed some economies to close in 2020, the video gaming industry was one of the few to witness unexpected growth. People naturally turned to ... Read More

A Complete Guide on Flow Blockchain

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 10-Aug-2022 12:38:11


For a long time, NFTs and blockchain technology have been making a lot of news. However, even before then, crypto enthusiasts and blockchain developers were aware of the use of NFTs thanks to a game called CryptoKitties. The project was established on the Ethereum network, and users can mint NFT-based kittens for a variety of purposes such as flipping, playing the game to gain more tokens, and so on. However, as most of us are aware of the Ethereum network's possible drawbacks, where crypto cats are concerned − Transaction costs are excessively high. Congestion on the network As ... Read More

What are private keys and public keys? How do they work?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 10-Aug-2022 12:33:13


Before we get into what a public key and a private key are, let's review encryption. Encryption is the process of converting data into a secret code that can be used to protect it. Encryption has become a requirement in the face of the growing threat posed by hackers and other cybercriminals. To make sense of or decrypt data received by an authorized individual, he or she would require a public or private key, or both. So, how does the encryption process come into play? To encrypt (transform information into a scrambled secret code) and decode data, public and private ... Read More

Blockchain Ledger Vs Ordinary Ledger: A Detailed Comparison

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 10-Aug-2022 12:30:55

2K+ Views

Today, we'll contrast two frequently misunderstood concepts: blockchain ledger vs. traditional ledger. People mistakenly believe that both of these concepts are the same. However, this is not the case. To begin with, the ledger system dates back to the 1800s, which is a very long period! Ledgers developed and digitized as time went by, and technology advanced, just like everything else. They evolved to fulfill the needs of individuals and organizations in the modern digital world. Let us lead you through a clear comparison of a blockchain ledger vs. a traditional ledger in this article. What Is a Blockchain Ledger, ... Read More

Blockchain Vs. Distributed Ledger Technology

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 10-Aug-2022 12:29:04


Is there a distinction between Blockchain technology and distributed ledger technology? No. This is a frequent misunderstanding held by many people. This post will look at what Blockchain is and how it differs from distributed ledger technology. We live in a digital age where sound bites and terminology rule. In today's world, even complex technological solutions are reduced to five words or less. As a result, more astute businesses are attempting to profit from the so-called crypto frenzy. Some people are even changing their names to include the word "blockchain." In the short term, using buzzwords like blockchain technology to ... Read More

How Does Off-Chain & On-Chain Crypto Transactions Differ?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 10-Aug-2022 12:27:52


Blockchain technology is transforming the entire digitization system across all industries. The main benefit of blockchain systems is that they ensure transaction transparency for both the grantee and the beneficiary. Organizations have begun to manage data for blockchain-based solutions as either on-chain or off-chain storage approaches in recent years. Data can be stored in a private or public blockchain service to do this. To keep track of all network transactions, Bitcoin uses the Blockchain as a ledger. It uses a network of nodes instead of a single centralized server, with each transaction being checked, recorded, and spread among them. Because ... Read More

Blockchain IaaS Vs PaaS Vs SaaS – Key Differences

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 10-Aug-2022 12:24:03


Cloud computing is the distribution of computing resources on-demand over the internet. Cloud computing allows users to access computational resources without having to maintain actual gear. Cloud computing resources can be delivered in a variety of ways. These delivery models provide different levels of abstraction for the user, and each has pros and cons based on the developer's goals. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS) are three of the most prevalent delivery models (SaaS). For modern businesses, blockchain technology is appealing. However, because the technology is new and unfamiliar to ... Read More

Difference between Bitcoin and Litecoin

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 22-Jul-2022 07:22:47


There are a lot of people who are familiar with Bitcoin, but more recently, people have learned that there are also a lot of other cryptocurrencies. One of the cryptocurrencies that emerged in the wake of Bitcoin is called Litecoin. In fact, Litecoin was developed so that it could be utilised alongside Bitcoin.Transactions involving cryptocurrencies are encrypted through the use of algorithms. The information regarding transactions is added to the blockchain whenever a transaction takes place. The participants in the network are able to generate more blocks for rewards and to regulate the transactions without the intervention of a centralised ... Read More
