Found 110 Articles for Bitcoin

Difference between Chainalysis and Elliptic

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 13-Dec-2022 15:34:17


Although the adoption of blockchain technology is on the rise, tracking the volume of its transactions remains challenging. There is a growing need for cryptocurrency exchanges and banks to prove that they are not being used to finance terrorism, crime, or other unlawful activities now that cryptocurrencies are accessible on the main network. Legislation has been passed in some countries, including Japan, Singapore, and the United States, requiring the origin of cryptocurrency payments. Chainalysis and Elliptic are two companies that have thrived as a result of the need to keep tabs on the market value of cryptocurrencies. albeit they ... Read More

What are Straits, NEO, NXT, and EOS Blockchains?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 13-Dec-2022 10:30:03


Introduction Blockchain is a shared and immutable ledger technology that allows for recording transactions in a corporate network and the acquisition of digital assets. While providing transparency and data verification, blockchain technology is less resistant to fraud and cyber threats than previous record−keeping methods. It also lets you track orders, finances, production, and payments. Because of the numerous uses of this technology, corporations and financial institutions are always on the lookout for blockchain experts. About Stratis, NEO, NXT, and EOS Stratis Stratis is a dynamic and adaptable blockchain Development Platform created by Chris Strew (CEO of Stratis) to assist corporations ... Read More

Why is Python used in Blockchain?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 12-Dec-2022 17:58:43


Introduction Blockchains are essential ledgers that record and conduct various transactions in a business network. Many programming languages like Java and C++ are majorly used in blockchains. However, the authorities and their workers are switching to Python in recent times. Many reasons can be stated for the same. Python is the programming language that is now gaining more and more acceptance all across the globe for its ease of use as well as its excellent results. It keeps the data and information secure and away from the reach of people who try to alter or delete the data vehemently. What ... Read More

Which is the fastest Blockchain?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 12-Dec-2022 17:55:28


Since their creation, two of the oldest and largest blockchains, Bitcoin and Ethereum, have experienced slow processing times and expensive transaction fees. Developers have identified these problems and have come up with clever inventions to fix them. The outcome: modern blockchains with negligible transaction costs and lightning-fast transaction speeds. Therefore, in addition to their mainstream equivalents, these smart chains are worth taking into account if you consider putting your toes into the crypto waters. Here are the top five blockchains in terms of speed, given in decreasing order of TPS. Not everyone seems aware of what the fastest blockchain genuinely ... Read More

Why are Crypto Businesses interested in Becoming Banks?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 12-Dec-2022 17:59:41


Introduction Crypto businesses are often compared with banks and their related things. This is because of the certain similarities that they exhibit. However, they are not the same things and have the respective differences that give them unique identities. Looking at these similarities and other initiatives that the crypto business goes for to improve gives a hint that they are becoming banks. One can state some reasons and theories for the same, but some stand out and are genuine facts. Crypto businesses are an excellent field for people interested in cryptocurrency and who have a business mindset. Are crypto businesses ... Read More

Which Industries will Blockchain Tech Disrupt Next?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 12-Dec-2022 17:29:34


Introduction With its myriad uses, from tracking diamond and supply chain paper trails to providing financial privacy, blockchain technology is poised to disrupt a wide range of industries shortly. This article takes a deep dive into some of the following initiatives that blockchain technology will most likely affect and how it will impact them. This article covers how businesses are taking advantage of blockchain's abilities. Blockchain technology is an emerging medium for implementing intelligent contracts representing the essential functions of a blockchain (i.e., digital assets, transactions and record keeping) across an industry. Smart contracts are agreements executed by blockchain technology ... Read More

When to sell Crypto?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 12-Dec-2022 17:24:26

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The Crypto Market is Extremely Volatile Since the cryptocurrency market does not follow the same regulations as the stock market, it is difficult to break into. Someone who has only ever traded stocks may find it daunting because it has its personality. You can see how challenging it could be for newcomers since even seasoned investors take great care while discussing the direction of the cryptocurrency market. Some individuals brave the market and sell when they think the time is right, despite the fact that many think holding is the ideal strategy for investing in the cryptocurrency market. But how ... Read More

What are the coolest application of Blockchain Technology?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 12-Dec-2022 17:20:51


The development of the internet marked the most recent significant change in our world. Can you imagine a world without Google, Facebook, YouTube, and all the other social media platforms? It seems inconceivable. Well, blockchain development may lead the world to shift once more at this point. It might be an understatement to call blockchain the next big thing in technology, but it has gained popularity over the past ten years. Blockchain has many uses in any industry, including identity management, government, finance, and healthcare. And it doesn't even include its most well−known application, Bitcoin. What is Blockchain? A blockchain ... Read More

What is the best Blockchain to Invest in?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 12-Dec-2022 18:01:11


Introduction Blockchain technology is constantly improving, and with the fast integration of this technology into various sectors and industries, it is predicted that there will be continuous growth in the value of cryptocurrencies. Many new digital assets will emerge, and to stay on top, you must have a comprehensive perspective of what cryptocurrency you should invest in. If you are looking for the best cryptocurrency to invest in, you must consider coins with a good potential for growth. You should choose an asset that can provide many long−term benefits, such as decreasing transaction fees or making exchanges faster than traditional ... Read More

What is Crypto Winter?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 12-Dec-2022 16:53:37


Introduction Crypto winter is a colloquial term for the current period of low prices and lack of interest in cryptocurrencies. It began with the dramatic collapse of bitcoin's price in China at the end of 2017, as reported by Bloomberg on December 28th, 2017. Crypto winter typically lasts until early to mid-2018, when many investors expect bitcoin to rebound sharply. Tax-related selling pressure significantly contributed to bitcoin's decline from its December peak of nearly $20, 000 to its current level of around $7, 500. It's estimated that up to 10% of all bitcoins were sold during December of last year ... Read More
