Found 292 Articles for Biotechnology

Genes and Genomics - Integrative Cell Biology

Vishala M
Updated on 17-May-2023 11:14:59


Introduction Genes can be defined as the basic unit of heredity. Genes can be defined as the small segments on DNA that are responsible for transmission of characters from one generation to other. The study of these genes and hereditary characters is called genetics. The entire set of DNA that is present in an organism is called the Genome of the organism. Many organisms have genetic material that may not be necessarily DNA. For example, in some viruses the genetic material is RNA, they do not contain DNA in them. In addition to nuclear DNA organisms contain ... Read More

What Does Functional Divergence Mean?

Vishala M
Updated on 17-May-2023 11:09:49


Introduction Evolution is the basic key which can explain how human and other organisms appeared on Earth. Evolution can be defined as study of origin and development of various organisms on Earth. Organisms have evolved due to major morphological and functional changes. In the due course of evolution genes that are responsible for imparting various characters kept on adding by duplication of original gene. Some duplicate genes acquired new functions, whereas some just helped the ancestral gene to perform its function. These minor changes brought about major impact on development of organisms and new species evolved. This development of new ... Read More

Estimation of DNA Purity

Vishala M
Updated on 17-May-2023 11:02:50


Introduction Purity of DNA refers to the DNA which is free of any protein, RNA or any other contaminant attached to it. Even after extraction of the DNA some impurities remain attached which can be removed by using certain chemical or enzymes. This step ensures the success of immediate and downstream application of DNA. Purification of DNA The cell is lysed by using various physical and chemical methods to release the DNA from the nucleus. Once DNA has been extracted, cellular debris remain attached to it in the form of protein, which are removed by using the proteinase enzyme or ... Read More

What is DNA Typing and Its Significance in Forensic Science

Vishala M
Updated on 17-May-2023 16:25:26


Introduction DNA is the main hereditary material found in all organisms. It is a double stranded macromolecule and is found in the nucleus of the cell. DNA is composed of nitrogen bases namely adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine, phosphate group and sugar. It helps in the transmission of characters from parents to offspring. DNA typing is also called DNA fingerprinting, genetic fingerprinting or DNA profiling. It is a common technique that can identify slightest differences in the DNA. DNA typing has been used in forensic investigations, establishment of paternity, disease diagnosis and establishment of ancestry. Principle Behind DNA Profiling ... Read More

What is DNA Extraction?

Vishala M
Updated on 17-May-2023 10:49:19


Introduction DNA isolation is a technique of extraction of DNA either by physical or chemical method from a given sample of organism. Only isolation is not enough the extracted DNA should be of good quality too. Generally, DNA can be extracted from a wide variety of samples like from prokaryotes which include bacteria, and from eukaryotic organisms, example from human samples like frozen tissues, blood, body fluids like semen, formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissues, aspirates like ovum, etc. Can be used for extraction of DNA. Principle Involved in the Extraction of DNA DNA was first extracted by Friedrich Miescher in ... Read More

What is Diversity Array Technology (DArT)?

Vishala M
Updated on 17-May-2023 10:43:47


Introduction Genetic diversity can be defined as the variation in the traits that are passed from one generation to another within a species. More is the genetic diversity more is the variation in the traits. This genetic variation can be utilized to determine the sequence information of an individual. Utilization of genetic diversity to analyse and create genetic map is called diversity arrays technology (DArT). DArT is a comparatively newer approach to assess polymorphism which has been developed due to limitations of existing molecular marker techniques. This technique has been successfully utilized in the plant breeding programmes. What is ... Read More

What Are the Differences Between Neofuctionalization and Subfunctionalization?

Vishala M
Updated on 17-May-2023 10:28:27


Introduction The generalization made by Theodosius has been validated by recent progress in the field of molecular biology and biochemistry. All modern organisms have been derived from common ancestor by a series of small changes, each change is attributed a selective advantage over the other, this is strongly supported by the similarity of their metabolic pathways and gene sequences across the phyla. Occasional inheritable mutations yield organisms that are suited for better survival in ecological niche and progeny that are preferentially selected. This process of mutation and selection is the basis for the Darwinian evolution that led from the ... Read More

Fundamentals of Cytogenetics and The Techniques Used

Vishala M
Updated on 17-May-2023 10:13:04


Introduction Chromosomes are thin fibre like structure that forms the most important part of the genetic material and is mostly confined inside the nucleus in eukaryotic cells. During cell division chromatin condense to form rod like structures containing centromere and chromatids. Chromosomes are composed of DNA, histone proteins and non-histone proteins. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes which contain genes that are responsible for a character any abnormality in these chromosomes may lead to genetic diseases. Cytogenetics is the field of biology that deals with the study of these chromosomes. Cytogenetics and Its History Cytogenetics can be defined as ... Read More

What Is a Bacteriophage and Describe Its Life Cycle?

Vishala M
Updated on 17-May-2023 10:04:00


Introduction Bacteriophages as the name suggests are a class of viruses that feed on bacteria and archaea. In other words, they can be called the viruses of bacteria. They do not have any location but are found everywhere that is they are ubiquitous organisms. Since their discovery, they have been found to be of great importance as tools in molecular biology and recombinant DNA technology. Nowadays they are used as vectors to carry segments of DNA of interest to the host genome. Scientists are studying more about their evolution and their role in natural ecosystems. In this section, we will ... Read More

Basic Tools Used in Genetic Engineering

Swetha Roopa
Updated on 18-May-2023 10:36:32


Keywords Recombinant DNA, genetic engineering, genes, gene cloning, genetic manipulations. Introduction Basic tools are necessary for the process to generate recombinant DNA molecules which are enzymes, vectors, and host organisms. The most important enzymes required for genetic engineering are the restriction enzymes, DNA ligase and alkaline phosphatase etc. Each DNA strand contains thousands of genes. Genetic engineering is the process of using gene cloning and other genetic manipulations to isolate specific genes and use it for research and other purposes. Tools Used in Genetic Engineering The list of ten tools/enzymes that are commonly used in genetic engineering are discussed below. ... Read More

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