Found 292 Articles for Biotechnology

What are Microsatellites (SSSR’s) and What Is Microsatellite Database

Anusha Karthik
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 18:02:57


An Overview Microsatellites or Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) are small tandemly repeated DNA sequences present in the genome of almost all eukaryotic organisms. These repetitive DNA sequences are short, usually consisting of 1-6 base pairs in length, and are highly variable in number and length among individuals within a species. The variability of microsatellites makes them a powerful tool for population genetics, evolutionary biology, and genetic mapping. Microsatellite Database (MSDB) is a publicly accessible database that houses information on microsatellites. The database contains information on the location, size, and number of repeats for each microsatellite locus in various species. The ... Read More

Use of Markers in Plant Breeding (Advantages and Disadvantages)

Anusha Karthik
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:58:33


Introduction Plant breeding is an essential process to improve crop yields, quality, and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. The use of molecular markers has revolutionized plant breeding and allowed breeders to identify and select desirable traits more efficiently and precisely. Molecular markers are used to identify and track desirable genes or DNA sequences that are associated with a particular trait. The use of markers in plant breeding has several advantages and disadvantages, which are discussed in this article. Advantages of Using Markers in Plant Breeding A few of the advantages include - Accelerated Breeding Cycle The use of ... Read More

Single Nucleotide Polymorphism and Its Impact On Gene Function

Anusha Karthik
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:54:28


An Insight Single-nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs, are one of the most common types of genetic variation found in humans and other organisms. These variations involve changes in a single nucleotide base pair at a specific position in the DNA sequence. They have a significant impact on gene functioning, influencing everything from an individual's susceptibility to disease to their response to medications. The content below explores the mechanisms behind SNPs, their prevalence in the human genome, and their effects on gene expression and function. What are SNPs? As mentioned above, SNPs refer to variations in a single nucleotide base pair in ... Read More

QTL Mapping - An Overview

Anusha Karthik
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:49:44

1K+ Views

An Overview Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) mapping is a statistical technique used to identify the chromosomal regions responsible for the variation of a quantitative trait. The identification of QTLs is essential in understanding the genetic basis of complex traits and for the development of improved breeding strategies. An attempt has been made below to give an overview of QTL mapping, including the methodology, data analysis, and interpretation of results. Methodology of QTL Mapping The process of QTL mapping involves four primary steps: trait measurement, genotyping, statistical analysis, and QTL validation. Trait Measurement The first step in QTL mapping is to ... Read More

MAS in Backcross and Heterosis Breeding

Anusha Karthik
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:43:20


Introduction In the field of plant breeding, it is often necessary to combine desirable traits from two or more different varieties of plants. One way to achieve this is through the use of backcross breeding and heterosis breeding. Backcross breeding involves crossing a hybrid plant with one of its parents in order to transfer desirable traits from the parent to the hybrid. Heterosis breeding involves crossing two genetically distinct plants to create a hybrid that has improved traits compared to both parents. One of the key tools used in both backcross and heterosis breeding is the marker-assisted selection (MAS) ... Read More

Map-Based Gene/QTL Isolation

Anusha Karthik
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:39:31


Introduction One of the most challenging aspects of modern genetic research is the identification of the genes responsible for a particular trait or disease. Genetic mapping techniques have been developed to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs), which are regions of the genome that contribute to a trait. QTL mapping is a powerful approach to identifying genes that contribute to complex traits such as height, weight, and susceptibility to disease. The content below aims to discuss map-based gene/QTL isolation, which is a technique used to isolate the gene responsible for a particular QTL. What is QTL Mapping? Quantitative trait loci ... Read More

Genetic and Physical Maps the Relation Between Them

Anusha Karthik
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:35:29


Introduction Genetic maps and physical maps are two types of maps that help us understand the structure of the genome. The genome is the complete set of genetic instructions that an organism inherits from its parents. Genetic maps and physical maps provide different types of information about the genome, but they are related in important ways. Genetic Maps Genetic maps are maps of the relative positions of genes on a chromosome. Genes are segments of DNA that carry the instructions for making a particular protein. Genetic maps are constructed by analysing the patterns of inheritance of different genetic traits. If ... Read More

Gene Mapping for Qualitative and Quantitative Traits

Anusha Karthik
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:27:19


Introduction Gene mapping is a critical process in modern genetics that involves identifying the locations of genes on chromosomes. This process can be used to study both qualitative and quantitative traits, which are two types of traits that vary in their patterns of inheritance. Qualitative traits are traits that are controlled by one or a few genes and are usually expressed in discrete categories, such as eye colour or blood type. Quantitative traits, on the other hand, are traits that are controlled by multiple genes and are usually expressed in a continuous range of values, such as height or weight. ... Read More

Difference Between Hybridization and Introgression

Anusha Karthik
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:21:40


An Overview Hybridization and introgression are two different but often conflated concepts in biology. Hybridization refers to the mating of individuals from different species or populations to produce offspring with mixed genetic characteristics, while introgression refers to the transfer of genetic material from one species or population to another through repeated hybridization and backcrossing. While both processes involve the mixing of genetic material, they have distinct genetic and evolutionary consequences. The content below explores the differences between hybridization and introgression, their mechanisms, and their importance in evolutionary biology. Mechanisms of Hybridization and Introgression Hybridization occurs when individuals from different species ... Read More

Difference Between Foreground and Background Selection

Anusha Karthik
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:14:37

2K+ Views

Introduction Plant breeding is the process of altering the genetic makeup of a plant species to create new, more desirable varieties. It involves selecting certain individuals from a population and breeding them to produce offspring with specific traits. One of the key techniques used in plant breeding is foreground and background selection. Foreground and background selection are methods of identifying desirable traits in a population of plants. These methods are used to select plants that have specific traits and are more likely to produce offspring with those traits. This article aims at noting the difference between foreground and background selection ... Read More
