Found 292 Articles for Biotechnology

Immunology: An Overview

Gayatri Talakokkula
Updated on 11-May-2023 11:09:04


Introduction Immunology is basically the study of immune system of an organism which protects the organism from physical, chemical and biological invasions. Immunity: Immunity is our body’s protective mechanism against pathogens which includes the disease inducing micro-organisms like bacteria, virus, fungi, protozoa etc. We do need immunity as our body constantly attacked by several pathogens in a day to day life. How Does Our Immune System Works? Immune system includes a complex set of tissues, cells and specialized molecules which protects our body from any foreign particles like microorganisms that enter our body. For effective functioning of our ... Read More

Hydrothermal Liquefaction and Gasification of Biomass

Gayatri Talakokkula
Updated on 11-May-2023 10:52:53


Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL) Hydrothermal liquefaction is only one of the several ways to harvest energy from the biomass like algae, wood, etc. This process uses water as a solvent under extreme temperatures and pressures. Here the biomass or fossil fuel based carbon rich material is converted into carbon monoxide, hydrogen and carbon dioxide gases at high temperatures without combustion and with a controlled oxygen supply. Here the conversion of the wet biomass into crude oil occurs which also a natural process undergoing beneath the Earth’s surface. The oil obtained through this process is named as Bio oil or Bio crude. ... Read More

Fundamentals of Molecular Biochemistry

Gayatri Talakokkula
Updated on 11-May-2023 10:44:59


Introduction to Molecular Biochemistry Molecular biochemistry is a sub-division under biochemistry of biology which mainly involves in studying the chemical processes that undergoes or takes place within all the living organisms at a molecular level. This study of science deals with the areas like metabolisms, cell pathophysiology, membrane and enzyme biochemistry, ion transport across the biological membranes, lipid biochemistry, nuclear structures and their functions, protein chemistry and many other components of molecular biology etc. As it also covers the major portion of the biochemistry and molecular biology, it often gets confused with that sciences. However, biochemistry deals mainly with the ... Read More

Fundamentals of Biochemistry, Biocomputing, and Biostatistics

Gayatri Talakokkula
Updated on 10-May-2023 17:51:53


What is Biostatistics? Biostatistics is the science which applies the statistics to a wide range of concepts in biology. Statistics mainly involves data collection, organization, analysis, interpretation and presentation. Importance of Biostatistics The Bio statistical science mainly deals with the development and application of most suitable methods for the following purposes. Data Collection - Here the facts are expressed in quantitative form and for this the data is obtained from the primary and secondary sources. Presenting the Collected Data – Data is presented in tabular form as a classification of data and through charts called charting of data. ... Read More

Fundamentals and Principles of Immunology

Gayatri Talakokkula
Updated on 10-May-2023 17:31:54


Basics of Immunology: Immune System Immunology is the study of an immune system which provides resistance to disease caused by the micro-organisms and their products like toxins. This resistance is termed as immunity and this also provides resistance even to cancer cells. Immune system mainly works on following principle strategies − It prevents the pathogen entry into the body Eliminates the invaded pathogens by involving different immune cells. Preventing the attack on the host’s own or self-cells. Stored memory of previously invaded pathogens by T and B cells. Should able to limit its immune response once the pathogen is ... Read More

Enzyme Technology: Applications and Commercial Significance

Gayatri Talakokkula
Updated on 10-May-2023 17:13:47


What are Enzymes? Enzymes are the substances which acts as catalyst in regulating various chemical reactions in living organisms. The presence of these enzymes speeds up the reaction by being itself unaltered. Enzymes which are also called as biocatalysts are the protein molecules made up of long chain of amino acids. These long chains are usually folded to form an active site in an enzyme. The substrate which then binds to this site forming a complex. Once the reaction is done the products are released making the enzyme available for other reactions. The enzyme's catalytic activity depends mainly on ... Read More

Eco Friendly Agriculture Chemicals: Bio pesticides, Bio-Herbicides, and Bio Fertilizers

Gayatri Talakokkula
Updated on 10-May-2023 16:53:03


Introduction Fertility of soil is defined as the soil’s ability to support the healthy growth of the plants. Soil has two major components like living and non-living components. Non-living components of the soil provides the substrate for anchorage and helps in supplying the water, air and nutrients whereas the living components which includes microbial diversity helps in regulating the availability of nutrients and providing the growth regulators to the plants for their vital growth and activity. So continuous usage of the synthesized chemical fertilizers in agricultural crops may deplete these living microbes like bacteria and fungi and macro-organisms like earthworms, ... Read More

Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil Using Microbes

Gayatri Talakokkula
Updated on 10-May-2023 16:30:16


Introduction to Bioremediation and Microbes Bioremediation is the use of natural or deliberately introduced micro-organisms to consume and break down hazardous pollutants into less toxic compounds in order to clean an environmentally polluted site. Bioremediation is usually carried out by plants and microbes like bacteria and fungi. The contaminants may be naturally occurring compounds which are present in high concentrations like crude oil, heavy metals etc. and chemically synthesized compounds like xenobiotics. Abundance of bacteria is represented by the soil where 1gm of soil contains up to billions of bacterial cells. Bacterial activity is of much important in the ... Read More

Biophysical Chemistry: Study of Biological Systems

Gayatri Talakokkula
Updated on 10-May-2023 16:20:58


What is Biophysical Chemistry? Biophysical chemistry is the science which deals with the study of the biological systems by applying the combination of concepts of both physics (scientific study of both matter and energy and how they interact with each other) and chemistry (Complex application of physics which focuses on the interaction of matter and energy in chemical systems). The interdisciplinary topic, biophysical chemistry combines the principles of biology, physics and chemistry and whose study mainly focused at the collection and quantitative analysis of data for predictive models of biological systems at a molecular level and chemical sequence level. ... Read More

Analytical Techniques and Bioinformatics

Gayatri Talakokkula
Updated on 10-May-2023 16:12:29


Analytical Chemistry Analytical chemistry is the science which deals with the application of different processes to identify or quantify a substance, to identify components in a given sample mixture and to determine the structure of the chemical compounds. Analysis of a particular substance is required right from the starting of raw material till the end pharmaceutical formulation. Even after the completion of formulation, it requires an analysis of percentage content of active ingredient. Hence the analysis becomes an integral part of the pharmaceutical industry. Classification of Analytical Techniques Analytical techniques are mainly classified into two types. These are − ... Read More
