Found 454 Articles for Biology

Blood Cancer

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


What is Blood? Blood is a type of fluid connective tissue that transports nutrients, hormones, and breathing gases, among other things. Body temperature, pH, and other thermoregulation mechanisms are all managed by blood. Images Coming soon Erythrocytes (RBCs), leucocytes (WBCs), thrombocytes (blood platelets), and plasma (proteins, salts, and water) are all components of human blood. What is Blood Cancer? Hematologic cancer is another name for blood cancer. When the bone marrow and blood cells are damaged, this disease arises. As a result, the creation and activity of these cells cease (fighting infections and repairing our body cells), and cancer cells ... Read More


Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


What is Blood? Plasma, blood cells, and platelets make up blood, which is a fluid connective tissue. It transports oxygen and nutrients to many cells and tissues throughout our bodies. It accounts for about 8% of our body weight. A typical adult has about 5-6 litres of blood. Images Coming soon What is Plasma? Plasma is a sticky, straw-colored fluid that makes up roughly 55% of the blood. Water makes about 90-92% of the plasma, with proteins accounting for 6-8%. The primary proteins are as follows − Fibrinogen Globulins Albumins. Fibrinogens are required for blood clotting and coagulation. ... Read More

Biodiversity Pattern Species

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Biodiversity is the assortment of life shapes that exist on the earth. A few examples of biodiversity can happen inside different species, networks, locales, living spaces, biomes, environments, and the whole Earth. We can get species-region associations with the investigation of biodiversity. What is Biodiversity Pattern Species? Biodiversity pattern species is understanding the difference of species found in different places all over the globe. It shows many variations amongst them according to a specific place. Importance of Biodiversity Pattern Species Biodiversity is a significant field of concentration in Biology. Here are the reasons for the investigation of Biodiversity designs across ... Read More

Biodiversity in Plants and Animals

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


What is Biodiversity? Earlier, the term biodiversity was used to communicate ideas like 'species extravagance’ or the 'species variety'. Scholars likewise alluded to biodiversity as the 'qualities, species, and their connection with the biological system of a specific district, in its entirety'. Many endeavored to characterize the idea of biodiversity of plants and creatures, yet it was in the book of 'Biodiversity: An Introduction (2004)' that the term is ideal and generally handily characterized. The meaning of Biodiversity in a book by Gaston and Spicer states that the variety of life at all degrees of natural associations is called Biodiversity. ... Read More

Biodiversity Conservation

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


What is Biodiversity? Biodiversity alludes to the assortment of all types of life on the planet, including the various plants, creatures, miniature life forms, the qualities they contain and the biological system they structure. Comparative with the assortment of environments, biotic networks and natural cycles in the biosphere, biodiversity is imperative in various ways including − advancing the tasteful worth of the regular climate commitment to our material prosperity through utilitarian qualities, keeping up with the trustworthiness of the climate through keeping up with CO2/O2 balance guideline of biochemical cycles ingestion and breakdown of toxins and squander materials through ... Read More

Biodiversity and Conservation Concept Map

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


What is Biodiversity Conservation? Biodiversity conservation is one of the major concerns today. Biodiversity conservation can be defined as the conservation, promotion, and management of life forms present on planet earth to achieve sustainable benefits for present and future generations and for the greater good of all species. Biodiversity conservation has the following main objectives − Conservation of biological diversity - Every species presents on planet Earth Sustainable use of species and ecosystems Conservation of life support systems and basic ecological processes What is Biodiversity and Conservation Concept Map? The biodiversity conservation concept provides insight into the distribution ... Read More


Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


What is Biodiversity? The variety of life forms present in any particular area is called the biodiversity of that area. There are a variety of life forms present on our planet Earth, living in different types of ecosystems. Life forms interact and co-exist with each other to maintain the balance between them and to support life. Every life is essential and plays a significant role in keeping the balance between all life forms. Each and every organism provides direct or indirect support for survival or life forms present on Earth. Living organisms are primarily divided into two, namely, Prokaryotes and ... Read More

Ascaris Life Cycle

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

1K+ Views

Introduction Ascaris is a genus that comprises parasitic nematodes commonly known as "small roundworms, " affecting mostly mammals. Several species of Ascaris are known, like A. lumbricoides, which affects humans, and another species, A. suums, which affects pigs. Their bodies are fusiform, which means having tapered ends. Their eggs are usually found in impure water that is sometimes ingested by humans while drinking and that results in diseases like ascariasis. Ascariasis is a disease which affects millions of people across the globe, of which 85% show no symptoms. Over the course of time, symptoms increase, which may include fever, ... Read More

Artificial Pollination

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

3K+ Views

Introduction Pollination can be described as the transfer of pollen from anther to the stigma of the same or different flower. Pollination plays an important role in the agricultural production of fruit crops and vegetables. Pollination is done by different agents like water, wind, and various types of insects, birds and bats. Sometimes numerous reasons like agents of pollination, diseases in plants, overuse of pesticides, and climatic conditions cause insufficient pollination which affects the production of crops. Due to inadequate pollination, there is low productivity of fruits and crops. Common examples are citrus fruits, bananas, some figs, and ... Read More

Arteries and Veins Difference

Updated on 06-Apr-2023 12:19:53


Introduction Simple organisms like the unicellular bacteria and protozoa, or the multicellular jellyfish do not possess a circulatory system as diffusion through cell surfaces is enough to supply oxygen and nutrients. In arthropods and molluscs, a simple but open circulatory system is present. However, higher animals such as the vertebrates are equipped with a closed circulatory system that comprises blood vessels. The blood vessels ensure a ceaseless supply of oxygen-rich blood from the heart to every corpuscle at every niche of the body. To ensure that the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood don't mix, the blood vessels have been designated ... Read More
