Found 454 Articles for Biology


Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Nov-2022 10:39:16


Introduction During fertilization, the development of the embryo also begins, in which a simple embryo having very less diverse cell types is gradually converted to a complex organism with diverse cell types. The development includes a series of processes − Fertilization is of three types − External fertilization (Sea urchin and Frog) Internal fertilization in mammals Double fertilization in Angiosperms. What is Blastocyst? The structure which is formed in the early developmental process characterized by Inner cell mass (ICM) which eventually will form an embryo and outer layer which is called trophoblast which forms the placenta. Images ... Read More

Bird Life Cycle

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Nov-2022 10:35:54

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Introduction The animal kingdom is vast with extremely diverse living organisms. The flying animals are commonly referred to as birds although they are systematically placed under the Class Aves. It includes all the feathered homeothermic, warm-blooded animals with specialised organs for flying. It includes more than 10, 000 species. Their sizes vary from tiny two-inch-sized hummingbirds to 9 feet-tall ostrich which are the largest of all birds. Morphological features like a beak (shape and size), wing size, nutrition, and plumage differ with the species and each characteristic has its unique importance in the species survival and continuance. Characteristics Although the ... Read More

Biotechnology Jobs

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Nov-2022 10:32:52


Introduction to biotechnology Biotechnology is the study where technology is applied to various living organisms for the benefit of human life. Although the name itself says ‘Bio’, it is an amalgamation of multiple streams like biology, chemistry, mathematics, and technology. The sub-fields of Biotechnology are Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology, Stem cells and Regenerative Medicine, Immunology, Environmental Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Nano-biotechnology, Food, and Animal Biotechnology, etc. During the recent COVID-19 pandemic, Biotechnology has played a significant role in its prevention through vaccine development. Applications of Biotechnology for human welfare − Agriculture − Use of genetically modified organisms (GMO) for better ... Read More

Biotechnology Agriculture

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Nov-2022 10:29:33


Introduction to biotechnology It is a technology used in biological science to get useful products so that our life is improved. Scientists and researchers have used the process of biology to improve the quality of human life for a long time. The research was first done in the agricultural field. Biotechnology is widely used in molecular and cellular technology. In this process always make use of living cells so that they can grow and utilize products for specific functions. Genetically modified crops are an example of biotechnology. With help of genetic engineering, biotechnology is used in the production of drugs ... Read More

Biosafety Issues

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Nov-2022 10:25:58


Introduction to biosafety Biosafety is the structure that makes use of certain specific methodologies, guidance, security gear, and exceptionally built offices to safeguard workers, the surrounding area, and the environment from unexpected exposure to contagious agents and chemicals. A biosafety program puts measures in place to distinguish biohazards, evaluate the amount of risks related to health the biohazard offers to people, farming, wildlife, and the environment, and develop solutions to lower the dangers related to the biohazard. Biosafety has become more crucial than ever to protect the ecosystem as a result of the development in the fields of biotechnology and ... Read More

Bioreactor Obtaining Foreign Gene

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Nov-2022 10:21:13


Introduction In recent years, development in fermentation technology and microbial biotechnology has allowed efficient use of microorganisms for the production of important commodities like cheese, bread, beer, tea, coffee, chocolate, antibiotics, and various other primary and secondary metabolites. These products are a result of the ability of the microorganisms to ferment specific metabolites into the desired product. To obtain the desired product, and promote the growth of microorganisms, a controlled environment must be used, providing conducive conditions under which optimal growth can be obtained. This includes a controlled pH, optimum temperature, air inflow, culture medium flow rates, agitation speed, etc. ... Read More


Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Nov-2022 10:16:54


What is Biopiracy? Commercialization of biological products and genetic resources is widespread in the modern world, especially after the boom of recombinant DNA technology, genetic engineering, bioinformatics, etc. The need to keep creating new products sometimes leads to companies employing unfair methods. Unfair acquisition of patents and exploitation of natural resources, especially in less-developed countries, has considerably increased in recent years, although such unethical activities have been around for a long time. Biopiracy is the inappropriate and unethical use of traditional knowledge and biological materials such as biochemical or genetic materials of one country by unauthorised individuals without the compensatory ... Read More

Biomolecules In Living Organisms

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Nov-2022 10:06:58


Introduction Living cells comprise crucial chemical substances including water and a wide variety of carbon-based organic compounds called biomolecules. Biomolecules are organic compounds that are produced by living organisms. These biomolecules primarily consist of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur. Classification of Biomolecules Biomolecules may be classified based on their weight into micromolecules and macromolecules. Micromolecules are low-weight molecules, such as monosaccharides, amino acids, nucleotides, fatty acids, etc. These micromolecules act as monomers that polymerise to form macromolecules. The macromolecules include carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids. Types of Biomolecules Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy aldehydes (aldoses) or ketones (ketoses), or ... Read More

Biomes of The World

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Nov-2022 09:58:35


Introduction to biomes Biome is one of the largest biotic geographic units and major life zone. It is the largest community of plants and animals having the same characteristics and living in the same environmental conditions. Biome is rich in various types of communities, the community is named after the vegetation which is dominant in that area eg grassland, coniferous, deciduous forest, etc. Biomes are typically divided into terrestrial and aquatic biomes. Terrestrial or land biomes are classified based on their climatic conditions and dominant vegetation. It includes grassland, desert, tundra, taiga, tropical rainforest, and deciduous and coniferous forests. ... Read More

Biomass Definition Ecology

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Nov-2022 09:54:28


Introduction Biomass refers to any and all organic material that can be derived from plants including trees, crops, and algae. It has been an important source of energy from time immemorial and offers various benefits over its nonrenewable counterparts. In India, about 32% of the total energy needs are met by one or the other form of biomass. Define biomass Biomass is the short-term given to biological mass. It refers to the amount (SI unit kg/m2) of living and non-living organisms residing in a specific environment or ecosystem. It includes both terrestrial and aquatic organisms. It includes microorganisms, animals, and ... Read More
