Found 454 Articles for Biology

Muscular Dystrophy

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Jan-2023 11:07:38


Introduction Muscles are made up of elastic tissue. In the human body, more than six hundred muscles are present. Thousands of muscle fibers constitute elastic tissues. Muscle strength depends on the presence of fibers. These muscles work together with the nerve fibers to do all voluntary and involuntary functions of the body. There are three types of muscles: skeletal muscles, striated muscles, and smooth muscles. Muscular dystrophy is the damage and weakening of the muscles. In this tutorial, we will learn about muscular dystrophy in depth. Dystrophy Meaning Dystrophy generally occurs due to malnutrition or diseases. Muscular dystrophy is the ... Read More

Muscle Contraction Proteins

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Jan-2023 11:00:39


Introduction Proteins are very complex substances that are present in every living organism. Proteins have high nutritional values which play a direct role in the chemical process which is necessary for life. For example, muscles, for instance, contain about 30% protein, the liver 20 to 30%, and red blood cells 30%. Proteins are the most important element of the striated skeleton muscle. Hair, bone, organs, and tissues contain a higher percentage of protein. What are the Muscle Proteins? The movement of the human body is dependent on the skeletal muscles, that are connected to the bones. Proteins are the fundamental ... Read More

Mountains and Mountain Animals

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 18:12:58


Introduction Mountains can be defined as large landforms that are formed by tectonic activity. Around 25% of the land on Earth is covered by mountains, which are also the habitat for more than 85% of the world's bird, reptile, mammal, and some amphibian species. Most of the diversity that is found in the mountains cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Apart from providing shelter to a large group of biodiversity, mountains are also considered the world’s largest water towers as they contribute to 60-80% of all the freshwater resources on our planet. According to studies, at least half ... Read More

Morphology and Anatomy of Cockroach

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 18:18:40


Introduction Among the most prevalent pests that infest homes and apartments are cockroaches. Where food is cooked and cleanliness is poor, they are especially problematic. Most people find cockroaches disgusting and unpleasant just by their mere existence. They leave behind an unpleasant smell and have the potential to contaminate food, kitchenware, and other household objects. They have the chest, the abdomen, and the head. They have a thick, chitin-made exoskeleton that is brown in color. Sclerites are the name for the exoskeleton's tough plates. A cockroach has distinct male and female sexes and is a dioecious animal. Know the Body ... Read More

Monohybrid Cross - Inheritance of One Gene

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 17:07:17


Introduction A type of biological inheritance known as Mendelian inheritance adheres to the ideas that Gregor Mendel first put forth in 1865 and 1866, which were later rediscovered in 1900 by Hugo de Vries and Carl Correns and made popular by William Bateson. These ideas were initially debatable. Mendel's theories became the foundation of classical genetics when Thomas Hunt Morgan combined them with the Boveri- Sutton chromosomal hypothesis of heredity in 1915. Two organisms sharing a similar genetic locus but have vid alteration combines to form a monohybrid cross. The control of trait is studied in monohybrid cross that is ... Read More

Molecular Basis of Inheritance

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 16:49:58


Introduction The process by which offspring inherit the characteristics of a parent is called inheritance. Molecular basis of inheritance deals with the study of heredity, variation in genetics, and also genes. The most crucial heredity determiner is known as genes. Genes carry messages from one generation to another from cell to cell. To specify biological and physical traits, genes send information from parents to offspring. Most of the genes contain the information required to make a functional molecule which is known as a protein. But all the genes do not code for proteins. There are roughly 20000 protein-coding genes present ... Read More

MOET Technology - Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer Technology

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 16:40:07


Introduction Multiple ovulation embryo transfer technology is conventional and one of the most common reproductive technologies to increase cattle breeding. In multiple ovulation embryo transfer technology, multiple fertilized eggs are removed from the female donor and placed into the surrogate recipient. Generally, this technique is used in farm animals like cattle, sheep, buffalo, pigs, and goats. MOET technology is widely used in cattle breeding. In this process, hormone-like follicle-stimulating hormones are given to female cattle so that multiple ovulation takes place. The donor female cattle are artificially inseminated as a result of this multiple eggs are fertilized in the ... Read More

Modes of Transmission of Diseases

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 16:34:08


Introduction Any deviation from the normal functioning of the body is known as a disease. Based upon the transmission, there are two types of diseases; viz., Communicable diseases and Non- communicable diseases. The transfer of any communicable disease from a diseased person to a normal person is known as disease transmission. Diseases are transmitted by two modes − Direct mode of transmission Indirect mode of transmission In direct transmission, there is direct physical contact between the infected person and the normal person whereas in indirect transmission lack of physical contact between the two is observed. Direct Mode ... Read More

Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 16:10:26


Darwin Theory of Natural Selection Charles Darwin, a naturalist formulated the concept of Natural Selection. In the year 1859, he published the book “Origin of Species” which included this concept and explained its relationship with evolution. Natural selection is the mechanism of evolution and it is the natural way of selecting the best and most adapted individuals of a species. Variation is responsible for generation of new characters in the environment. It occurs due to mutations or changes in genetic compositions over time. Newer and better adapted characteristics are favoured by nature and organisms that have adaptable features survive ... Read More

Can a Community Contain Two Populations of the Same Species?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 15:58:11


Introduction Ecosystem is composed of all living things in a particular area to interact with all abiotic factors in the atmosphere. Cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, individual organisms, populations, communities, and ecosystems are the different levels of biological organisation. An individual species may interact with another species in several ways, which facilitates the working and maintenance of the ecosystem. Species is a combination of populations that are genetically different from one another and the morphology, behaviour, physiology, and life histories are the common genetic difference among several populations. The life history of an organism is the series of events that ... Read More
