Found 122 Articles for Biology Articles

Agriculture Fertilizers

Updated on 30-Mar-2023 10:56:11


Currently, food security is a major concern as the world population is increasing. Therefore, fertilizer has become very important to agriculture for feeding the growing population. Fertilizers are those materials which help in supplying nutrients to the soil resulting in increasing the crop yield. It also compensates for plant extracts and losses in soil crop systems through methods like leaching, volatilization etc. It also helps in improving and maintaining soil fertility. Fertilisers (inorganic, organic and bio fertilizers) have different ways of functioning to release nutrients to the soil and have their benefits and limitations concerni ... Read More

Advantages of Dams

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

2K+ Views

What is a Dam? A dam is a huge barrier-like construction built over surface of flowing water systems. More commonly dams are built on rivers but are not limited only to them. They can be constructed on streams and estuaries also. The purpose of construction is to hold back water and retain it for future uses. When the river is obstructed to flow by a barrier, it creates massive water storage on the upstream side generally referred to as a reservoir. Dams have floodgates that can be opened or shut so that only limited flow is allowed for human ... Read More

Adolescence and Drug Abuse

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Substance abuse of alcohol and other drugs continues to be a major health and social issue globally. According to Drug Abuse Statistics, 19.4% of people have consumed illicit drugs at least once in their lives and almost 50% of teenagers have misused drugs. Consumption of drugs such as alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, and ecstasy among others is becoming increasingly common amongst adolescents and this has profound negative impacts on their daily lives. Many sources of addiction are becoming easier to access, being cheaper and easily suppliable by dealers. This article attempted to discuss the causes and consequences of drug abuse among ... Read More

Adh Hormone

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Water is constantly supplied to the body through food and fluid intake. It is expelled out as urine while some water is lost by perspiration through the skin. The maintenance of water balance is essential for carrying on life processes. Over accumulation of water can lead to edema, while excessive loss or very limited intake of water can lead to dehydrated conditions both of which are not a sign of a healthy individual. Water balance is majorly maintained by the excretory system which in turn is regulated by endocrine factors. When there is a condition of dehydration in the body, ... Read More

Acth Hormone

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Hormones are certain chemical compounds secreted by ductless glands in an animal's body. They are released directly into the blood but their impact is seen only on their target organs. Some of these hormones called trophic hormones are responsible for regulating the function of other ductless glands. In this article, we are going to learn about the trophic hormone ACTH, its functions and related disorders in detail. Define ACTH ACTH is an acronym for an adrenocorticotropic hormone which is produced and released by the anterior pituitary gland. It is also referred to as corticotropin. Its functions involve stimulating the ... Read More

Accumulation of Variation During Reproduction

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Reproduction is the reason for life’s continued existence on the face of Earth. Every organism needs to be able to reproduce so that it can classify as a living being. Even viruses, whose living nature has been debated for decades, can reproduce in the host’s body. The molecular basis of life, i.e., the DNA, needs to be replicated for the reproduction of an individual. There are two modes of cell division, namely, mitosis and meiosis, both of which lead to duplication of the DNA. Essentially, mitosis is a form of asexual reproduction wherein two genetically and morphologically identical individuals are ... Read More


Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Survival of an organism greatly depends on the ability of that organism to adjust to the changes in its environment. Acclimatization and adaptation are two ways by which an organism survives in the changing environment. Acclimatization takes place in a short period of time and causes temporary changes in the body which ensures survival. On the other hand, adaptation results in the development of new characters over a long period of time that ensures the survival of organism. Adaptation is a part of evolution. Furyther, in this piece of writing we will discuss on acclimatization. What is Acclimatization? ... Read More

Absorption of Digested Foods

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Human beings are complex organisms and they have various nutritional needs in order to maintain proper functioning of the body. To meet this need, they consume food. However, the food consumed by them cannot be directly assimilated into the cells. Prior to assimilation, these complex food molecules should be broken down into simpler substances by the process of digestion and absorbed into the bloodstream so that they can be carried to the tissues where they are needed. What is Absorption? Absorption is the process through which simpler digested nutrient molecules are taken up from the gastrointestinal(GI) tract into the ... Read More

Ascaris Life Cycle

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

1K+ Views

Introduction Ascaris is a genus that comprises parasitic nematodes commonly known as "small roundworms, " affecting mostly mammals. Several species of Ascaris are known, like A. lumbricoides, which affects humans, and another species, A. suums, which affects pigs. Their bodies are fusiform, which means having tapered ends. Their eggs are usually found in impure water that is sometimes ingested by humans while drinking and that results in diseases like ascariasis. Ascariasis is a disease which affects millions of people across the globe, of which 85% show no symptoms. Over the course of time, symptoms increase, which may include fever, ... Read More

Artificial Pollination

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

3K+ Views

Introduction Pollination can be described as the transfer of pollen from anther to the stigma of the same or different flower. Pollination plays an important role in the agricultural production of fruit crops and vegetables. Pollination is done by different agents like water, wind, and various types of insects, birds and bats. Sometimes numerous reasons like agents of pollination, diseases in plants, overuse of pesticides, and climatic conditions cause insufficient pollination which affects the production of crops. Due to inadequate pollination, there is low productivity of fruits and crops. Common examples are citrus fruits, bananas, some figs, and ... Read More
