Found 62 Articles for Biographies

Galileo Galilei

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 13:30:09


IntroductionGalileo Galilei or simply Galileo was born on 15th February in the year 1564 in Pisa, today Italy and he died or left this world on 8th January in the year 1642 in Arcetri which is near Florence. He was a mathematician, astronomer, and natural philosopher of Italian origin. He has contributed to or formulated various laws in the field of Science of motion, astronomical things, and also the strength of materials. Furthermore, he was discovering the facts of nature through various experimentation and mathematical formulations. And his discovery through the telescope was also a major revolution in the field ... Read More

Christopher Columbus

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 13:02:14


Introduction Christopher Columbus was an Italian traveller and explorer. He went on Four voyages in his life. He looks back on the discoverers of America, but it's not true. Furthermore, he is also criticised for atrocities done with Indigenous peoples in New World. Early LifeChristopher Columbus was taken birth to Cristoforo Colombo, a wool weaver from Italy and Cristobal Colon, a housewife. He was born between 26 August to 31 October 1451 in the Republic of Genoa. He learned sailing at an early age, and at the age of 14, he travelled around England and Europe. Furthermore, he was not ... Read More

Charles Darwin

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 12:57:25


IntroductionBritish naturalist Charles Robert Darwin is best known for his theory of evolution by natural selection. He contributed two important contributions to the theory of evolution. The first one was a kinematic theory that deals with non-causal links between things. Second, the notion of natural selection is a possible explanation for the pattern that had been noticed. This is a complicated theory that contains processes and causal connections and discusses the evolution process. Biography Charles Darwin was born in England, on February 12, 1809. Of Robert Darwin's six children, he was the fifth. In 1825, Darwin joined Edinburgh University ... Read More

Bill Gates (1955 – ) American businessman, founder of Microsoft

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 12:52:27


IntroductionBill Gates is a man of technology and benevolence. If you are a computer user, then no introduction is needed for him. He is one of the co-founders of Microsoft. He is known for his remarkable innovations like Microsoft Windows, office, MS-DOS, Internet Explorer and many more. Early Life Bill Gates was born on 28 October 1955 in Seattle, Washington. His father was William H. Gates II, an Attorney, and his mother name Mary Maxwell, a businesswoman. His full name is William Henry Gates III. He was quite intelligent and had a keen interest in mathematics. At thirteen years ... Read More

Benjamin Franklin

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 12:47:53


IntroductionBenjamin Franklin was a popular American printer, born on 6th January 1706 in Boston. He was a well-known scientist and author. He had a great contribution to editing the ‘Declaration of Independence’. Franklin participated in the writing of the Declaration of Independence and was one of its signatories. He also served as a representative of the United States to the Constitutional Convention in France. He is remembered for making significant advances in science, particularly in the science of electricity. Early Life Franklin was born from a man who produced soaps and candles. His father worked as an artisan craft. Franklin ... Read More

Benito Mussolini

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 12:39:55


Introduction From 1922 to 1943, Benito Mussolini was Italy's 40th prime minister. He is considered to be an important figure in the rise of European fascism since he was an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler throughout World War II. Until his capture and execution by Italian partisans in 1945, Mussolini was the leader of the Italian Social Republic after being succeeded as prime minister in 1943. MILAN, ITALY - NOVEMBER 2: Mussolini statute on display at Militalia, exhibition dedicated to militaria collectors and military associations on NOVEMBER 2, 2013 in Milan. Early Life In Predappio, in northern central Italy, ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 12:31:09


IntroductionThe full name of Babur is Mrz. Zahr ud-Din Muhammad. He was born on 14th February 1483 in Andijan in Uzbekistan. He was originally from Chagatai Turkic origin. He was given the honorary name Firdaws Makani. Babur was a great-great-great grandson of Timur and the oldest child of Umar Sheikh Mirza (1456–1494, governor of Fergana from 1469–1494). (1336–1405). At the age of 12, Babur confronted revolt as he succeeded to the crown of Fergana in Akhsikent. Engraved portrait of Emperor Babur Description: In the sixteenth century, the greatest Muslim conquerer Babur acquired Central Asia. Babur as ruler of Central ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 12:23:46


IntroductionAristotle was known as the greatest thinker of all the time. Aristotle’s contributions can be seen in the several parts of science, arts, philosophy, ethics and politics. His ideology worked as a major framework for the basis of the Christian and Islamic philosophies. In the western intellectual revolutions, like, Renaissance, Enlightenment and other reforms his thoughts worked as the milestones/pillars for the whole development. Life The birth of Aristotle is speculated by historians and it is believed that he was born in the region of Macedonian (northeastern Greece), in Stagira (present day Thessaloniki) in the year 384 BC. Aristotle’s father, ... Read More

Alfred Nobel

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 16:46:00


Introduction Alfred Nobel was an engineer and a scientist. He was well known for his invention of dynamite and some other explosives such as Gelignite and ballistics. In his will he funded most of his fortune to the Nobel foundation which is the economic base of the Nobel prize. Nobel prizes are given for five different fields such as medicine, physics, chemistry, literature and peace. Personal Life He was born in Stockholm on 21st October 1833 which is located in sweden. He was born as a third child for Immanuel Nobel and Karolina Andriette Nobel. His father is ... Read More

Alexander Fleming

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 16:35:42


Introduction On August 6, 1881, Alexander Fleming was born at Lochfield Farm in Ayrshire. Fleming experienced life's difficulties as a child, but he also had a caring childhood and a love of the exterior. He studied at St. Mary's Medical School. Fleming's 1928 discovery of penicillin's bacterial-killing properties in his London laboratory was the first step toward discovering one of medicine's most important pillars: antibiotics. Early Life and Education Sir Alexander Fleming was a Scottish physician born in Ayrshire. Alec, as he was affectionately called, was the 2nd youngest of 7 siblings. His father passed away when he turned seven, ... Read More
