Found 66 Articles for Beliefs & Customs

Why is Yoga known as a spiritual connection between God and Human?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Yoga is not just a physical exercise but a way of living. Today yoga is mostly being practiced for physical fitness, stamina, and weight-loss. But it is not just that. Practicing Yoga is actually a path to spiritual knowledge. Yoga facilitates inner peace, self-realization, and mental purification.Yoga has various benefitsThere are different types of Yoga such as Hatha yoga, Tantra yoga, Gyan yoga. Kriya yoga, Raja yoga, Kundalini yoga, Sankhya yoga, Tattwa yoga etc. Each of them has specific benefits, such as Gyan Yoga offers you the path of self-knowledge, while Hatha yoga brings you the data regarding body postures ... Read More

How true are astrology and numerology predictions?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Many people believe in Astrology and Numerology to know about their future. These two are different streams of science where a person's future is predicted based on some calculations and scientifically proven methods.AstrologyAstrology is a kind of indicative science that interprets the relationship between the movements and positions of celestial bodies and human life in the natural world. According to Astrology, a person born at a certain time when the celestial bodies are in certain positions influences the life of that person in a certain way.In my view, a true astrologer who can make perfect calculations can predict things at ... Read More

What kind of color is black? Is it all bad?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 19-May-2022 08:04:41


Black is an achromatic color formed due to the absence or complete absorption of visible light. It is simply opposite to white and is similar to grey. There are mixed opinions with regard to this color. While some consider Black as bold and good while others find it all bad.Different Interpretations of BlackWorst of All  − Greeks and Romans it was symbolically laden with all the worst thingsPositivity − For the ancient Egyptians, Black proved a more positive link because the color of the alluvial soil watered by the Nile river was black. We all know how Nile and alluvial ... Read More

What are the different yugas mentioned in Hindu vedas?

Updated on 27-Apr-2022 07:45:06


As per Hindu cosmology, the world was created only to get destructed completely and once that happens, this destruction will once again give way to Creation. As per the timeline of gods, especially Pravu Bramha, this takes just the duration of one day and night which in our timeline, would be 40K years. According to Hindu Vedas and scriptures, the universe is made up of four Yugas or epochs which also mean ages or the cycle of time −The Yugas get repeated in a cyclical method that is similar to the rising of tides, the four seasons, or the waxing ... Read More

What are the common rituals linked with the death of a person in the West?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 13:31:22


When you say, 'the West', it's not a single geographical, social, cultural political, historical or economic entity. There are many countries, cultures and languages with their own traditions that make up the West. The West is generally referred to the lands and countries contiguous with the European and North American coasts of the Atlantic Ocean such as the US (United States), Canada, UK (United Kingdom), France, Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Spain and Portugal. All these countries are primarily Christian with substantial and growing non-Christian populations who have different cultures and traditions.The answer to your question, therefore, ... Read More

What is mundan ceremony or mundan sanskar and why is it necessary?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 13:32:28

1K+ Views

In Hindu tradition, Mundan ceremony refers to a child's first ever haircut. This practice follows the age-old tradition in Hinduism to initiate any new milestone with a ceremony on an auspicious day. For instance, there are ceremonies to celebrate the opening of a new house, new business, new vehicle, new harvest, and so on.All these are in many ways connected the Hindu belief in rebirth and past life. Keep making new beginnings and hope and pray for better compliance with the way of God. It's believed that there have been some shortcomings in our past lives that should be corrected ... Read More

Why do Buddhist monks shave their heads while Gautam Budha is depicted with curls?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 13:33:18

1K+ Views

There are a lot of theories about Lord Buddha's hair which is always shown as curly with a topknot. If the Buddhist monks and nuns, from whichever school or denomination or from whichever part of the world they may be, shave their off hair, it surely isn't because they like it as a fashion trend. It's because this is the tradition set by Lord Buddha himself and it has continued just the way He deemed it.Before setting out on the path to a life of abstinence he was a prince named Siddarth whose father ruled a small kingdom called Lumbini, ... Read More

How did Buddha become Laughing Buddha with a huge belly?

siddhartha kotamraju
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 12:11:56


There is no relation between Buddha (Gautama who after attaining enlightenment has become Buddha) and the fat laughing Buddha.The Laughing Buddha is based on an eccentric Chinese Ch'an (Zen) monk who lived over 1,000 years ago and has become a significant part of Buddhist and Shinto culture. This monk was known for his benevolent nature, with characteristic features like large protruding stomach and jolly smile. He popularly became "Laughing Buddha." for his hearty smile.People believe these cute looking saints bring luck and fortune and keep at home and business places.

According to Hinduism, who is Kalki?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


According to the Hindu Mythology, Brahma Vishnu and Shiva form the trinity who symbolize creation, preservation, and destruction respectively. The Dashavatara theory is based for Lord Vishnu who is considered to be the protector of the universe. Dashavatara Theory is a very important aspect of the Bhagavata cult. Kalki is the last avatar in series of ten reincarnations that Lord Vishnu takes on earth who is yet to arrive.Following points help us to understand this aspect in details further:The Significance of the Ten AvatarasGood and bad phases exist in this world and it is the cycle that cannot be changed. ... Read More

What are some surprising facts about the Jagannath Temple in Puri?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Jagannath Temple is one of the most sacred pilgrimages in India. The temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu as Jagannatha, Balbhadhra, and Subhadra. It is the tallest surviving shrine in the state of Odisha. For centuries, the temple has been known as the White Pagoda due to the thick coating of lime plaster over it.Here are some surprising facts about this temple:Flag of the TempleThe flag of each temple moves toward the direction of the wind. But, Jagannath Temple, Puri is an exception. Here, one finds the flag moving towards the opposite direction of the breeze. This has been the ... Read More
