Found 66 Articles for Beliefs & Customs

What does flying in dreams signify?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


The human mind is Complex. It has many emotions, many thoughts, many ideas and many opinions. The way we communicate with ourselves clears the way we see things. A clear mind avoids many confusions and shows the way clearer.Dreams are the reflections of stronger personalities. Dreams are also the gateways of our internal thoughts which we usually refuse to communicate or consider. The way we treat our inner self-reflect the way we realize what a dream says!!“Flying in dreams” may signify achieving the dream goal, going beyond the limitations, reaching new heights in career or attaining higher levels of spirituality ... Read More

What is the concept of 72 hoors mentioned in Quran?

Hansika Rani
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25

28K+ Views

The concept of 72 hoors is mentioned in Hadith - the sayings of Muhammad. According to Hadith, the messenger of God said, "Every one that God admits into the paradise will be married to 72 houries (wives) who are beautiful and virgins, with whom they can have eternal physical satisfaction ".

Why are superstitions so prevalent in India?

Hansika Rani
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


India is a country of vast diversities. The belief systems also change across religions and castes. I think the great Indian culture of obeying and not questioning the elders has a big hand in superstitions that are prevailing in India. One more thing in Indians is, when it comes to superstitions, even the most educated and sensible persons also lack scientific temper and logical thinking. Many people follow superstitions out of habit without much thinking.There are many beliefs and practices in India that have not changed even with time. These fears and consequences of not following certain things are imbibed ... Read More

What is religion in real sense?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Religion is a system of belief in a higher, unseen power along with certain rights for worship. It is the metaphysics of the masses. It involves respect for the authority, so, belonging to a religious group means following its beliefs and practices. According to James Livingston:"Religion is that system of activities and beliefs directed toward that which is perceived to be of sacred value and transforming power."Major ConflictData does not speak for themselves. It must always be interpreted either by the standards of the community being observed or by outside criteria brought to the study by an analyst. Similarly, there ... Read More

Why do people mostly wear black while mourning?

Tejas Charukula
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Black is a subdued and formal color. Wearing black clothes has been a long-accepted funeral tradition in the western countries, which dates back to the Roman empire in 753 BCE. It is intended to show respect for the deceased and there is a kind of togetherness in wearing the same color clothing during the mourning to console the family members.In many parts of India, people wear white clothes during the funeral.Yellow is the color of mourning in Egypt, Red in Ghana and many Catholic churches follow purple color.

Why is it still hard to accept a Widow's remarriage in India?

Divya Agarwal
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Many of us must have heard or seen a marriage of 12 years' girl with 28+ years old man, with the approval of all elders. This is quite common in the rural areas of many Indian states. So, when a marriage of this illogical combo is possible and considered as normal, why not the second marriage of a woman who is a widow or divorced is concluded as common and regular tradition?? Don't you think, this should be encouraged and made it a choice of that woman only and nobody else??Life is not predictable; nobody knows what is going to ... Read More

Can fate be improvised?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Improvisation: The act of making or doing something with whatever is available at the time.Fate: The course of someone's life for someone or something, seen as outside their control.Destiny: It is the force which some people believe controls the things that happen to you in your life.Hence, there is a thin line between Fate and Destiny. One can improvise destiny but not fate!Fate is, "being born into a noble family”, but destiny would be “Making oneself prosperous by working hard.”Thus, Fate can’t be improvised while Destiny can be.Karma TheoryOne can help others, gain good karma. In Christianity, doing things in the ... Read More

Does our past influence our dreams?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Dreams may be sorrowful or may be pleasant. One should learn to live happily no matter how and what situation one may be in. No one would like to see a bad dream. We do fear nightmares and melancholic dreams, but there a few people who find a ray of hope even when surrounded by the darkest clouds ever.See Life BeyondIt is sad, people lose hope and cry badly. They don’t think spiritually. Life is much beyond this materialistic way and manners. One should learn to be inspired by the metaphysical world rather than only physical love. Not every silver ... Read More

Are dreams a reflection of what we want to become?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


"We become what we think about most of the time, and that's the strangest secret." - Earl NightingaleDreaming is not bad. In fact, visualization has the strength to let one achieve one’s aim. It is said that if one gets dreams of a rich man meaning that the dreamer wishes to become rich. Similarly, if a person gets dreams of marriage, probably he is waiting since long to get married.Dreams Mirror Our InnerselfWant ChangeIt is quite interesting that a person always wants to become someone else. He may want to become happy if he is sad, wants to become single ... Read More

How long does our past affect our habits and beliefs?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The habits and beliefs developed in our childhood form our personality. They are hard to change but not impossible to modify and alter. Because of the experiences, one has in life, one develops certain beliefs. The things and deeds we did in past will give us fruit in present and future. Some events in our past can make us act and behave a certain way towards others.Not Letting Past have Adverse EffectsIdentifying problem-causing habits and beliefs is important in the first place.Then, one can make short-term promises to oneself. The habit of smoking, which one has had from the past, ... Read More
