Found 46 Articles for Bare Act

Income Tax Act: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 06-Mar-2023 16:42:59


In 1886, a distinct Income Tax Act was established, and it was subject to various amendments over the years that it was in effect. In 1918, a new income tax statute was passed, but it was swiftly overturned. By a new act passed in 1922. A number of changes made to the Act of 1922 made it quite challenging. For the monetary year 1961–1962, this law is still in force. In 1956, the Indian government requested assistance from the Law Commission to clarify the law and thwart tax fraud. The Law Commission will assist the government in clarifying the law ... Read More

General Clauses Act: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 06-Mar-2023 16:29:17

11K+ Views

The General Clauses Act of 1897 includes general interpretational guidelines as well as "definitions" of a few nouns. In the absence of anything objectionable in the topic or context, this Act aims to give broad definitions that shall be applied to all Central Acts and Regulations in the absence of definitions in those Acts or Regulations that arise with the provisions of the Central Acts or Regulations. When there is a disagreement between pre-constitutional laws and post-constitutional laws or when there is a lack of clarity in the specific enactments, the General Clauses Act is highly useful. To minimize confusion, ... Read More

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 06-Mar-2023 16:22:44


In 2006, Indian Parliament has legislated a law that exclusively deals with the issues related to food safety and it is named as Food Safety and Standards Act or simply FSSAI. This legislation states that " It is an Act to consolidate the laws relating to food and to establish the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India for laying down science based standards for articles of food and to regulate their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import, to ensure availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto." Before FSSAI Before ... Read More

The Family Courts Act: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 06-Mar-2023 16:05:48


The 59th Law Commission Report from 1974 recommended that family courts be established by states and that judicial officers be chosen based on expertise. Additionally, the Committee on the Status of Women proposed that family conflicts be handled differently than regular civil processes in 1975. To implement a separate procedure for family law issues, the government amended the Code of Civil Procedure in 1976, although this reform had little impact. Finally, many women's organizations and NGOs involved in family welfare made an effort to put pressure on the government to establish special tribunals for quick trials in family-related conflicts. The ... Read More

Code of Criminal Procedure: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 11:11:23


The criminal procedure code is another name for the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC). This law was passed in 1973, and on April 1st, 1974, it became operative. The criminal procedure code offers a system for holding criminal case trials. It outlines the steps for submitting a complaint, holding a trial, issuing an order, and appealing any decision. It provides the procedures and tools required for criminal investigations, the arrest of suspects, the collection of evidence, the procedure of prosecution and trial of accused person (proving guilty or innocent), and the decision of the guilty party's punishment. It also addresses ... Read More

Banking Regulation Act: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 06-Mar-2023 15:31:24

2K+ Views

The Banking Regulation Act keeps an eye on the bank's daily operations. According to this Act, the RBI has the authority to provide bank licenses, regulate shareholder shareholding and voting rights, oversee the nomination of boards and management, and establish auditing guidelines. Additionally, the RBI is involved in mergers and liquidations. Objectives The following are the goals of the Banking Regulation Act − To fulfill the depositors' needs for security and assurance, respectively. To include clauses that can control banking operations. To control new branch openings and location changes for existing branches. Establishing basic standards for bank capital. To ... Read More
