Found 1120 Articles for Banking & Finance

What are the responsibilities an Accountant in an organization?

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 27-Jul-2021 10:27:14


Accountant responsibility is the collective term associated with the responsibilities of the accountant. This may include official responsibilities including accounting or the responsibilities toward the stakeholders. In both cases, the accountant has to remain at the best of ethical standards to make the organization more accountable and high-performing in general.Responsibilities towards BusinessThe accountant looks at the profits and losses and prepares reports for the business managers for decision-making.Accountants help auditors to audit various departments, providing financial information required by them.Accountants look at the budgets, especially during the end of the financial year to make sure there is no overspending.They keep ... Read More

What are the primary roles of an Accountant?

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 27-Jul-2021 10:24:50


An Accountant is a professional who prepares, interprets, and organizes the financial transaction of a business or an individual. Although the term "bookkeeper" is often used to mean accountants, there are many differences between the two.For example, accountants usually interpret financial information while bookkeepers just compile them. To become a bookkeeper, an associate degree is required while to become an accountant at least a bachelor's degree is needed.Additionally, accountants clearing the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) are considered the best in the profession. The CPA is the gold standard in the field of accountancy.Roles of an AccountantFollowing are some of the ... Read More

Market Capitalization and its Role in Investment Strategies

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 27-Jul-2021 10:19:04


Market Capitalization represents the total dollar market value of the total number of shares of a company. Also called market cap, it is determined by multiplying total number of outstanding stock and the price of one stock in the market.For an example, a company that has 1 million stocks each priced at $100 would have a market cap of $100 million. Market cap is used to determine a company’s size in contrast to its sales value or total assets outstanding value. It is therefore a very important figure for a company’s value for the investors.In times of acquisition, market cap ... Read More

State the differences between copyright and patent

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 19-Jul-2021 11:11:11


In simple words a patent is nothing but securing an invention and copyrights are nothing but securing original ideas. Both are governed by different rules and regulationsCopyrightsThe main objective of copyright is to secure the original idea or expression of idea of an artist. An artist's work can be a computer program, music, song, movie or any original work. Example − a book written by a cook.Others can't reproduce the same book or without permission of the book but however they can use the recipes used in it. To get copyrights, the artist first has to register with the respective ... Read More

Differentiate between trademark and copyright

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 19-Jul-2021 11:09:46


Copyright and trademark comes under intellectual property. Although both look the same, sometimes it creates confusion in the readers' mind. Let us give brief idea about copyright and trademark and difference between themCopyrightThe main objective of copyright is to protect the artist's original work. Work may be a photo, book, painting, software code; article etc. copyright gives the owner a right to reproduce their work or profit off their underlying work.The principle involved is pretty simple "if you create something new or original work, you have to choose what to do". To get the copyrights you have to register first ... Read More

Explain various types of intellectual properties

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 19-Jul-2021 11:08:50


The term property means an individual or an organization owns it and it is protected by means of law. Intellectual properties are intangible assets of a business or a person. It can be a book, article in a magazine, a new design etc. which comes under intellectual properties.TypesThe types of intellectual properties are explained follows −PatentsA patent protects innovative ideas. It gives special rights to the respective owner/organization in making, selling and using the product or service period. A government authority or license conferring a right will be issued. An individual or an organization will approach the patent authority, submit ... Read More

Explain the intellectual property rights

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 19-Jul-2021 11:08:05


Intellectual property rights give right to the persons over their inventions, literary works, etc. Rights for their creations have a timeframe. The right for protection is outlined in the universal declaration of human rights (Article 27).Importance of intellectual property was recognized in the Paris convention for protection of industrial property in 1883 and Berne convention for the protection of literary and artistic works in 1886. The World intellectual property organization administers both these treaties.Need for intellectual property rights are explained below −To encourage innovations.To increase economic growth.To safeguard creators' rights.Promote innovations.Transfer of technology.Safety of intellectual propertiesAn employee needs to understand ... Read More

Explain intellectual property valuation in mergers and acquisition

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 19-Jul-2021 11:06:53


Intellectual property is a type of intangible asset owned by a company and it is legally protected from outside use without company consent.In other words, intellectual property is an asset, which has the same protective rights just like a physical asset. It includes patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets etc.Intellectual property valuation matters due to the followingTime and amount spent for intellectual property registration.It involves legal costs and other costs.Amount spent for advertising brands etc.Areas that require intellectual property valuation are as follows −Licensing.Transfer pricing.Purchase/sale of assets.Financial reporting.Corporate financing.Litigations.Methods of intellectual property valuation are as follows −Factors to be considered for ... Read More

Explain discounted cash flow analysis in merger and acquisitions

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 13-May-2022 08:07:04


Discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis tells about the present value of an asset/company, based on the money, which it can make in future. This analysis will estimate the intrinsic value of a company.Current and future performances of a company are taken into consideration. Both inflow and outflow cash flows are discounted to the present value and sum of all the present values of future cash flows are equal to the net present value.CategoriesThe categories of discounted cash flow (DCF) are explained below −Internal forces − Considered as solid data, because raw information (quantitative) is used. Information includes historical performances, current ... Read More

Explain market approach (relative value) in mergers and acquisitions

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 19-Jul-2021 11:03:17


In market approach, valuation of business (intangible assets, ownership interest, etc.) are determined based on market price of similar assets/business that are sold in recent times/available in market.Sales, book value and P/E (price to earnings) are used as price indicators. After comparing with similar assets/business adjustments to qualities, quantities and size will be made.MethodsThe methods in market approach are as follows −Public company comparableThis method uses valuation metrics of publicly traded companies. Direct comparability is hard to attain in major situations. Selecting, adjusting and applying are complex processes, and need highly skilled, and experienced people to handle it. Guideline companies ... Read More
