Found 1120 Articles for Banking & Finance

Difference between Vendor and Customer

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:46:54

2K+ Views

Supply chain management, or the coordination of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, is a crucial aspect of every business. The ultimate beneficiary of these goods and services is the consumer. This is because it entails a constant flow of capital, information, and products among a large number of people. Those involved in the process include the manufacturer, the supplier, the wholesaler, the retailer, and the end user. All of these parts must work together in harmony to keep the supply chain running smoothly. Who is a Vendor? This person is a part of the distribution team ... Read More

Difference between Vendor and Customer in QuickBooks

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:44:43

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Handling and reporting financial transactions is a crucial part of every company. Different applications, together known as application software, are used to process and record transactions to make the process more manageable. The general ledger, payroll, accounts receivable, and accounts payable are just a handful of the elements that may be included in accounting software. When it comes to bookkeeping programs, QuickBooks is among the most popular options. Intuit's on-premises accounting solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises are the result of extensive research, development, and marketing on the company's part. Among the many benefits it offers is the opportunity to ... Read More

Difference between the Great Recession and the Great Depression

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:30:47


When one's financial situation worsens, it impacts many areas of life. High unemployment rates, falling investment levels, reduced economic activity, and falling wages are only some of the indications of an economy in decline. Past incidents of economic upheaval have far-reaching effects throughout the globe. As shown during the Great Recession and the Great Depression, a prolonged slowing in economic development can play a role in the emergence of a recession or depression in the global economy. These two terms have a lot in common, including the fact that they both describe a decline in the economy's performance, but there ... Read More

Difference between Social Business and Social Entrepreneurship

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:14:23

2K+ Views

Among the numerous pressing issues confronting the world today are hunger, adverse climatic circumstances, inadequate educational facilities, and criminality. Despite these obstacles, there is no greater sense of accomplishment than doing something that will ultimately improve people's lives. Strong leadership is essential, but philanthropic efforts, donations, and volunteering can also help. There are other businesses and activities that exist just to benefit the local community. Two methods that have emerged as a direct reaction to this difficulty are social businesses and social entrepreneurship. Although they have many similarities, there are also many areas in which they differ. What is Social ... Read More

Difference between Silicon Valley and Wall Street

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:09:07


The name "Silicon Valley" has become synonymous with "innovation" and "startups." Anyone looking to launch or expand a digital enterprise and secure investment money must start there. Such factors undoubtedly contribute to Silicon Valley's reputation as a global startup capital. Another important part of the American monetary system is Wall Street, which has its origins in slavery. Some of the world's most prosperous investment banks and financial services firms may be found right now on Wall Street. What is Silicon Valley? Silicon Valley, located in Northern California just south of San Francisco, is often regarded as the epicenter of technological ... Read More

Difference between Sharing Economy and Gig Economy

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:07:11

1K+ Views

Global economies are continually changing to accommodate new technologies. This generates fresh prospects for employment, intellectual stimulation, and economic gain. It was common practice when people seldom left their offices. However, the current climate favors those who wish to work remotely from home because of the prevalence of globally accessible internet service providers like Uber. Back in the day, employees were expected never to leave their desks. The growth of the sharing and gig economies can be partially attributed to these causes. There are numerous similarities, but this article will focus on the differences. What is a Sharing Economy? ... Read More

Difference between Recession and Financial Crisis

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:00:55

1K+ Views

One of our top priorities should be improving our financial stability. The fact that something is still possible despite the possibility of obstacles outside of our control does not diminish its importance. Recessions and financial crises may have many causes, such as excessive government actions, changes in the economy's structure, bad monetary policies, the collapse of the stock market, a currency crisis, a financial bubble, or the default of a sovereign nation. Knowing the meaning of terms like "recession" and "financial crisis" can go a long way toward helping us learn to avoid potentially disruptive events, even if most ... Read More

Difference between Recession and Inflation

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 15:58:27


The terms recession and inflation are commonly used in discussions of the economy. We may not be able to predict the long-term effects of economic cycles like contraction, peak, expansion, and trough, even if we experience many of them. While we can probably all agree that neither of these scenarios bodes well for the expansion of the economy, the following paragraphs will demonstrate that the causes and consequences of these two scenarios are diverse. What is Recession? The economy has slowed down as a whole as a result of the two consecutive quarterly declines in Gross Domestic Product. The economy ... Read More

Difference between Recession and Expansion

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 15:56:44


The level of economic activity as a whole will always fluctuate, resulting in what is called business cycles. It's defined as the ebb and flow of economic activity relative to a steadily rising long-term average. A country's trade, sales, employment, industrial output, and income can all be affected by these non-recurrent sequences of events. There is no set order for the four stages that make up the business cycle (contraction, expansion, peak, and trough). What is Recession? A severe decline in economic activity that persists for more than two quarters indicates this. It starts when the economy is doing poorly ... Read More

Difference between Nonprofit and Charity

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 16:33:57


All communities have, over a period of time, greatly benefited from both monetary donations and humanitarian aid offered by philanthropists across the world. A wide variety of groups including charities, nonprofits, and foundations-- are dedicated to carrying these tasks of providing effective and timely assistance. As both charities and non-profit organizations have a similar scope of functioning and overlapping areas of concerns, and closely resembling methods of operations, many are led to the conclusion that both charities and non-profit are the same. However, the truth is that while they may have certain common activities, there also exist many important contrasts ... Read More
