Found 1120 Articles for Banking & Finance

What is financial synergy in merger and acquisition?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 16-May-2022 12:26:11


Before going for financial synergy, let us understand the word synergy which is commonly used in merger and acquisition. Synergy can be understood as, the combined value and performance of a merged company is always greater than the value and performance of individual companies (which are merged).Synergy can be formulated as below −                     Value of merged companies > value of individual companiesLet say two companies, X and Y are merged, now synergy can be formulated as$$\mathrm{Value\:of\:(X+Y)>\:Value\:of\:X\:+\:Vale\:of\:Y}$$In both, financing activities and operating activities synergies can arise the following −Financial synergy − Arises ... Read More

What is Revenue synergy in merger and acquisition?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 16-May-2022 12:23:07


Performance and value of a merged company in more than their individual value and performance is called synergy. Let us see the buyer’s perspective, it influences the maximum price they pay for the company. Let us see the seller’s perspective, favoring a higher purchase price. Important point to keep in mind is that synergies vary from one combination to another business.Revenue synergy results in generating more sales for a combined company (after merger) than the companies which are able to generate individually (before merger). If a company acquires another company (its competitor), then, both the companies can increase their client ... Read More

What is synergy in merger and acquisitions?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 16-May-2022 12:19:24


Concept of synergy is that the performance and value of combined companies is greater than individual performance and value. Merger is called synergy merger, if companies merge to create higher efficiency.Factors which contribute to the synergy are revenue, technology, cost reduction and talent. Synergy can also be done in products by cross selling the new products to increase their revenues. Sometimes, synergy can adversely affect, if the merger is poorly executed and has over optimism.TypesThe types of synergies are explained below −Revenue synergy − In this synergy, the companies will go for merger and acquisition to increase their sales by ... Read More

What are the differences between trade secret and patent?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 16-May-2022 12:12:35


Intellectual property comprises patents, trade secrets, trademarks and copyrights. In this we see about patents and trade secrets. Though both the words have a lot in common with new ideas, innovativeness etc. They differ from each other in some aspects like patent information can be shared where trade secret information can’t be shared. There are many more. In this we see the overview of both and their differences.PatentThe original author or the person who registered first will get an exclusive right for a limited period of time on claimed matter. Patents act as a shield to the author, it prevents ... Read More

What are the differences between patent and trademark?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 16-May-2022 12:05:07


The term intellectual property tells about different types of legal rights. The word intellectual property covers different areas like trademarks, copyright, design and patents. Though all the four look the same or used in the same context (in general), every word differs from another in many ways.In this let us see the overview and differences between patent and trademark.PatentPatent is a legal right granted by respective government authorities to the original owner or author who applied first. This right is useful from others in making, using, selling for a timeframe. To get this right the author has to register with ... Read More

How do you calculate Net Current Assets Turnover?

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 12-May-2022 07:14:13


What is Net Current Assets Turnover Ratio?The net current assets turnover ratio expresses the ability of a company’s working capital in promoting the sales of the company. Net current assets are also known as working capital. The ratio shows to what extent the day-to-day expenses fuel the net sales of a company. In other words, the ratio is an expression of net sales that occur per unit of net current assets.$$\mathrm{\mathrm{Net\: current\: assets\: turnover \:ratio}\:=\:\frac{\mathrm{Net\: Sales}}{\mathrm{Net\: Current\: Assets}}}$$Here, Net Current Assets = Current assets - Current LiabilitiesNet sales - Total Sales - Total returns (Inwards)Calculation of Net Current Assets TurnoverBy ... Read More

How to Calculate Sales-Related Profitability Ratios?

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 12-May-2022 07:08:07


Profit can be measured in a number of ways. For example, Gross Profit is the profit that is the difference between the manufacturing cost of goods sold and sales. This is called Earnings Before Interest, Depreciation, Taxes, and Interests Amortization (EBIDTA) by many firms. However, many other companies calculate net income or Profit After Tax (PAT). As taxes cannot be controlled, to negate their influence Profit Before Tax (PBT) is calculated.Investors, however, use operating profit or Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) as a measure of profitability. Moreover, on an after-tax basis, Net Operating Profit After Tax (NOPAT) is also calculated by ... Read More

How to Calculate Net Asset Turnover?

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 12-May-2022 07:04:45

1K+ Views

What is the Asset Turnover Ratio?The asset turnover ratio is a ratio that measures the ability of a firm to generate sales depending on its assets. It is calculated using net sales and average total assets. In other words, the net asset turnover ratio shows the efficiency of a company to convert its assets into sales.As asset turnover is calculated as net sales of a percentage of assets, it shows how much sales have been made for each rupee of assets.Example −Suppose a company ‘ABC Ltd’ is into the manufacturing of mobile phones and is in need for funding for ... Read More

How to Calculate Interval Ratio?

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 12-May-2022 07:01:59

2K+ Views

What is Interval Ratio?The Interval Ratio or Interval Measure is the ratio that calculates the funds that a company required to run its operations. This ratio helps the companies survive by letting them know how much funds they will require for a particular project on a long-term basis.In other words, the interval ratio measure shows the number of days that a company will survive with the funds it has in its hands.The interval ratio can help a company plan for the future in advance. By knowing how long a company can run without accessing any other source of funding, the ... Read More

Profitability Ratio: Definition, Types, and Benefits

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 12-May-2022 06:59:07


What is Profitability Ratio?Profitability ratios are the ratios that offer an insight into a company’s ability to generate profits based on expenses and other costs associated with the generation of revenues in a particular time period. It is important because it represents the final position of a company vis-a-vis its profits.Profitability ratios are very important for a company. The goal of all businesses in the world is to make profits. Without profit, a company cannot stay competitive in the market. Moreover, when there is a loss instead of a profit, the company should be aware of this. As profits form ... Read More
