Found 1120 Articles for Banking & Finance

What is Meant by Earning Power?

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 17-May-2022 08:49:24


Definition of Earning PowerA company’s ability to generate profit from its operation is known as the company’s earning power. In other words, earning power is a company’s capability to generate profit from operations. The generation of profit is compared against the goods and services offered in a particular industry to check the earning power of different companies. Investors usually check the earning power of a company to see whether a company is worth to put the investment in they want in that company.Earnings power is the company’s capability to derive profits from the invested capital in it by the investors. ... Read More

Price-Earnings Ratio vs. Earnings Yield Ratio

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 17-May-2022 08:44:23


What is Earnings Yield Ratio?Earnings Yield is the reciprocal of Price-Earnings, and it is expressed as a percentage. Earnings yield is the earnings per share divided by the market price of each share multiplied by 100. Earnings yield ratio offers an insight to the earning power of a share. If the earnings yield of a share is 5%, it means that there is an earning of Rs 5 per 100 rupees of shares owned by an investor.Earnings yield offers investors to check the future earnings of not only shares, but also of bonds, debentures and bank fixed deposits etc.For example, ... Read More

Which Ratios Shareholders are Most Interested in?

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 17-May-2022 08:40:56


There are a lot of financial ratios to measure the relationships between different financial items, and they are useful for various types of calculations. Some ratios are more applicable to measure specific tasks and hence these ratios can be specifically applied to measure specific relationships.For the shareholders who are mostly interested in investing their money in profitable stocks, the following are the ratios that have proved to be most useful.Net Working Capital RatioWorking capital shows a company’s capacity to pay its liabilities with its current assets. Working capital measures the liquidity of a company. In other words, working capital is ... Read More

What is the Importance of Profitability Ratio?

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 17-May-2022 08:38:45


What is Profit?Profit is the difference between revenues and expenses, and it is the ultimate aim and output of a company. Profit is the fuel that propels businesses. A company must earn enough profits to sustain and grow. In order to make an expansion too, a company must earn enough profits so that it can accumulate earnings and invest them in an expansion project. Investors and lenders invest money in a company to get profitable returns. Without profit, no company can last for a long period of time. So, it is an item no company should avoid.However, it is inappropriate ... Read More

Is Profit After-Tax (PAT) the same as Net Asset?

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 17-May-2022 08:35:05


Although Profit After-Tax (PAT) and Net Asset seem to be the same, there is a difference between the two. PAT is related more to the operational efficiency of a firm while net assets are related to the value of assets.The two terms, however, can be misleading. So, in order to make it simpler, let us check the meaning of the two terms in detail.Profit After-Tax (PAT)PAT is the amount a company retains after paying all the non-operating and operating taxes, expenses, and liabilities. This is the profit that is distributed among the shareholders of the company. Alternately, a company may ... Read More

How to Define Investment to Measure the Investment-Related Profitability Ratio?

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 17-May-2022 08:28:43


What is Return on Investment?The profitability ratio related to investment is Return on Investment (ROI). Return on Investment is the ratio that is sometimes expressed as Profit After Tax (PAT) divided by Investment. The investment represents the pool of funds accumulated by components invested by shareholders and lenders.So, the most common assumption of ROI is given as follows −$$\mathrm{ROI\, =\, \frac{PAT}{Investment}}$$However, it is incorrect to use PAT in measuring returns on Income because PAT is the residue income of shareholders. It is not the overall amount of funds invested by the lenders and general shareholders.Also, PAT is affected by a ... Read More

What is the stock acquisition?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 16-May-2022 15:14:23


If the buyer wants to acquire stocks of the targeted company directly from selling to the shareholders, then that acquisition is called stock acquisition. In this, a buyer will get the ownership in both assets and liabilities of the business.In stock acquisition, the buyer sees a potential growth in a particular company’s stocks and hence, the buyer may feel that the current liabilities are manageable or minimum. Buyer will prefer stock sale without necessity of ownership transferring of each stock. This kind of acquisition is a strategic decision of corporate finance roles.FactorsThe factors to be considered in stock acquisition are ... Read More

What is asset purchase agreement in an asset deal?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 16-May-2022 15:12:17


Asset purchase agreement is the agreement between buyer and seller of an asset. It states the terms and conditions related to the purchase and sale of an asset. The asset may be a plant and machinery, goodwill, stock etc.PrerequisitesThe prerequisites for an asset purchase agreement are as follows −Sale and transfer of chosen asset/assets.Purchase price.Representations.Precedent.Conduct.Closing.Obligations (post – closing).Conditions.Compensation.Terms and termination.Other/miscellaneous.Requirements (Post completion)After completion of the asset purchase agreement, following are the requirements −Stamp duty and stamp duty land tax (if applicable).VAT payment (if applicable).Replacing old contracts.Administrative issues.Reasons for failureThe reasons for failure in this agreement are given below −Dealing with ... Read More

What is an asset deal in merger and acquisition?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 16-May-2022 15:10:19


If the buyer wants to purchase an operating asset instead of shares in a merger and acquisition transaction, then that deal is called an asset deal. An asset deal is not a form of acquisition. It comes under transfer of business units/assets.To complete the asset deal transaction, an asset purchase agreement is made between the buyer and the seller. This agreement outlines the asset purchased.Asset purchase agreement (APA) includes payment structure, representations, considerations, warranties, legal structures etc.Asset purchase agreementAsset purchase agreement is used to complete the asset deal transaction. The agreement outlines the specific assets (which will be purchased), total ... Read More

What is disinvestment in divestitures?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 16-May-2022 15:02:31


Disinvestments take place when the companies want to liquidate their stocks. If the companies want to change the rules by pressurizing the government or an industry, they will go for disinvestments, which also results in funds reduction.ProcedureThe procedure for a disinvestment in divestiture is as follows −Principle consent by administrative ministry, Centre public sector enterprise (CPSE).Proposal to disinvest by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) approval.With an approval of the finance minister, the Constitution of inter-ministerial group to guide the disinvestment process.Inter-ministerial group appoints the advisers (merchant bankers, legal advisers, book running lead managers).Book running lead managers will give ... Read More
