Found 1120 Articles for Banking & Finance

What is Doomsday Bank?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

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A bank is a place where you secure your money. But when the Doomsday arrives and everything collapses, what do you need for the survival? Yes! It’s food. The source of food for the world is, of course, a seed.Mankind can survive if food crops can be cultivated even after facing the Doomsday. Exactly with this thought in mind, a Doomsday bank was established and is maintained in Norway, storing the seeds of nearly one-third of all the precious varieties of food crops.Svalbard Global Seed VaultOn 19th June 2006, the first stone was laid for its construction and a very ... Read More

What is the difference between CDSL and NSDL?

Shanmukh Pasumarthy
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


CDSL stands for Central Depository Services India Ltd and NSDL stands for National Securities Depository Ltd. Depository refers to an organization which holds the stocks of investors and shareholders. NSDL and CDSL are the two apex depositories in India. Just like banks take care of cash and deposits, they hold bonds, stocks etc for the shareholders in electronic form.Functioning of CDSL and NSDLWe need not send share certificates physically for transfers like in the old days, the NSDL and CDSL help to convert and hold shares in the Demat form. Since their establishment, we received huge contributions from both these ... Read More

What is the latest news from SBI regarding minimum balance?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


SBI announces slashing its charges for not maintaining minimum balance by 75% which will be effective from April 1st, 2018. SBI has previously announced that the Metro and Urban customers are requested to maintain Rs. 3000 minimum balance from October 1, 2017. Customers in semi-urban areas were required to maintain RS. 2000 monthly balance and rural branches required customers to have a minimum balance of Rs. 1, 000.The charges being levied for non-maintenance of minimum balance was a bit high which were slashed down by 75% after considering the view of various stakeholders. The freshly revised average monthly balances for ... Read More

What do the terms 'Future' and 'Options' mean in share market?

Knowledge base
Updated on 21-Apr-2022 11:06:49


Future and Options are the common forms of derivatives. The major difference lies in the way the gains are received by the different parties.An option is having the buyer right to buy or sell a share. But it is not an obligation to buy or sell a share at a certain specified time or price, during the duration of the contract.A Future contract gives an obligation, which is to buy a specified asset to the buyer, as well to a seller to sell or deliver that asset at a specific future date unless the holder’s position is closed prior the ... Read More

What do the terms copay, Coinsurance and Deductibles mean?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Copay, Coinsurance, and Deductibles are the insurance terms mostly used in the US.CopayThis is the amount paid by patients to the doctors, as per the rules of the insurance company. The amount to be paid by the patients is decided by the insurance company, while it doesn’t help in paying any amount.CoinsuranceAlmost all the US citizens have health insurance, usually multiple ones. Some might have only one and in that case, the remaining amount to be paid after the first insurance payment is called as Coinsurance.The patients usually have three types of insurances called Primary, secondary and tertiary.If a patient ... Read More

Being a beginner, should I go for blue-chip companies or mid-cap to invest in a mutual fund?

Shankar Bhatt
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Before leading up to the stairs of the share market, investors, especially beginners experience the dilemma between what to choose and what not. Investors come across a number of situation where they have to choose one over the other. For instance, Blue Chip or Mid Cap. Let’s find out what exactly they are?Blue Chip CompaniesIn a layman’s terms, a Blue Chip company holds a huge market share, a huge number of customers, grand brand value, offer good liquidity in stocks, render great turnover in business, tracked by all Stock Research houses etc. These are some bright sides of a Blue ... Read More

What are the things one need to keep in mind before investing in share market?

Updated on 28-Apr-2022 11:50:25


Investing in shares is definitely an alluring proposal when you have that spare cash, however, it's a risky endeavor that needs some careful thought before you plunge in. While you can earn great rewards most of the times, but when not researched properly it can bring on a huge financial disaster. The risks and the uncertainty attached to shares is what makes one think twice before they get into it. Here are a few things that you should keep in mind before investing in stocks.Research Before You Buy − Runs quick research on the company and its performance in the ... Read More

What the is the functionality of RBI?

Shanmukh Pasumarthy
Updated on 18-May-2022 10:22:29


The Reserve Bank of India is considered as India's main bank, which controls the financial strategy of the Indian currency. It initiated its operations in 1935 amid the British Rule. The RBI has an essential impact on the Development Strategy of the Government of India.A Central Bank is an independent powerful banking authority which controls inflation, makes financial policy report and responsible for depositing foreign exchange reserves etc. The RBI needs to play out an extensive range of duties to reach out to the national objectives and industrial objectives.The general superintendence and course of the RBI is ensemble of 21-member ... Read More

What are the golden rules for handling your money?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 12:14:45


There are many interesting descriptions of money - "like water", "slippery", "fuel" and lot more. It has been defined on the basis of perceptions by different individuals in different situations. For some it has viscosity like water, and therefore needs to be held in place; in other words, it needs to be saved and managed securely.Managing May Also Be InvestingWhen we talk about managing money, it usually refers to the proper utilization of money which includes expenditures, investments, and incomes. It depends on the individual how he sees his expenditures because, in many situations, they tend to become investments, e.g. ... Read More

Why was silver replaced by gold to control the Indian economy?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 13:42:50


First, it's a huge exaggeration to say that the Indian economy is controlled by any one factor, even if that happens to be precious metals like gold or silver. Also, to say that silver ever had a controlling stake in the Indian economy is also far from the truth.Indian Economy Actually Lies OnThe Indian economy in nominal dollar exchange terms is the sixth largest in the world valued at around $ 2.5 trillion and in PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) terms, it is the third largest in the world valued at around $ 10 trillion.Around 16-17% of that amount comprises India's ... Read More
