Found 1120 Articles for Banking & Finance

Write the difference between loan and mortgage.

Updated on 25-Jul-2020 07:14:42


The major differences between loan and mortgage are as follows −LoanIt has high interest rates.It can be secured/unsecured.It is not collaterally backed.The loan period is less as compared to mortgage.There are few formalities in case of unsecured loans when compared to mortgage.It requires less documentation.Examples − open ended loans, close ended loans, student loans, payday loans etc.MortgageIt has low interest rates.It is always secured.It can be backed collaterally.The loan is period is more as compared to loan.There are strict measures for loans in mortgage.It requires more documentation.Examples − VA Loan mortgage, reverse mortgage, adjustable rate mortgage, fixed rate mortgage etc.Read More

Write the differences difference between forex and stock market.

Updated on 25-Jul-2020 07:13:48


The major differences between forex and stock market are as follows −ForexThe size of the market is large.It has high leverage as compared to stock market.It has no qualifying requirements.It is less regulated than stock market.It has high liquidity.It is open for 24 hours.The commissions are minimum or zero.The focus is narrow.The buying/selling involves multiple currencies.Stock marketThe size of the market is less.It has less leverage as compared to forex.There are certain qualifying requirements.It is more regulated than forex.It has less liquidity.It is open for 8 hours only.The commissions are high.It has wide focus.The buying/selling involves single currency.Read More

Compare economic cost and accounting cost.

Updated on 25-Jul-2020 07:12:50


The major differences between economic cost and accounting cost are as follows −Economic costIt has monetary value of all resources.It refers to opportunity cost.It focuses more on implicit cost.It is relevant for decision making.It is forward looking.It is not objectively verified.It estimates the cost of alternatives sacrificed.Accounting costIt is based on explicit costs.It is present in the financial statements.It is backward looking.It is objectively verifiable.It tells about financial position of a firm.It is used to make tax payments.

Write the difference between accounting profit and economic profit.

Updated on 25-Jul-2020 07:10:52


The major differences between accounting profit and economic profit are as follows −Accounting profitIt gives true financial health of a company.It tells about profitability of the company.No special terms are needed here.It is more practical than economic profit.It’s a short term phenomenon.It is determined by GAAP.It is used for income tax and financial performance.It has single entity/accounting period view.The formula to calculate accounting profit is as follows &minus accounting profit = total revenue – expensesEconomic profitIt doesn’t give true financial health of a company.It tells about effective allocation of resources.It includes special terms such as residual value, inflation level changes ... Read More

Write the difference between domestic finance and international finance.

Updated on 25-Jul-2020 07:09:57

7K+ Views

The major differences between domestic finance and international finance are as follows −Domestic financeThe currency exposure has no impact.It is exposed to same economic and political environments.It is exposed to same tax laws and regulations.Stakeholders are of same beliefs, languages etc.Knowledge of foreign exchange derivatives is not required.Challenges are limited.Maintenance of separate books are not required.International financeThe currency exposure has impact.It is exposed to different economic and political environments.It is exposed to different tax laws and regulations.Stakeholders are of different beliefs, languages etc.Knowledge of foreign exchange derivatives are required.Challenges are limitless.Maintenance of separate books are required as per GAAP/AS.Read More

Write the difference between horizontal and vertical analysis of financial statements.

Updated on 25-Jul-2020 07:08:45


The major differences between horizontal analysis and vertical analysis of financial statements are as follows −Horizontal analysisIts main aim is to compare line items to calculate the changeover the time.In this, information is compared line by line to make decisions.It is useful when financial results of current/targeted years are compared with previous financial years.It states growth/decline of an item.It tells about changes in items over the time.It is used in intra comparison.It is used in income statements, balance sheets, retained earnings statements.It includes long term planning.Vertical analysisIts main purpose is to compare change in percentages.In this, each line item is ... Read More

Write the difference between comparative analysis and common size analysis.

Updated on 25-Jul-2020 07:07:45

1K+ Views

The major differences between comparative analysis and common size analysis are as follows −Comparative analysisIt shows previous financial results side by side along with its change in amount/percentage.It compares current year results with its base year.It’s a horizontal analysis.The results are expressed in both percentages and pictorial form.Both inter and intra firm can be compared.It helps in internal decision making.It is useful to compare results with its previous financial years.Relative importance of individual figures can’t be shown in statement with comparative analysis.Common Size analysisIt shows results regarding same year in the form of percentages.It compares figures of same year.It’s a ... Read More

Compare trend analysis and comparative analysis.

Updated on 25-Jul-2020 07:05:03


The major differences between trend analysis and comparative analysis are as follows −Trend analysisIt is designed to look for trends in business performances.It is analysed in horizontal methods.It adopts line by line method.It can be interpreted in absolute terms, as a percentages and in graphical forms.It is useful to compare its results with previous years.Comparative analysisIt is designed to compare changes from time to time.It is analysed in horizontal or vertical methods.It focusses on comparison with the help of financial information.It uses ratio calculation.It can be useful in comparing its results with previous financial years and also can be compared ... Read More

Differentiate between tangible assets and intangible assets.

Updated on 25-Jul-2020 07:04:02


The major differences between tangible assets and intangible assets are as follows −Tangible assetsThey have physical existence.They get depreciated.Liquidation is easier as compared to intangible assets.They can be determined and evaluated easily.They increase the value of the company.They can be accepted as collateral.They can be effected by natural calamities and by others means.Land, vehicle, machinery, furniture etc. are some of the examples of tangible assets.Intangible assetsThey don’t have physical existence.They get amortised.Liquidation is not easy as compared to tangible assets.Determination and evaluation is difficult.They increase the potential revenue.They can’t be accepted as collateral.They can be effected by business failure only.Blueprints, ... Read More

Write the difference between single entry system and double entry system.

Updated on 25-Jul-2020 16:08:36


The major differences between single entry system and double entry system are as follows −Single entry systemDouble entry systemTells about cash, debtors and creditors cash balances only.Records transactions related to business only.Incomplete system of recording the transactions.Can easily record fraud transactions.Hard to find errors.Persons accounts and cash accounts are included.Not accepted by taxation department.Takes lot of time in calculation profit/loss.Suitable for small business.Cost of implementation is not required.Reconciliation of accounts is not possible.Special knowledge is not required in maintaining books.Trail balance can’t be prepared.Not suitable for tax purposeDifficult to prepare financial statementDifficult to tell about financial positionTells about every business ... Read More
