Found 871 Articles for Automation Testing

Test Environment for Software Testing

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 26-Nov-2021 05:16:45

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What is the definition of a test environment?A testing environment is a software and hardware configuration that allows testing teams to run test cases. In other words, it enables test execution with properly configured hardware, software, and network.The test bed or test environment is set up according to the requirements of the Application Under Test. On rare occasions, a test bed may be a mix of the test environment and the test data with which it interacts.Software testing success is ensured by setting up the correct test environment. Any errors in this procedure may result in the customer incurring more ... Read More

Test Data Generation (What, How to, Example, Tools)

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 03-Jul-2023 11:34:38

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The idea that "designing test cases is tough enough, why to care about something as minor as test data" may occur to you as a tester. This guide will provide an overview of test data, explain why it's important, and show you some effective methods for creating it. What Does Test Data Mean in Software Testing? The term "test data" refers to the actual information fed into a software application during the testing process. It stands for information that has an effect on or is impacted by, the execution of software during testing. Positive testing uses test data to ensure ... Read More

Test Condition Vs Test Scenario – What’s the Difference?

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 26-Nov-2021 05:10:13

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What exactly is a Test Condition?In software testing, a test condition is a specification that a tester must adhere to when testing a software program. For test cases, a test condition is a collection of restrictions that might include features such as transactions, functions, or structural aspects in order to test the software application. Test circumstances aid in the bug-free development of software applications.Test conditions are developed from real-world test situations, as well as test bases and use cases. There might be several Test Conditions in a Test Scenario while verifying Test Conditions.Test Condition's level of detail is determined by ... Read More

SDLC vs STLC – What’s the Difference?

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 26-Nov-2021 05:07:52

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The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and the Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC), despite their similar names, are two different and distinct methods for guaranteeing project success in software development. Let's look at how you may get the most of both of them for your software development project −What is Software Development Life Cycle?The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a term that refers to the process of creating software.Based on a research paper by Dr. Winston Royce released in 1970, the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a linear sequence of processes for delivering software. The procedure is as ... Read More

Principles of Information System Security

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 26-Nov-2021 05:05:08

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What is the definition of information security (InfoSec)?The methods and practices that businesses employ to secure information are referred to as information security (or InfoSec). This also contains policy settings that prohibit unauthorized individuals from gaining access to company or personal data. InfoSec is a rapidly expanding and changing discipline that encompasses everything from network and infrastructure security to testing and auditing.Information security safeguards sensitive data against illegal access, alteration, or recording, as well as any disturbance or destruction. The purpose is to protect vital data such as customer account information, financial information, and intellectual property.Robbery of private information, data ... Read More

Principles of Conventional Software Engineering

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 25-Nov-2021 07:38:28

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Conventional Software Engineering PrinciplesThere are several descriptions of "old-school" engineering software. The software industry has learned many lessons and established numerous principles during the years of software development. This part introduces the fundamental ideas explored throughout the rest of the book by describing one perspective on today's software engineering principles. A small paper titled "Fifteen Principles of Software Engineering" [Davis, 1994] is the benchmark I've chosen. The paper was then expanded into a book [Davis, 1995], which lists 201 principles. Despite its title, the piece outlines the top 30 principles, and it's as excellent a description as any of the ... Read More

Penetration Testing Tutorial: What is PenTest?

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 25-Nov-2021 07:35:46


Penetration TestingPenetration testing, often known as pen testing, is a sort of security testing which is used to find flaws, hazards, and dangers that an intruder may abuse in software applications, networks, or online applications. The goal of penetration testing is to find and evaluate all potential security flaws in a software program. Pen Test is another name for penetration testing.The chance that an intruder would damage or obtain unauthorized access to a network or any data held inside it is referred to as vulnerability. Vulnerabilities are typically found by chance during the software planning and implementation phases. Common threats ... Read More

What is Non Destructive Software Testing (NDST)?

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 25-Nov-2021 07:32:31


What exactly is Non-Destructive Software Testing?Non Destructive Testing is a sort of software testing that comprises evaluating and appropriately engaging with the software program. To put it another way, Non-Destructive Software Testing (NDT) is also known as Positive Testing or Happy Path Testing. It produces the required outcomes and demonstrates that the software program behaves as predicted.Putting the necessary info into a login module and testing to see if it recognizes credentials and moves onto another step is an example.In the previous example, input numeric characters in the username text field to undertake non-destructive testing. As a result of entering ... Read More

Modern Principles of Software Development

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 25-Nov-2021 07:28:36

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What is the definition of software development?Phones, televisions, automobiles, vending machines, coffee makers, even pet toys all have software-based functions these days. All of these items were developed by groups of people who banded together with the purpose of causing electrical signals to behave in a predictable manner. In a nutshell, software development refers to the entire process of bringing a software project from idea to completion.A software deliverable's design, documentation, programming, testing, and continuing maintenance are all part of this process. These elements are combined to form a workflow pipeline, which is a set of actions that, when followed, ... Read More

Best Testing Certifications Exams

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 25-Nov-2021 06:59:24


Software testing is the process of determining the performance of the developed program. It is also made to improve the product and reduce faults and difficulties with it. We have something called the STLC, or Software Testing Life Cycle, for professional software testing endeavors.Software testers are experts that are in charge of the testing process. Smaller and simpler software products need just a few, or perhaps a single, testers, while large, complete software products necessitate a professional testing staff.Software testing job descriptions range from testers and test analysts to testing managers and test designers. There are several software testing certifications ... Read More

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