Found 871 Articles for Automation Testing

Difference between Black Box Testing and Gray Box Testing

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 24-Nov-2022 12:48:36

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Black Box Testing and Gray Box Testing are the two types of testing used to test a software which are based on feedback from real customers using real products in real environments, but they are driven by distinct goals and processes. In this article, we will discuss the major differences between black box testing and gray box testing by considering different parameters. But before that it is important know the basics of black box testing and gray box testing to understand the differences between them. What is Black Box Testing? A software testing technique that is used to check ... Read More

Difference between Testing and Debugging

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 14:36:14

2K+ Views

Both Testing and Debugging are important steps during and after the development of any software or application developed in any programming language. On the basis of their features and methods of practice, we can distinguish between Testing and Debugging. Read this article to learn more about Testing and Debugging and how they are different from each other. What is Testing? Testing is a process to check if a software application is working properly or not. The primary goal of testing is to find the errors and bugs in an application. The person who performs the testing is known as ... Read More

How Automation Testing Changed the Perspective?

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 06:27:55


Software Test Automation has surely changed the way software testing used to happen in the industry. Earlier, the tester is supposed to test what developer has developed – No questions asked. However, with the changing trend, testers have started taking the rope in their hand. Now, developers and testers are at par or we should say ahead and more responsible in project management. Now, the testers have to not only just check the functionality, but also need to check the performance and compatibility.Quality has become the center point now. The competition has moved from quantity to quality. But, even after ... Read More

HP UFT Vs. Selenium – A Review

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 13:07:47


When we are talking about test automation, we automatically think about the tools, which are available to ease the testing task. These tools can be categorized under two major categories – freeware and licensed tools. The freeware tools are the open source tools available free of cost over the internet. The reliability of such tools is pretty less. However, when we talk about licensed tools, these tools are paid tools which have licensed versions. If you want to use these tools, then you have to pay the price for the license.Here, in this article, we are going to discuss about ... Read More

HP ALM/QC – A Testing Tool to look for!

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 13:04:36

3K+ Views

HP ALM is an Application Lifecycle Management software by Hewlett Pawkward. It is a test management tool which covers almost everything which is a part of Test Management Process. The tool has gracefully upgraded itself within the due course of time. It has covered a long journey from being a Test Director to HP ALM, today. It is currently the best tool to cover most of the testing activities and provides a report on almost everything.Over time, this tool has been renamed multiple times, from “Test Director” to Quality Center (QC) and now to HP ALM (for Application Lifecycle Management). ... Read More

Automation Frameworks – Implement to Reap The Advantages

Sharon Christine
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 06:31:45


You can cross a busy road of the street just by rushing from one side to the other side without following any rules. But that can be dangerous for you, chances of you being hit by a car or any other vehicles are very high. But at the same time, if you follow the simple traffic rules to look both the sides of the road before crossing it can save you from falling victims of road accidents. Isn’t it?Similarly, you can perform the automation testing without implementing any framework, just buy an automation tool and start doing the testing. That’s ... Read More

Selenium WebDriver- Revisiting Important Features

Sharon Christine
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 12:47:23


It’s been more than a decade since Selenium automation tool is here to automate our testing needs. As a free to use tool with dedicated community, it has lot of features to make our automation testing more reliable and comfortable. Seeing the growing popularity of Selenium webdriver, let’s revisit some of the important features of it, which proves why Selenium webdriver still stand out in the crowd.Key Features – Selenium WebDriverCompatibility with Many Web BrowsersSelenium WebDriver supports wide range of web browsers available in the market such as Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari and many more. Unless the other ... Read More

Benefits of Learning Software Testing – For Developers

Samual Sam
Updated on 26-Apr-2022 13:11:06


Whenever I face a group of fresh graduates for the first session of Software Testing, I come cross this question very often while imparting trainings that, “Why a developer should undergo the training for software testing?” This is an obvious thought especially for a person who is new in the industry and has a mindset set to be in Development. The fear of moving towards the other side of table scares them. On investigating about the source of this fear, we figure out that the institutes, colleges and universities are still teaching with the age-old curriculum and the mindset. They ... Read More

Difference between Unit Testing and System Testing

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 14:58:31

3K+ Views

Unit testing and system testing are two different types of software testing techniques. The focus of unit testing is to ensure that each unit of a software product works as intended. System testing, on the other hand, tests the entire software product as a whole. Read this article to learn more about unit testing and system testing and how these two testing techniques are different from each other. What is Unit Testing? Unit testing is a type of testing in which a single module is tested at a time. Unit testing checks if the individual units of an application function ... Read More

Difference between Unit Testing and Sandwich Testing

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 14:56:28


Unit testing and sandwich testing are two different types of software testing techniques. In Unit testing, the individual units of a software product are tested in isolation from the rest of the application. Sandwich testing, on the other hand, focuses on testing the interactions between multiple units of a software product. Read this article to learn more about unit testing and sandwich testing and how these two testing techniques are different from each other. What is Unit Testing? Unit testing is a type of testing in which a single module is tested at a time. Unit testing checks if the ... Read More
