Found 871 Articles for Automation Testing

How to resolve exception Element Not Interactable Exception in Selenium?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 22-Oct-2023 13:04:10

23K+ Views

We can resolve the exception – ElementNotInteractableException with Selenium webdriver. This exception is thrown if a webelement exists in DOM but cannot be accessed. The below image shows an example of such an exception.If a specific webelement is overspread by another webelement we normally get this exception. To fix this, we can either apply explicit wait so that the webdriver waits for the expected condition - invisibilityOfElementLocated of the overlaying webelement.Or, we can apply the expected condition - elementToBeClickable on the webelement that we want to interact with. To resolve a permanent overlay, we have to use the JavaScript Executor ... Read More

How can I select date from a datepicker div using Selenium Webdriver?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 03-Apr-2021 10:14:00

2K+ Views

We can select data from a datepicker using Selenium webdriver. A datepicker in a calendar can be designed in numerous ways on the web UI. Based on the UI, we have to design our test.A calendar may have a dropdown for selection of day, month or year. It may also contain forward and backward navigation to move up and down in the dates or any other design. The below example shows a calendar having a datepicker. Let us make an attempt to select the date 03/02/2021(2nd March, 2021) date from the below calendar −In the above html code, we can ... Read More

How to use JavaScript in Selenium to click an Element?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 03-Apr-2021 10:13:08

11K+ Views

We can use the JavaScript Executor in Selenium to click an element.Selenium can execute JavaScript commands with the help of the method executeScript.Sometimes while clicking a link, we get the IllegalStateException, to avoid this exception, the JavaScript executor is used instead of the method click. The parameters to be passed to the executeScript method to click an element are - arguments[0].click(); and the web element locator.SyntaxWebElement m=driver.findElement(By.linkText("Company")); JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver; js.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", m);Let us click the link Company on the below page −Exampleimport org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor; public class ClickLnkJS{    public ... Read More

What is Scalability Testing?

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 18-Mar-2021 11:06:06


What is Scalability Testing and Learn with ExampleA system/application must have the capability to function flawlessly under excessive load. Scalability testing features the process where the efficiency of a system is tested based on a growing number of user requests, data volume, transactions, and user traffic. The developers identify the points where the system stops responding to changes and dig deeper to find its reasons.Salient features of Scalability TestingIt tells you how the application behaves under heavy loadIt let you know the limitation of the app in terms of user experienceIt helps you determine the efficiency and limits of the ... Read More

What is Volume Testing?

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 18-Mar-2021 10:59:00


Volume Testing, aka Flood Testing, is a non-functional test used to see the software or application's performance when introduced to a high volume of data. The volume here refers to the size of the database or the file subjected to the test.Under the volume testing, the developers will keep adding data until the database reaches its threshold. Then the system will be analyzed for its response.For example, you want to add 1000 new products under the "TV" category on your eCommerce site. Before adding those entries into the database, you must ensure whether your site can handle such an extensive ... Read More

How do I use Selenium with Ruby?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 02-Feb-2021 12:41:54

1K+ Views

We can use Selenium with Ruby. First of all we have to install Ruby in the system. For installation in Windows, we have to take the help of the RubyInstaller package by navigating to the link − on Download.The various versions of Ruby Installers links get displayed. Select the latest version and click on it.Click on the Save File button to download the corresponding rubyinstaller.exe file.Once the download is completed, accept the license agreement and proceed to the next steps till installation is completed.To have Selenium webdriver package for Ruby, run the command −gem install selenium−webdriverTo have Rest−Client package for ... Read More

How to Stop the page loading in firefox programmatically in Selenium ?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 02-Feb-2021 12:41:38


We can stop the page loading in Firefox programmatically. This can be done by first setting page load time with the help of the pageLoadTimeout method.The time to wait for the page load is passed as a parameter to that method.Syntaxdriver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);The page is forced to stop from loading with the help of the Javascript Executor. Selenium executes JavaScript command (window.stop() to stop page load) with the help of the executeScript method.Syntax((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript("window.stop();");Exampleimport org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; public class StopPageLdWait{    public static void main(String[] args) {       System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver",       "C:\Users\ghs6kor\Desktop\Java\geckodriver.exe");       ... Read More

What is meant by Selenium RC?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 02-Feb-2021 12:31:58

2K+ Views

Selenium RC is a key part in Selenium. It is a framework for testing that allows testers and developers to design test scripts in multiple languages to automate frontend UI test cases. It has a client library and a server that starts and quits the browser sessions by defaultServer injects Selenium core (a program in JavaScript) to the browser. The Selenium Core gets the commands from the RC server. Selenium Core executes the commands in JavaScript. Then the JavaScript commands provide instructions to the browser. Finally, the browser runs the instructions given by the Selenium Core and sends a complete ... Read More

Can Google Chrome be supported by Selenium IDE?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 02-Feb-2021 12:31:11


Initially Selenium IDE was used as a Firefox plugin. But the latest Selenium IDE version supports both Chrome and Firefox. For installation in Chrome, navigate to the below link −ttps:// click on Add to Chrome.Click on Add extension.Once installed, we shall get the below message as shown in the image −Also an icon gets created in the menu bar.Click on that icon, and the Selenium IDE gets launched with the below welcome screen.

How to create nested test suites for Selenium IDE?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 02-Feb-2021 12:26:38


We can create nested test suites for Selenium IDE. A group of tests constitutes a test suite. First, to create a test suite we have to follow the below steps as listed below −Step1: Launch Selenium IDE. Then click on Create a new project link.Step2 − Provide the PROJECT NAME. Then click on OK.Step3 − Select Test Suites from the dropdown under the Project name. Then click on + button.Step4 − Add SUITE NAME, then click on ADD.Step5 − The new suite Test_Suite1 gets created. Click on it and select the option Add tests.Repeat the steps 3 and 4, to ... Read More
