Found 871 Articles for Automation Testing

Reliability Testing: Methods, Tools, Example

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 27-Apr-2021 07:26:56

3K+ Views

The word 'reliable' means something that is 'dependable' and 'trustworthy.' In other words, a dependable product lives up to its expectation regardless of how much we use it. In software testing, Reliability testing is a process to know whether software can perform as expected under a given environment. Reliability Testing ExampleLet's say you are a graphics designer. So, you may need a PC to run for at least 7-8 hours per day with its full capability without crashing. Reliability testing is the process that can determine whether the PC you are about to purchase can works flawlessly for long hours or ... Read More

What is Benchmark Testing? (Test Plan, Tools, Example)

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 27-Apr-2021 07:23:49


Benchmark is a specific standard of measurement used to measure a product or service. In short, it is a metric or point of reference to access the quality of a particular product or service. Likewise, benchmark testing is a process where testers compare the software and hardware aspect of an application or system against a stipulated standard. Besides testing the performance, benchmark testing can also test the security feature of a system or application.Benchmark testing is a part of the software development life cycle (SDLC), where both developers and database administrators (DBAs) determine the security and performance of software and ... Read More

Stability Testing in Software Testing

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 27-Apr-2021 07:21:27


There are many occasions where websites/applications have to run continuously for weeks/months without restarting the server. Since the number of users in such websites is exceedingly high, owners must ensure that users can access the website without facing any issues.The testers' role in such situations is to make sure these websites don't face any failure or memory leakage when exposed to high traffic. Under stability test, testers revealed these websites till their breakpoint and check how the system responds to such load. Systems can crash or slows down under heavy load. It can also act erratically in some cases. Therefore, stability ... Read More

A Career in Software Testing: Tester Qualifications, Salary & Future

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 27-Apr-2021 07:18:46


Software Testing is a fast-growing field and if you are one of the thousands of aspirants looking to build a career in it, this Software Testing Career guide will help you understand what the testing job is all about and what salary testing jobs provide.What is Software Testing?Walk into any clothes showroom in a mall, and you will notice a room with "Testing" written on its door where you can check whether or not the clothes you like fit you, or look good on you.The word 'testing' is used to determine whether a product satisfies someone's requirement or not. The ... Read More

Difference Between System Testing and Integration Testing

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 14:33:50

7K+ Views

System testing is a type of software testing in which a software product is tested as a whole for the validation of its functional and non-functional requirements, whereas integration testing is a testing in which a software product is tested for the interfacing between its different modules that are interlinked with each other. Read this article to learn more about system testing and integration testing and how they are different from each other. What is System Testing? System Testing is a testing which is used to validate the functionality of a software product developed. It is also known as black ... Read More

Difference Between Manual and Automated Testing

Updated on 27-Apr-2021 06:36:24


In this post, we will understand the difference between manual and automated testing −Automation TestingIt uses automation tools to execute the test cases.It is fast in comparison to a manual approach.It doesn’t allow random testing to be performed.The initial investment is high.The return on investment is better in the long run.It is reliable.It is performed by tools and scripts.There is no testing fatigue in it.Even for a trivial change, automated test scripts have to be modified.It is expensive.All the stakeholders can login to the automation system and check the results of execution.It doesn’t involve human; hence it can’t assure being ... Read More

Difference Between Test Plan and Test Strategy

Updated on 27-Apr-2021 06:31:43


In this post, we will understand the difference between test plan and test strategy −Test PlanIt is a document prepared for a software project that defines the approach, scope, and intensity required for software testing.It can be changed.It happens independently.It describes the details.It is only done by the test administrator or test manager.It is generally utilized at the project level.Its objective deals with how and when to test the product or system, and who would confirm it.Test StrategyIt is a set of instructions that explain the test design.They also help determine how the test has to be performed.It can’t be ... Read More

How to do session handling in Selenium Webdriver?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 08-Apr-2021 08:08:55

5K+ Views

We can perform session handling with the help of Selenium webdriver with a TestNG framework. To trigger different sessions, we shall use the attribute parallel in the TestNG XML file.A TestNG execution configuration is done in the TestNG XML. To create multiple sessions, we shall add the attributes – parallel and thread-count in the XML file.The attribute thread-count controls the number of sessions to be created while executing the tests in a parallel mode. The value of parallel attribute is set to methods.In our example, we would have three methods with three different session ids which are executing in parallel.Exampleimport ... Read More

How does Selenium Webdriver handle SSL certificate in Chrome?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 08-Apr-2021 08:09:31

2K+ Views

We can handle SSL certificate with Selenium webdriver in Chrome browser. A SSL is the standardized protocol used to create a connection between the browser and server.The information exchanged via a SSL certificate is encrypted and it verifies if the information is sent to the correct server. It authenticates a website and provides protection from hacking.An untrusted SSL certificate error is thrown if there are problems in the SSL certificate. We shall receive such an error while we launch a website. In Chrome, we use the ChromeOptions class to work with SSL certificates.We shall create an instance of this class ... Read More

How to automate google Signup form in Selenium using Python?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 08-Apr-2021 08:10:14


We can automate Google Signup form with Selenium webdriver in Python. To automate this page, we have to first launch the Google Signup page and identify each element on the form.Let us have a look at the Google Signup form −Examplefrom selenium import webdriver #set chromodriver.exe path driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="C:\chromedriver.exe") #implicit wait driver.implicitly_wait(0.5) #launch URL driver.get("") #identify elements within form f = driver.find_element_by_id("firstName") f.send_keys("Test") l = driver.find_element_by_id("lastName") l.send_keys("One") u = driver.find_element_by_id("username") u.send_keys("test124ewin") p = driver.find_element_by_name("Passwd") p.send_keys("test124@") c = driver.find_element_by_name ("ConfirmPasswd") c.send_keys("test124@") #get value entered s = f.get_attribute("value") t = l.get_attribute("value") v = u.get_attribute("value") w = p.get_attribute("value") print("Values entered in form: ... Read More
