Found 377 Articles for Artificial Intelligence

Click-On ARM Prothesis

Sharon Christine
Updated on 24-Jan-2020 06:40:25


Robotic limbs have been around for a while; and with the ongoing new technologies and innovations, have been able to get better in motion and strength. The latest development in robotic limbs is that of the ‘click-on arm’ prosthesis.There have been other mind-controlled robotic devices used for patients with severe disabilities either due to neuro-degenerative diseases or accidents. But for these robotic devices, the brain is implanted with chips to enable the movements of robotic arms. The click-on prosthetic device has been applied to legs and been around for a while now (since 2009); however, it has been used on ... Read More

Why Should You Care About Machine Learning?

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 12:31:33


When I say machine learning, it reminds me a subject for the B.Tech Mechanical stream. No this is not a session of machine learning or it’s not related to your regular subject knowledge. The topic remains the same but it’s still different. So before we go to the point why should we be bothered about what is machine learning. We should now see what is machine learning actually.What is Machine Learning?Machine learning is a subcategory or to a say, a type of artificial intelligence (AI) which gives computers, a privilege to learn without being explicitly programmed. It mainly focuses on ... Read More

Top New Skills Needed in the World of Digitization

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 11:28:32


In the quick changing digital world, where we are carrying digital money, shopping online, calling through VOIP and constantly being online all the time, it is difficult to work without digitization. To become an outstanding IT professional in this digital world, we may require more skills than before. Here we have identified few skills which are in high demand in the market.AI/Machine Learning ResearcherThe machine language was always there but never in demand. Research improvements to machine learning algorithms will be one of the hot skills of the future. The knowledge of machine language and Artificial Intelligence has become a ... Read More

REINFORCEMENT LEARNING – Another able branch of Artificial Intelligence

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 09:58:30


‘Reinforcement Learning’ is a field in artificial intelligence(s) machine learning. Inspired by behaviorist psychology, this field renders software agents and machines to ascertain behavior, take actions accordingly, ultimately maximizing their performance. Put simply, computers can reckon/learn themselves by experimenting along with responses from the environment on how things must be done and keep adapting while getting better each time leading to maximization. For eg., controlling computers are trained to play games, schedule jobs such as elevator scheduling (elevator secontrol limbs.Reinforcement Learning (RL)RL was documented more than 100 years ago by psychologist Edward Thorndike. This technology, rather than letting the programmer telling ... Read More

What are the Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence?

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 07:55:46


Artificial Intelligence is one the hot topic in the information and technology which predominantly includes general AI, machine learning, expert systems (which can be the same thing) data mining, Neural Networks and fuzzy systems. These topics have become the most wanted and essential topics among the scholars, students, faculties and professionals.As AI had already created enough impact among the public, this article would help the upcoming generation to know more about the career opportunities that are related to this domain. And we need to understand that fact that, Machine learning is the practical face of AI. It’s about identifying sources ... Read More

Machine Learning – The Intelligent Machine

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 06:44:03


In simple words, we can say that machine learning is the competency of the software to perform a single or series of tasks intelligently without being programmed for those activities. This is part of Artificial Intelligence. Normally, the software behaves the way the programmer programmed it; while machine learning is going one step further by making the software capable of accomplishing intended tasks by using statistical analysis and predictive analytics techniques.You may have noticed that whenever we like or comment a friend’s pictures or videos on a social media site, the related images and videos are posted earlier and keeps ... Read More

Difference between Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 23-Aug-2023 18:39:46


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning play an important role in anything that is remotely related to Automation. AI and ML are the most advanced and popular technologies used for creating intelligent systems in different fields of engineering and science. Although AI and ML are correlated, they are quite different from each other. AI is a wider concept that is used to build intelligent machines for the simulation of human thinking capability and behavior, whereas ML is an application of AI that allows machines to learn from data without being programmed explicitly. Read this tutorial to find out more about AI and ML and ... Read More
