Found 377 Articles for Artificial Intelligence

Robust Correlation in Machine Learning

Jay Singh
Updated on 11-Nov-2022 05:55:42


In this Tutorial, we are going to learn about Robus Correlation in Machine Learning. Understanding and evaluating distinct correlations can be useful in a variety of businesses. What is Correlation? The statistical connection between two entities is known as correlation. Alternatively said, it describes the relationship between the movements of two variables. Different data sets can also be used using correlation. You can have guessed how certain events would link to one another in some circumstances, but in other situations, the correlation may have surprised you. It's critical to recognize that correlation does not imply causation. An illustration of the ... Read More

Stock Trends Candlestick Patterns

Jay Singh
Updated on 28-Oct-2022 11:58:50


Even though stock trading might appear daunting, particularly for novice investors, investing the time to learn can help you grasp the fundamental ideas. In order together to purchase or sell certain stocks, investors must use data. Charts, where recognizable forms or patterns might emerge, are frequently used to convey data. Stock Price Prediction with Machine Learning assists you in determining the future worth of business stock and other financial assets traded on an exchange. The whole point of forecasting stock values is to make big money. It is difficult to forecast how the stock market will fare. Other aspects, such ... Read More

TabNet in Machine Learning

Jay Singh
Updated on 28-Oct-2022 11:54:08

2K+ Views

In this Tutorial, we are going to learn about TabNet in Machine Learning. As far as we are aware, deep learning models have been increasingly popular for employing to solve tabular data. Due to the relevance and effectiveness of the features, they have chosen, XGBoost, RFE, and LightGBM have been dominating this stream. TabNet, however, alters the dynamic. Researchers from Google Cloud made the TabNet proposal in 2019. The concept behind TabNet is to successfully apply deep neural networks to tabular data, which still contains a significant amount of user and processed data. TabNet combines the best of both worlds: ... Read More

What is Odometry?

Jay Singh
Updated on 28-Oct-2022 11:27:50

2K+ Views

In a search and retrieval challenge like the Robo-Rat competition, it is critical for a robot to be aware of its location. It might not seem like a difficult effort to know where you are, but as you shall see, it can be really difficult. People can locate themselves using their sharp vision, long-term memories, and awareness of their surroundings. However, robots do not naturally possess these sophisticated abilities, especially the ones you will be developing for this class. Odometry is one technique that robots use to locate themselves in their surroundings. What is Odometry? The measurement of a robot's ... Read More

Machine Learning Transforms Cloud Providers into Custom Chip Developers

Shubham Vora
Updated on 20-Oct-2022 05:59:19


Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science that focuses on using data and algorithms to mimic human learning processes and progressively increase accuracy. The developing discipline of data science heavily relies on machine learning. In data mining projects, algorithms are taught to generate classifications or predictions using statistical approaches, revealing important insights. These insights then influence decision-making within applications and enterprises, perhaps impacting significant growth KPIs. Big data's continued growth and expansion will drive up demand for data scientists, who will be needed to help identify the most important business issues and the data needed ... Read More

What is Text Annotation and its Types in Machine Learning?

Updated on 14-Oct-2022 11:54:49


Text annotation identifies and labels sentences with metadata to define characteristics of sentences. This could be highlighting parts of speech, grammar, phrases, keywords, emotions, and so on depending on the project. The better the quality and quantity of data, the better the model performs. In this article, you will understand different text annotation methods. 1. Sentiment Annotation Based on the emotion/sentiment associated with the response, the text is annotated. Sarcasm filled text should be understood as is, rather than being termed negative or positive. Sentiment is an important aspect here. Every sentence needs to be labelled based on the available ... Read More

Scaling Techniques in Machine Learning

Updated on 14-Oct-2022 11:52:06


The technique of scaling generates infinite values on the objects to be measured. These techniques help understand the relationship between the objects. Let us see the techniques − Comparative scales It is the direct comparison of objects. The types include − Rank Order Constant sum scaling Rank order One item is judged against the rest of the objects. The respondents contain several objects who rank/order the objects based on a criteria. Rank order scaling is ordinal in nature, that is, (n-1) scaling decisions are made in this technique. Constant sum scaling In this technique, a constant sum of ... Read More

Top 10 Benefits of Machine Learning in Businesses

Updated on 14-Oct-2022 11:48:47


The field of machine learning is developing rapidly, and the benefits are innumerable. Some of the benefits in the field of business have been listed below − Improved Consumer Experience Human efforts to interact with consumers have reduced and bots are used instead. This has helped with the automated and travail responses that are required at times. Human resources can be used for better tasks as well. Resource Planning Since patterns can be detected from data, the resources required can be planned, and can be utilised efficiently. This way, machine learning makes businesses cost effective too. Effective Predictions Predictions based ... Read More

Knowledge based agents in AI

Updated on 14-Oct-2022 11:35:51

5K+ Views

Knowledge-based agents represent searchable knowledge that can be reasoned. These agents maintain an internal state of knowledge, take decisions regarding it, update the data, and perform actions on this data based on the decision. Basically, they are intelligent and respond to stimuli like how humans react to different situations. Examples − Based on the user's question (that behaves as the external stimuli), they provide an answer from their knowledge base (the data warehouse where they store basic knowledge) that provides a satisfactory answer to the user’s question. Knowledge Base Features It has the below-mentioned features − Knowledge base (KB) It is ... Read More

Impact and Example of Artificial Intelligence

Updated on 14-Oct-2022 08:40:47


Artificial intelligence deals with programming computers to detect patterns in new data, make decisions based on user input, and give output based on the user input. All the rules are not explicitly defined and it is expected by the developer that the machine learns these rules by experience, using a reward-punishment mechanism. Applications of Machine Learning Artificial intelligence has come a long way with self-driving cars, bots, object and facial recognition, and much more. In recent times, algorithms have been developed with a better accuracy that can help provide outputs which have better accuracies. Due to the improvements in ... Read More
