Found 377 Articles for Artificial Intelligence

How to Land an Internship in Machine Learning?

Mouri Roy
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 12:46:25


Machine learning is an exciting field that is rapidly growing and providing promising career opportunities. Landing an internship in machine learning can be a great way to gain practical experience and build your skills. But landing an internship in Machine Learning as an undergraduate student is tough as most of the well-known companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Netflix are looking for Ph.D. students who have publications in prestigious journals. However, machine learning solutions are becoming increasingly popular in different industries. Most of the modern technologies like self-driving cars, voice assistants, AI chatbots, and recommendation systems are all powered by ... Read More

Why is Python so in Demand in the Machine Learning and AI Fields?

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 11:58:26


For Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Python has emerged as a well enough and efficient high-level programming language. Data scientists, academics, and developers in various fields embrace it as their language of choice. What, though, makes Python such a perfect combination for these applications and research areas? We'll analyze Python's significance in the machine learning and AI disciplines in this article. The Top Seven Reasons for Python's Popularity in AI and Machine Learning Ease of Use and Readability Python is an easy-to-read and gaining knowledge of programming language, making it perfect for novices. Its simple syntax and readable, herbal language ... Read More

Distribution of Test Data vs. Distribution of Training Data

Sohail Tabrez
Updated on 29-Mar-2023 14:46:21

2K+ Views

Introduction The quality and representativeness of the data used to train and test a machine learning model significantly impact its success. The distribution of training and test data is a key factor in determining the quality of the data. The distribution of training data is the probability distribution of the input data used to train a machine learning model. In contrast, the probability distribution of the input data used to assess the model's effectiveness is referred to as the distribution of test data. This article will examine the variations in training and test data distributions and how they may affect ... Read More

Logistic Regression with Two Highly Correlated Predictors

Sohail Tabrez
Updated on 29-Mar-2023 14:45:08


Introduction Logistic Regression is a widely used statistical technique applied in various fields to model the relationship between a binary response variable and a set of predictor variables. This technique is an extension of linear Regression, where the dependent variable is transformed to a logit function to ensure that the predictions lie within the range of 0 and 1. In this article, we will discuss the implications of having two highly correlated predictors in a logistic regression model and the steps that can be taken to address this issue. Logistic Regression: Dealing with Highly Correlated Predictors Correlation among predictors in ... Read More

Assumptions of Linear Regression - Multivariate Normality

Sohail Tabrez
Updated on 29-Mar-2023 14:43:38

1K+ Views

Introduction Linear regression is a widely used statistical method for modelling the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. It is based on the linear relationship between the variables and is widely used in various fields, including economics, psychology, and engineering. However, certain assumptions must be met for the results of linear regression analysis to be meaningful and accurate. One of these assumptions is the assumption of multivariate normality. Multivariate normality assumes that the residuals, or the difference between the observed and predicted values, are normally distributed. This assumption is important because it allows for various ... Read More

Trends in AI/ML, Data Science and Analytics

Sohail Tabrez
Updated on 29-Mar-2023 14:31:47


Introduction Data science, analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and other quickly developing topics are revolutionizing various sectors. New trends influencing these fields' future are emerging as technology develops. This post will examine some of the most significant trends in analytics, data science, and AI/ML. These trends, which range from the democratization of AI/ML to its application for social good, can completely alter how we communicate, work, and live. Understanding these patterns will help us take advantage of the opportunities they bring and better position ourselves for the future. Trends Trends in AI/ML At an unprecedented rate, machine learning ... Read More

Cyborgs - Applications and Limitations

Anusha Karthik
Updated on 28-Mar-2023 15:19:05


Cyborgs - An Insight With the increasing use of technology and artificial intelligence, the concept of Cyborgs has gained significant attention. Cyborgs, also known as Cyborg Hybrids, are a combination of biological and technological components. The term 'cyborg' refers to an organism that has both organic and synthetic parts, while 'hybrid' refers to a combination of two different things. Cyborgs are an exciting field of study and have many potential applications, but they also come with their own set of limitations. Below we have discussed about the applications and limitations of Cyborgs and the ethical implications of this emerging ... Read More

Best Visualizations of Machine Learning Algorithms

Sohail Tabrez
Updated on 29-Mar-2023 09:10:25


Introduction Machine learning algorithms are complex and often difficult to interpret and understand. Data visualization can help simplify the complex results generated by these algorithms and make them more accessible to experts and non-experts alike. In this article, we have discussed some of the best visualizations for machine learning algorithms and provided real-time examples. Machine learning algorithms are sophisticated mathematical models that use statistical methods to find patterns in data and generate predictions. Visualizations can shed light on how these algorithms function and the connections they find in the data, even though their inner workings can be challenging to comprehend. ... Read More

How to Prepare for MS in Machine Learning in the USA?

Sohail Tabrez
Updated on 29-Mar-2023 09:06:18


Introduction If you're interested in technology, data science, or artificial intelligence, machine learning is a fast-expanding profession that offers fascinating chances. You can get the information, abilities, and real-world experience necessary to excel in this industry by pursuing an MS in machine learning in the USA. Though it can be a challenging and competitive process, applying to academic programs necessitates careful planning and preparation. We have detailed important steps in this article to assist you prepare for an MS in Machine Learning in the USA and increase your chances of getting into a prominent school. Prepare for MS in Machine ... Read More

How are Artificial Neural Networks used in Machine Learning?

Sohail Tabrez
Updated on 28-Mar-2023 15:30:10


Introduction Machine learning models called artificial neural networks (ANNs) are modelled after the structure and operation of biological neurons in the brain. ANNs are a powerful machine learning technique that may be used to address a variety of issues in numerous domains. Applications for ANNs include object detection, anomaly detection, generative modelling, reinforcement learning, financial modelling, natural language processing, speech recognition, object recognition, and recommendation systems. We will look at some of the applications of ANNs in machine learning in this article. Artificial Neural Networks used in Machine Learning What is an Artificial Neural Network? A group of connected nodes, ... Read More
