Found 377 Articles for Artificial Intelligence

How To Implement ChatGPT In Django?

Prakash Joshi
Updated on 23-Jan-2024 12:24:30


ChatGPT has become very popular these days. People worldwide are using it to build and perform various tasks like interactive chat interfaces. Development is no exception, there are so many developers using this tool to make life easier for them and to develop better applications like advanced chat applications. One such specific use case is implementing ChatGPT in Django. This will allow developers to introduce conversational experiences to the Django application while reducing time to implement for developers. In this article, we will learn about implementing ChatGPT in a Django application in a detailed, step-by-step form. What is Django? Django ... Read More

10 Jobs That ChatGPT Can Replace in the Near Future

Prakash Joshi
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 11:15:17


The idea that AI is going to replace humans is not new. Our culture has constantly valued how technology could turn against us or completely replace humans. All of that, though, was before ChatGPT came to town and began to make this fever dream become reality. While we are not quite there yet, ChatGPT and AI in general may be on the way to changing humans entirely in some situations and taking over some jobs. So, is "Skynet" age finally here? Let's discuss the fields that ChatGPT or AI is most likely to take over. Jobs that ChatGPT can ... Read More

How Search Engines Can Integrate AI Chatbots in the Future?

Prakash Joshi
Updated on 11-Jan-2024 17:33:46


Artificial intelligence (AI) has been useful in both people's and companies' lives during the past few years. The rapid growth and advancement of chatbot technology is clear evidence of the tech sector's rise. The ability of ChatGPT, an OpenAI chatbot, can write practically everything, including programs. This has helped it become the most well-known AI chatbot globally. In order to improve user experience, major search engines like Google have also stated that they will soon add AI chatbots to their search engine. Google even recently launched Google Bard, a conversational AI chatbot. In this article, we will be learning about ... Read More

How ChatGPT is Transforming the Software Development Process?

Prakash Joshi
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 11:32:37


ChatGPT is a hot topic across all industries, let's talk about the best uses of this AI tool for developers today. It is an OpenAI long-form question-answering AI with a Generative Pre-trained Transformer that responds to challenging queries. An interesting new technology is being taught to understand questions asked by individuals and provide an answer. In November 2022, OpenAI released ChatGPT, a chatbot with a strong language model. This language model can answer your questions and help you with coding, email generation, essay writing, and other tasks. Changes in Software Development Process because of ChatGPT The software development process ... Read More

How is AI Changing the Nature of Developer Jobs?

Prakash Joshi
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 11:39:13


The term "Artificial Intelligence" has long been popular in every field. Whether it is content creation, data analysis, or image generation. The industry of software and web development is not an exception as well. There are rumors that the nature of developer work will fundamentally alter as a result of the introduction of AI technologies like ChatGPT and GitHub to the market. But how? In this article, we will be talking about the same. We'll go through how AI adoption is changing the nature of developer jobs and how it will affect job security as well. So let's get ... Read More

10 Best ChatGPT Plugins You Should Start Using Right Now

Prakash Joshi
Updated on 11-Jan-2024 17:17:54


Introduction These days, chatbots are becoming an important part of many industries. This ranges from customer support to even content generation. With the help of ChatGPT which is developed by OpenAI, developers, and businesses now have access to a powerful tool. This can help them improve the various forms of communication with users. But to further improve the skills of ChatGPT and customize it to the various needs, all you have to do is install ChatGPT plugins. In this article, we will go through the top 10 ChatGPT plugins which are out there in the market and that you should ... Read More

How to make Money with ChatGPT?

Prakash Joshi
Updated on 11-Jan-2024 17:02:03


Things have started changing a lot in the Tech as well as the non-tech space as soon as ChatGPT was introduced to the world. This Generative AI language model which is built by OpenAI can do multiple tasks from writing essays to even writing and debugging code, or even acting as a consultant. So, no wonder that we can do multiple stuff using this Generative AI model to make money out of it. In this article, we will go through various ways to earn money using ChatGPT. Cost of Using ChatGPT The basic version of ChatGPT is currently free to ... Read More

Salesforce and machine learning: Automating sales tasks with AI

Swatantraveer Arya
Updated on 06-Nov-2023 13:36:53


Introduction In today's fast-paced business environment, sales teams are constantly seeking ways to improve their efficiency and productivity. With the rapid advancement of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have emerged as powerful tools to automate and streamline sales tasks. Salesforce, a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform, has integrated AI and ML capabilities into its suite of products, enabling sales professionals to optimize their workflows and drive better results. In this article, we will explore the intersection of Salesforce and machine learning and how this integration is revolutionizing the sales process. Understanding Machine Learning Machine learning is a subset of AI ... Read More

Generative Chatbots vs Rule Based chatbots

Updated on 19-Oct-2023 16:17:30


Introduction In the dynamic domain of artificial intelligence, chatbots have developed as trans-formative devices, redefining client intuitive and benefit conveyance. Among the assorted cluster of chatbot approaches, Generative Chatbots and Rule-Based Chatbots stand out as excellent techniques. This article embraces an in-depth investigation of the polarity between these two categories, shedding light on their fundamental mechanics, identifying their multifaceted focal points, portraying their inborn disadvantages, revealing their flexible applications, and eventually, diving into their overarching centrality and the challenges they show. As we dismember the one of a kind traits of Generative and Rule-Based Chatbots, we reveal the significant effect ... Read More

What is Grouped Convolution in Machine Learning?

Bhavani Vangipurapu
Updated on 17-Oct-2023 10:59:43


Introduction The idea of filter groups, also known as grouped convolution, was first explored by AlexNet in 2012. This creative solution was prompted by the necessity to train the network using two Nvidia GTX 580 GPUs with 1.5GB of memory each. Challenge: Limited GPU Memory During testing, AlexNet's creators discovered it needed a little under 3GB of GPU RAM to train. Unfortunately, they couldn't train the model effectively using both GPUs because of memory limitations. The Motivation behind Filter Groups In order to solve the GPU memory problem, the authors came up with filter groups. By optimizing the model's parallelization ... Read More
