Found 107 Articles for Articles / Tutorial Titles

Perfect and Imperfect Competition

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

13K+ Views

Introduction It is sometimes considered interesting to define markets that are all run by market forces where the competition among sellers is evenly distributed and all of the players get an equal amount of market share. However, such settings are hard to find in the real world. In reality, there is hardly any economy where all resources are evenly distributed among its players. Here’s why perfect and imperfect competition is necessary to define. Perfect Competition: Definition In a market with perfect competition, the resources are divided equally and evenly among the market participants. There is no monopoly and every player ... Read More


Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction There are many products in the market because there is demand for them. Consumers usually want to buy products at a given price due to demand. So what is demand and how does it work? Demand is a central theory in economics and without it, economics won’t exist. As demand is related to supply and the supply-demand theory controls the markets, demand acts as a central part of economic theory. Demand is also related to other subjects such as marketing, but its use and meaning remain the same. What is a Demand? Demand refers to an economic concept that ... Read More

Price Elasticity of Supply

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction The price elasticity of supply is a determinant of the flexibility of organizations in production in the case of a price rise of their products in the market. The price elastic supply is responsive to price increases and it is an ideal status for organizations that compete for profit in the free market. What is Price Elasticity of Supply? Price elasticity of supply refers to the responsiveness to the supply of a good due to the changes in its market price. According to the law of supply, the supply of a commodity increases with the increase in its price. ... Read More

Supply Curve

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


What is a Supply Curve? images coming soon The supply curve is a graphical representation of the product price and quantity of product that a seller or a producer is able and willing to supply. In the graph, the vertical axis represents the price while the horizontal axis represents the quantity The supply curve follows the law of supply where an increase in price leads to an increase in quantity supplied by the producers when all other factors remain the same. In such graphical representations, price is an independent variable while quantity is a dependent variable. The independent variable is ... Read More

Partition Values

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

3K+ Views

Introduction: Partition Value Partition values are used to divide the total number of observations of a statistical series into equal parts. It is essential to understand that in order to use partition values, we must sort data either in ascending or descending order. Commonly used partition values include quartiles, deciles, and percentiles. As the names suggest, quartiles divide the observations into four equal parts, deciles divide into ten equal parts while percentiles divide data into hundred equal parts. It is important sometimes to divide data to see the effects of distribution in a statistical series. This leads to ... Read More

Composition of India's Foreign Trade

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

22K+ Views

Introduction: Composition of India's Foreign Trade Composition of foreign trade refers to quantities of import and export of items of a nation. This helps to determine the economic structure and development of a country. It has been traditionally observed that developing nations export raw materials, agricultural products, and intermediate commodities while developed nations export finished goods, equipment, and machinery. India’s foreign trade policy is aimed at boosting the economic growth of the country. India is at a critical juncture of progress where it must increase exports to remain stable and grow its economic strength. The country is trying hard ... Read More

Foreign Trade of India

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

2K+ Views

Introduction Foreign trade is the exchange of goods, capital, and services across international borders or territories. It is important to know about internal trade first to learn about foreign trade Internal trade The purchase and sale of goods and services within the borders of a nation are referred to as internal trade. Usually, no customs duty or import tax is levied on such trade. The reason for not levying any tax is that goods are part of domestic production and consumption. So, purchases and sales should be allowed to occur at no cost in a country. Internal trade ... Read More

Capital Market in India

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

6K+ Views

Introduction: Capital Market in India Capital markets provide support to capitalism in a country. The two regulators of capital markets in India are the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). As the Indian economy is growing and it has a good share of the world economy, Indian capital markets are of interest to investors from around the globe. Capital markets are of two types, namely – primary capital market and secondary capital market. In the primary capital markets, governments, or public sector organizations can raise funds through the issue of bonds. ... Read More

Problems of Money Market in India

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

11K+ Views

Introduction: Money Market The money market is a financial market for short-term securities, such as treasury bills, and commercial papers. These markets are highly liquid and less risky which makes them very attractive for borrowers and lenders to access easy money. The success of a monetary market depends on various factors such as the participation of the rural population, the length, and breadth of the market system, the use of technology, and proper management of the system to keep it out of corruption. Therefore, the creation of a successful money market is tough when there is a shortage ... Read More

Money Market in India

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

8K+ Views

What is a Money Market? Money market is a part of the financial market where short-term securities with high liquidity are traded. The money market is a popular component of financial markets where securities of short-term maturities of one year or less, such as commercial papers and treasury bills are bought and sold. Money markets are popular for over-the-counter trading where securities are traded in a wholesale process. The money market is an ideal place for investors and other participants to borrow and lend for the short term. The money market consists of negotiable financial ... Read More

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