Found 451 Articles for Anti Virus

How does malware get past security software?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 07-Feb-2022 12:06:32


Malicious software, or malware, is any software that causes damage to a computer system. Malware can take the shape of worms, viruses, trojans, spyware, adware, and rootkits, among other things, and can steal confidential information, erase documents, or install software that has not been allowed by the user.How Does Malware Get Past Security Software?Malware takes advantage of security flaws (bugs or vulnerabilities) in the operating system's design and applications (such as older versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer supported by Windows XP) and susceptible versions of browser plugins. Even installing new versions of such plugins does not always result in the ... Read More

What is an SSL certificate and how does it work?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 28-Dec-2021 11:15:22


Secure Sockets LayerSecure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a protocol for encrypting and authenticating data transferred between a web server and an application. When you or your users enter data on your site, it passes via several touch points before arriving at its eventual destination. Without SSL, this data is transferred as plain text, intercepted, or altered by hostile parties. SSL provides point-to-point encryption to ensure data security during transmission.A message authentication code, or MAC, is included in SSL connections to ensure that data is not lost or altered during transmission. This ensures that the data sent is received without being ... Read More

What is a Whaling Attack?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 28-Dec-2021 11:13:25


Whaling AttackA whaling attack is a mode of phishing scam that targets high-ranking executives. Cybercriminals try to dupe their victims into taking adverse actions by impersonating a high-ranking professional. They frequently try to obtain massive wire transfers, sensitive information or infect computers with malware containing misleading links. The latter two indicate that this social engineering method may have long-term effects, as cybercriminals can use the data gathered from a whaling attack to launch additional attacks.Whaling Vs PhisingThe distinction between whaling and other types of phishing lies in the target's specificity.While phishing targets many people at random, and spearphishing targets people ... Read More

What is Webcam Hacking?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 28-Dec-2021 11:12:06


Webcam HackingWebcams are a significant privacy worry, especially since they're built into so many of the gadgets we use daily, such as your phone, tablet, or laptop.Webcam hacking is known as camfecting, and it is the act of gaining access to someone's webcam and turning it on without their knowledge. The camera's operator (i.e., the hacker) can view all that the camera can see.The most common way is to infect a victim's computer with malware that allows hackers access to a connected webcam.During the outbreak of the recent pandemic, the number of camfecting, cases has also increased since most people ... Read More

Top Smartphone Scams

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 28-Dec-2021 11:10:09


Smartphone sales keep increasing at an exponential rate, and it doesn’t look like it’s going down any time soon. It’s one of the most popular appliances in the world. Such a commodity will obviously be subject to scams.As smartphone technology advances, smartphone frauds are becoming a nuisance. The victims of these frauds might lose anything from a few pounds to their entire life savings. As we become increasingly reliant on these gadgets in our everyday lives, it's critical to be aware of the many sorts of mobile scams and how to prevent them. In this article, we will highlight some ... Read More

How does Incognito Mode work?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 28-Dec-2021 11:08:37


Browsing the Internet can expose the users to various types of risks. Others can view a lot of information about you, but they can also obtain bits of information about you just by surfing. Hackers can sell the information they've obtained to advertisers, who can use it to construct buyer profiles and targeted adverts.What is Incognito Mode?Incognito mode is a type of private surfing that leaves fewer tracks. It has the ability to delete temporary data that has been acquired by the PC or gadget you're using.While not all privacy settings are created equal, the majority of private browser settings ... Read More

Does HTTPS mean safe?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 28-Dec-2021 11:06:49


As we all know, there are a lot of sites online where many are safe and secure, while there are a lot of insecure and fake websites. These fake websites are utilized mainly by scammers and hackers. They try to use different methods to hack. In this article, we will find out the answers to the following questions −Does HTTPS offer full-fledged safety?How is it different from the standard HTTP connections?How is HTTPS different from HTTP?HTTPS (Hypertext transfer protocol secure) is a much more secure type of HTTP, the most widely used protocol for sending data between a web browser ... Read More

How are Instagram accounts hacked?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 28-Dec-2021 11:05:06


You can't argue that Instagram is a social media platform unlike any other; it is a social media platform entirely built around visual media rather than just text. Today with over a billion accounts, Instagram is one of the most popular social media networks. It is now a platform used by almost all businesses, artists and not to forget the influencers.With all this being said, today, Instagram is one of the most looked out targets for cybercriminals, many accounts have been getting hacked, and it can be done in many ways. In this article, we will be discussing some of ... Read More

How can Cookies be a threat?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 28-Dec-2021 11:03:27


The Internet is unquestionably the finest source of information regarding items, stores, customer complaints, user experiences, and so on. Companies employ cookies to try to pique users' interest in browsing and give the best experience possible.Lon Montulli is credited with inventing cookies in 1995 for the Netscape Communication Corporation.The term "cookies" comes from the programming phrase "magic cookies, " which refers to exchanged data across programs.http cookies, browser cookies, and web cookies are all terms for cookies.What are Cookies?Cookies are little text files a web server stores on a user's computer.This text file includes information in the form of a ... Read More

What is the Deep Web and how to access it?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 28-Dec-2021 10:56:29


How do you go to the Deep Web? Accessing these services in a traditional manner is not feasible, opening up a huge market of opportunities for illicit activities and any other work that demands secrecy. It is not as complex as one may believe.You can't just use a regular browser to access the Deep Web. You need to utilise anonymity software like Tor, which exclusively accesses the deep/dark web. You may access the deep web anonymously with the Tor browser. But it isn't enough; you'll need additional security to safeguard your identity on the dark web because it contains potentially ... Read More
