Found 451 Articles for Anti Virus

Why You Should Never Pay a Ransomware Demand

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 16-Feb-2022 07:43:55


Cyber risks are increasing as our society becomes more reliant on technology. A typical cyber threat that cybercriminals take advantage of is ransomware, and they are in it for the money. It may sound scary initially, and we might be tempted to pay them, but should you decide to pay these criminals? The short answer is "No". Now let us find out why you should stick to that decision.What is Ransomware?Ransomware is malware that infects, locks, or controls a computer system. The attacker then demands a monetary payment to reverse the malicious conduct.Attackers who use ransomware encrypt files and demand ... Read More

What is Cloud Antivirus?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 16-Feb-2022 07:40:31


We are all aware of the ever-rising dangers of malware and other cyber threats that can harm your devices and turn them completely useless or even ask for a ransom to get back your access to the device. You'll need security software to defend yourself from such dangers.Using a cloud antivirus solution is becoming increasingly popular. Antivirus providers now offer to emphasize their products' cloud-based capabilities, claiming advantages such as "the speed of cloud computing to enable real-time protection." What exactly does that imply? What exactly is cloud antivirus?What is Cloud Antivirus?Cloud antivirus provides real-time threat updates and uses the ... Read More

What is Bluebugging?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 16-Feb-2022 07:30:26


Almost everyone has a smartphone nowadays, and Bluetooth is a standard feature in most smartphones that we use quite frequently. However, we need to keep in mind that a Bluetooth-enabled gadget can be hacked and exploited.If your smartphone gets hacked over a Bluetooth connection, you risk losing all of your data, photographs, videos, messages, contacts, and other personal information. Nowadays, you carry a miniature computer in your pocket if you have a smartphone.What is Bluetooth?Bluetooth is an open wireless technology standard for transmitting data between fixed and mobile electronic devices over short distances. In 1994, Bluetooth was introduced as a ... Read More

How to secure your data from the Dark Web?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 16-Feb-2022 07:28:28


The Internet that we see and is visible to most users is known as the surface web, but this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the Internet. Using search engines like Google, we are restricted to the surface layer of the Internet, but there exists a more profound layer known as the DarkNet or Dark Web, which is usually known for a collection of hidden websites that are not indexed by search engines like Google and are inaccessible using a conventional browser.What Does the Term "Dark Web" Mean?The Dark Web, often known as the DarkNet, ... Read More

How to make your Facebook account hackproof?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 16-Feb-2022 07:26:26


Facebook is a vital part of our everyday lives for many of us. It's where we communicate with friends and co-workers, keep up with our favourite celebrities, and keep up with the newest news. Because many of us consider Facebook an extension of ourselves, having your account hacked may be more than humiliating. A hacked Facebook account can ruin your reputation, reveal personal information, and even cost you money. In this article, we will share a few tips that you can use to make your Facebook account hackproof.Select a strong passwordLet's start with one of the most primary aspects − ... Read More

What is Synthetic Identity Theft?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 16-Feb-2022 07:24:14


A fraud in which a person assumes another person's identity is known as synthetic identity theft. The thief creates a new identity by combining basic and fraudulent information. In most cases, the accurate information utilised in this fraud is stolen. This information is used to create phoney accounts and make fake purchases.Cybercriminals can use synthetic identity theft to steal money from creditors such as credit card companies.How Does Synthetic Identity Theft Work?Synthetic identity thieves steal information from unsuspecting persons to construct a false identity. They take people's Social Security Numbers (SSNs) and combine them with bogus information such as names, ... Read More

What is Killware?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 16-Feb-2022 07:22:15


Killware is a software or code that is installed on computers with the sole purpose of causing harm to humans. This type of pain is not related to money or emotions; instead, it is related to physical damage. Killware, as the name implies, is a malware designed to kill people. Unlike ransomware, which infects your computer and locks it until you pay a ransom, killware is a virus spread by psychopaths who have nothing to do with money.The Dangers of KillwareKillware in general does not affect the computers or cellphones of normal people. Instead, their primary goal is to target ... Read More

What is Dharma Ransomware?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 16-Feb-2022 07:18:55


With the ever-increasing rate of cyber threats, the number of Ransomware has also been on the rise, and one such Ransomware is the Dharma Ransomware. In this article, we will discuss more on Ransomware and how they work.What is Ransomware?Ransomware is a virus that encrypts a victim's data and holds it hostage. An organisation’s essential data is encrypted, making it impossible to access files, databases, or apps. After that, a ransom is demanded to acquire access.Ransomware is frequently designed to propagate over a network and target database and file servers, paralysing a whole enterprise in the process. It's a growing ... Read More

What is Cloud Encryption?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 16-Feb-2022 07:16:10

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In recent years, online data privacy has become one of the most talked-about issues in information technology. Due to the continuous data flow from analog to digital devices and applications, our data is more sensitive to threats and vulnerabilities. Without the risk of losing tangible, portable media devices, the cloud allows you to access your data from anywhere with an Internet connection. Although several cloud solutions are free, they don't always include advanced security features like data encryption. So, what is cloud encryption, exactly?What is Cloud Encryption?The technique of encoding and altering data before moving it to the cloud is ... Read More

What is GPS spoofing?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 16-Feb-2022 07:14:49


GPS (Global Positioning System) is currently the conventional method for passengers to navigate from point A to point B quickly and effectively. While GPS provides businesses and people with unrivalled benefits, there are certain disadvantages in using this technology. Through GPS spoofing, GPS devices might be exposed to cyber assaults.Many developed nations have had global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) for years, and GPS is just one of them. When someone uses a radio transmitter to deliver a fake GPS signal to a receiver antenna to counter a valid GPS satellite signal, this is known as GPS spoofing. The strongest GPS ... Read More
