Found 451 Articles for Anti Virus

What are Malicious Websites?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 30-May-2022 10:11:53


While many legal websites have reasonable cybersecurity protections, many rogue websites are designed purely to cause harm. Hackers are working around the clock to try to attack weaknesses or trick consumers into giving them access to their personal information, and they're surprisingly successful.To avoid this circumstance, there are several recommended practices that everyone can and should follow, such as not clicking on unknown links or downloading anything from someone you don't trust. Hackers, on the other hand, are significantly more advanced now than they were ten years ago. They have the power to infect your device without even you doing ... Read More

What are the Challenges in Establishing Cyber Security?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 30-May-2022 10:09:46


Cyber security is a concern for individuals, corporations, and governments alike. It keeps our data safe in a world where everything is on the internet, from cute kitten videos to our vacation journals to our credit card information, which is one of the most challenging tasks of Cyber Security.Today, Cybersecurity is a significant concern for every company. Cybersecurity refers to a set of procedures followed by a firm or individual to guarantee that information retains its "CIA" – integrity, confidentiality, and availability. You'll be able to recover back quickly from power outages, errors, or hard drive failures if you have ... Read More

What are the 5 Must-Have Cybersecurity Skills?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 30-May-2022 10:06:10


What is Cybersecurity?Cyber security employs technology, processes, and policies to protect systems, networks, programs, devices, and data against cyberattacks. Its purpose is to reduce the danger of cyber-attacks while also protecting systems, networks, and technology against unwanted access.Cyber assaults are becoming more sophisticated, with attackers employing more comprehensive strategies. Social engineering, malware, and ransomware are examples of these.It is a fallacy to imagine that cybercriminals are uninterested in you. Everyone who uses the Internet needs cyber security. This is because the majority of cyber assaults are automated and are designed to target common flaws rather than specific websites or organizations.5 ... Read More

What are Drive-by Downloads?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 30-May-2022 10:01:39


Most people nowadays don't give a second thought to the websites they visit, clicking through without thinking about if a link or a popup will redirect them or if a secure protocol is being utilized. Typically, this isn't a problem, but if you visit a malicious website, your device could be infected rapidly by the cybersecurity danger known as a drive-by download.What is a Drive-by Download Attack?Any malicious software installed into an individual's device without their knowledge or consent is referred to as a drive-by download. Just clicking on a link or an email itself can result in a drive-by ... Read More

What are Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 30-May-2022 09:59:22


What is Cross-Site Scripting?The technique of inserting malicious code on a legitimate website in order to capture user information for nefarious reasons is known as cross-site scripting (XSS).By inserting malicious code in a genuine web page or web application, the attacker attempts to execute harmful scripts on the victim's web browser.The real attack occurs when the victim visits a website or uses a web application containing malicious code. The malicious script is delivered to the user's browser via the web page or application.Forums, message boards, and online pages with commenting capabilities are typical targets for Cross-site Scripting attacks.When a web ... Read More

What are the Common Honeypot Traps in Cybersecurity?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 30-May-2022 08:19:10


What is a Honeypot?A honeypot is a spoof computer system used to catch hackers or track new or unusual hacking techniques. Honeypots are meant to engage and deceive hackers into detecting malicious Internet activity intentionally. A honeynet can be formed by connecting multiple honeypots on a network.Honeypots have numerous advantages. The most significant benefit is how simple they are to use. Another benefit is that, even though honeypots only seek modest amounts of hacker data, the data is regarded as extremely significant for analyzing and discovering hackers' motivations.Honeypot systems, on the other hand, aren't flawless. They contain everyday technology hazards, ... Read More

What is a Brute Force Attack? (Definition, Types, and How to Spot One)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 30-May-2022 08:17:03


What is a Brute Force Attack?A brute force attack is a method of cracking passwords, login credentials, and encryption keys that relies on trial and error. It's a simple but effective method for getting illegal access to individual accounts as well as systems and networks of businesses. Until they uncover the proper login information, the hacker attempts various usernames and passwords, frequently utilizing a computer to try a wide variety of combinations.The term "brute force" refers to attackers who seek to acquire access to user accounts by applying excessive force. Despite the fact that brute force assaults are an ancient ... Read More

Top Ways to Keep Your Data Private

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 30-May-2022 08:14:09


Today, we spend most of our time online, and people have no issues storing their data in it and consider it safe just because it is password protected. Personal data is much more valuable than you think, so businesses constantly look for new ways to obtain it. It's often impossible to tell what your data is being used for, how securely it's being stored, who it'll be shared with, or how long it'll be kept once it's been acquired.Your data could be utilized for price discrimination, job discrimination, service denials, election influence, and other nefarious behaviors in addition to ad ... Read More

Top In-built Security Features in Windows 11

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 30-May-2022 08:12:36


Over the past, Microsoft has been providing users with one of the best-operating systems with Windows. Windows 11 is the latest version of their series, and it is one the best ones so far, especially when it comes to security. Although there were many controversies behind the minimum requirement aspects, it was viable for almost all computers.But the reason for these hardware requirements is acceptable since they claim to provide high security with built-in features allowing users to have a safe and secure time with their computers. Let us now take a look at some of the new built-in security ... Read More

How can you protect yourself against Web threats?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 30-May-2022 08:10:19


When it comes to protecting you from possible threats like spyware, ransomware, and malware when using the Internet, your Internet security package can only go so far. Because there are some risks that no Internet security package can defend you against, you'll have to perform some of the jobs yourself.Attackers might try to deceive you in a variety of ways, both online and offline, by manipulating human nature and emotional emotions. A notable illustration of this is social engineering. Cybercriminals utilise social engineering, a strategy that incorporates human-to-human contact in order to persuade a user to give information.What are Web ... Read More
