Found 451 Articles for Anti Virus

What is Dumpster Diving in Cybersecurity?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 09-Jun-2022 12:11:24


What is Dumpster Diving?Dumpster diving is the practice of exploring garbage for information on a person or company that might be utilized for hacking purposes later. This assault mostly targets major companies or businesses in order to conduct phishing (mainly) by sending victims false emails that look to come from a reputable source.Identity scams take advantage of information gained by breaching the victim's confidentiality. Dumpster divers search the victim's trash for financial statements, government papers, medical bills, résumés, and other documents. Once obtained, the data is utilized to construct identity profiles, increasing the likelihood of social engineering success. Full, usable ... Read More

What is Heartbleed Bug? (How it Works, Vulnerable Devices, How to Prevent

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 09-Jun-2022 12:09:17


Heartbleed is a critical flaw in the widely used OpenSSL cryptographic software library. This flaw allows information to be stolen that is usually secured by the SSL/TLS cryptography used to secure the Web. SSL/TLS enables communication privacy and security for the internet, mail, messaging services, and some VPNs over the internet.A defect in OpenSSL's implementation of the TLS Heartbeat extension causes the Heartbleed problem, which results in improper input validation.It's an open-source software vulnerability that was initially discovered in 2014. Anyone with access to the Internet can use this flaw to access the memory of system vulnerabilities, leaving no trace ... Read More

What are Backdoor Trojans?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 09-Jun-2022 12:06:10

3K+ Views

Backdoor Trojans are malicious software programs that provide unauthorized access to a computer in order to launch a remote attack. Remote attackers can use a hacked machine to send commands or gain complete control.Backdoor malware and viruses circumvent authentication protocols in order to gain access to systems and avoid detection. Once a Trojan has gained a footing in a system, it adds itself to the starting routine of the computer, preventing harmful programs from being permanently terminated by rebooting the machine.Backdoor malware is commonly referred to as a Trojan. A Trojan horse is a malicious computer software that masquerades as ... Read More

What is Gray Hat Hacking?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 09-Jun-2022 12:03:39


A Gray Hat programmer is a programmer who may violate moral conventions or standards, but not with the malicious intent associated with dark cap programmers. Gray Hat programmers may participate in practices that appear to be less than completely above board, yet they are typically working for the greater good.Gray hat programmers bridge the gap between white cap programmers, who try to ensure that safe frameworks are maintained, and dark cap programmers, who act vindictively to exploit flaws in frameworks.Gray hat hackers are between white and black hat hackers. Gray hat hackers use a combination of black hat and white ... Read More

What is the SolarWinds Cyber Attack?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 09-Jun-2022 12:01:10


The "SolarWinds hack", a cyberattack uncovered lately in the United States, has emerged as one of the largest ever targeted against the United States government, its agencies, and several private enterprises. In reality, this is likely a global cyberattack.FireEye, a cybersecurity firm based in the United States, was the first to find it, and further details have emerged since then. The scope of the cyber-attack is unknown; however, it is thought that the US Treasury, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Commerce, and elements of the Pentagon were all affected.What is SolarWinds, Exactly?SolarWinds is a large software firm based in ... Read More

What is Rogue Security Software? (Features, What It Does, How to Prevent)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 09-Jun-2022 11:59:30

1K+ Views

Rogue security software is a malicious software that deceives users into believing their computer is afflicted with a virus in order to induce them to pay for a phony malware removal application that really installs malware. It is a type of scareware that manipulates victims by instilling fear in them, as well as a type of ransomware. Since 2008, rogue security software has posed a severe security concern to desktop computers. SpySheriff and its clones were an early example that acquired notoriety.Rogueware is a type of ransomware that is frequently associated with huge cybercrime networks in which hackers distribute Trojan ... Read More

What is Fast Identity Online (FIDO)? (Benefits, Is It Secure, How Does It Work)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 09-Jun-2022 11:57:37


What is FIDO?FIDO (Fast ID Online) is a collection of technology-neutral solid authentication security protocols. The FIDO Alliance, a non-profit organization dedicated to standardizing authentication at the client and protocol layers, created FIDO.The FIDO specifications support multifactor authentication (MFA) and public-key cryptography. FIDO keeps it locally on the user's device to protect personally-identifying information (PII), such as biometric authentication data, rather than in a password database.The Universal Authentication Framework (UAF) and the Universal Second Factor (U2F) protocols are supported by FIDO. During registration with an online service, the client device establishes a new key pair using UAF and keeps the ... Read More

What is Executive Order 14028 on Improving National Cybersecurity?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 09-Jun-2022 11:55:39


Executive Order 14028 (EO), Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity, issued by Joe Biden on May 12, 2021, directs several agencies to improve cybersecurity through various software and data security and integrity measures. Several high-profile information security and ransomware assaults in 2020/21 triggered the order, including the SolarWinds hack, MS Exchange server vulnerabilities, and the Pulse Connect Secure attack that targeted both public and private sectors.Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued guidelines about the country's security framework as a result of these assaults. This is a large policy document with 74 executable directives that span 15 pages. There are 45 directives ... Read More

What are Autorun Worms? (How Do They Spread, How to Remove, How to Prevent)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 09-Jun-2022 11:53:33


Autorun Worms, which are commonly disseminated via USB devices, are a "surprise attack" that uses the Windows Auto-Run feature (autorun.inf) to execute malicious code without user knowledge when an infected device is connected to a computer. Many variants of this exploit make use of Windows' Autoplay features.Usually, the danger is in the form of removable media. If an unproven media item is presented and immediately runs, there is a danger of infection.Many modern operating systems disable Auto-Run by default, lowering the risk of this type of worm. Just in case, make sure you have strong endpoint security in place so ... Read More

What is Harpooning? (How it Works, How to Prevent)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 09-Jun-2022 11:47:29


Harpooning is the act of a hacker gathering information from social media sites in order to mimic executives and target employees in their company for the purpose of obtaining sensitive personal data. The security specialists from Mimecast had polled hundreds of IT professionals and determined that a new wave of "whaling" − a type of phishing assault that especially targets C to top-level executives − had impacted firms.Difference between Phishing and CyberwhalingThe difference between phishing and cyberwhaling is almost identical to the difference between real-world fishing and whaling: A "harpoon" instead of a fishnet, targets an enormous target instead of ... Read More
