Found 451 Articles for Anti Virus

Roles and Responsibilities of Cyber Security Professionals

Jui Mondal
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 14:58:27


This sector for IT professionals has become the most vital part of taking care of. So let's begin with the fact that you want to buy an item or any other product online because of your choice, so you go to the online e-commerce website. When you add that list to the wish list, the website will ask for your details to save your items, make an account on their website, or call it a web store. Firstly, it might ask you to provide connection mail, phone number, or any social media account after your account is created. Have you ... Read More

Learn How to Become a Cyber Forensics Expert

Jui Mondal
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 14:55:49


Over the previous ten years, cybersecurity has become an increasingly important concern. Now, those with expertise in cyber security are more important than ever. In the movie "The Imitation Game, " Alan Turner, a character who applies his theory to cyber security, is depicted as having a brilliant and imaginative mind. Computer forensics analysts are required to satisfy criteria comparable to those of other professionals working in cybersecurity. To pursue studies in cyber forensics at the collegiate level, you will need to earn a bachelor's degree in computer forensics. A master's degree in cyber forensics is essential for entry-level roles; ... Read More

IoT security: Tips and Solution

Jui Mondal
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 14:54:27


IoT gadgets are the most popular since they use today's advanced technology. The Internet of Things gadget is a double-edged sword. The convenience technology delivers to daily life comes with a risk to personal safety and security. IoT devices are a prime target for hackers who might do you harm or abuse your system for their ends. It doesn't mean we have to give up using such a gadget altogether, but we need to adopt some safety measures that help prevent users from being victimized by such dangers. This piece will look at security recommendations (about ten in all) for ... Read More

Social Engineering Attacks: Common Types and How to Prevent Them

Jui Mondal
Updated on 05-May-2023 10:28:34


The phrase "social engineering" describes a wide variety of malevolent behaviors that may be carried out through interactions with other people. It employs deception to fool users into failing to take proper security precautions or disclosing private information. There might be several phases to a social engineering attack; before launching an assault, criminal profiles the target to learn details like access points and security flaws. The attacker then takes steps to acquire the victim's trust and provides stimuli for further acts that violate security norms, such as disclosing sensitive information or providing access to key resources. What is a Social ... Read More

Cyber Security in the Pandemic & Remote Work Environment

Jui Mondal
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 14:48:46


As the COVID-19 epidemic crept throughout the world, most firms made a swift shift to a remote workforce and a more intensive concentration on providing consumers through digital channels. The consequence was a dramatic increase in the need for digital resources. When it came to defending the company and its customers, cybersecurity personnel were also largely effective in their dual task of ensuring business continuity. The increased reliance on digital solutions to the COVID-19 dilemma has resulted in further security flaws. Insecure devices and networks used by remote workers present an opening for attackers. Individuals anxieties about COVID-19 being exploited ... Read More

Substantial Concepts Associated with Internet Protocol Security

Jui Mondal
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 13:50:53


It is impossible to exaggerate how important it is to protect one's data when using the internet in this day and age of widespread computer networks. Because of the complexity and breadth of the underlying technology and the progression of the technology through time, internet security encompasses a wide variety of subjects. Email, online shopping, banking, wireless internet, and other services have specialized security procedures, much like wireless internet. Implementation of several security protocols—Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Transport Layer Security (TLS), and others—has been done to make the internet as risk-free as possible. Multiple Overlapping Layers of Security Encapsulating Security ... Read More

What happens While Upskilling Your Enterprise Cyber Security Team?

Jui Mondal
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 13:48:24


It's not a question of who gets attacked but of when, as hackers get more adept and assaults become more regular. For many businesses, reality has meant rethinking their approach to security and prioritizing where to put limited funds to limit the damage as soon as feasible. The success of this effort depends on having an expert team with a wide range of security expertise. Here are ten security-related abilities your company should prioritize when recruiting new security personnel or enhancing the current security team's capabilities. Knowledge of Security-Related Tools Understanding how to use available resources is the first step ... Read More

Global Governing Bodies Associated with IT Governance

Jui Mondal
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 13:45:54


The fundamental objectives of information technology governance are to ensure that investments in information technology produce business value and reduce the risks connected with information technology. One method for achieving this goal is implementing an organizational structure with clearly defined roles for the responsibility of information, business processes, application development, and infrastructure. To guarantee that the information technology function will support the organization's strategy and goals, businesses and organizations need to have some structure or framework. The design and degree that businesses require are determined by the scale of their operation, the nature of their business, and any relevant laws ... Read More

Information Security Management Principles

Jui Mondal
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 13:43:36


The fundamental purpose of an ISM system that has been correctly established is to protect sensitive data. As a result, the primary goal of information security is to protect information assets from danger, with the end goal of maintaining the value of those assets to the company. Establishing Foundational Principles As outlined in the Information Security Management Principles, a company should develop, implement, and maintain a consistent set of policies, procedures, and systems to deal with threats to its information assets to ensure acceptable levels of information security risk. You should do this to protect the company's information assets. The ... Read More

Secured Data Destructions – Methods and Techniques

Jui Mondal
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 13:40:42


The phrase "data annihilation" tends to induce a look of terror on the faces of most listeners. Most individuals would be devastated if something happened to the information stored on their computer or mobile device. However, whether you run a large, medium, or small company, there will come a time when you need to remove or replace outdated media. No business wants the data on its obsolete equipment to be discovered by the following user. This is true for both massive organizations and tiny startups alike. One must delete confidential data stored on a computer's hard drive or in a ... Read More
