Found 451 Articles for Anti Virus

What are the Seven Foundational Principles of Privacy by Design?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 27-Jun-2022 13:03:08


In general, privacy refers to the right to be left alone and the freedom from interruption or intrusion. The right to control how your personal information is gathered and utilized is known as information privacy.The concept of responsible use and protection of information falls under the domain of privacy, which is partially overlapped with security. Body integrity can also be a sort of privacy. Many countries' privacy laws, and in some cases, constitutions, include the right not to be exposed to unjustified intrusions by the government, corporations, or individuals.With the growth of the Internet, the incidence of social bots has ... Read More

What is Reverse Engineering Technique in Cybersecurity?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 11-May-2023 15:11:50

2K+ Views

Reverse engineering aka back engineering is a technique for extracting design knowledge from software, equipment, airplanes, architectural structures, and other items. It is the practice of evaluating a piece of software or hardware's functionalities and information flow in order to comprehend its functioning and behavior. In cyber protection, malware is frequently reverse-engineered.Reverse engineering is a technique used in older industries to improve computer hardware and software. The machine code of a program - the string of 0s and 1s transmitted to the logic processor - is the subject of software reverse engineering. To convert the machine code back to the ... Read More

What is Security Orchestration, Automation, And Response (SOAR)?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 22-Jun-2022 14:32:54


SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response) is a set of related software applications that allows a company to collect data on security risks and respond to security events without human intervention. An organization's incident analysis and response processes can be defined using SOAR technologies in a digital workflow format.The automatic management of security operations-related duties is known as security automation. It is the process of carrying out these duties without the need for human interaction, such as scanning for vulnerabilities or looking for logs. A way of linking security tools and combining diverse security systems is known as security orchestration. ... Read More

What is Privacy Engineering in Cybersecurity?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 22-Jun-2022 14:29:22


As data travels to the cloud, meetings migrate online, or acquire online components, some of which are likely to continue in the future, cybersecurity becomes increasingly critical.Privacy is a major factor in cybersecurity. Consumer decisions are influenced by privacy problems; a good reputation can attract consumers, while a data breach is likely to drive them away. This is especially concerning for businesses that manage huge volumes of personally identifiable information such as healthcare and financial institutions. Customers are put in grave danger when such information is leaked into the world, and it is worth a lot of money to criminals.New ... Read More

What is RC4 Encryption? (Working, Usage, Advantages & Disadvantages)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 22-Jun-2022 14:26:43

10K+ Views

What is RC4?RC4 stands for Rivest Cipher 4. Ron Rivest invented RC4 in 1987, and it is a stream cipher. Because RC4 is a stream cipher, it encrypts data bytes by bits. Because of its speed and simplicity, RC4 is the most extensively used stream cipher of all the stream ciphers.While RC4 is known for its ease of use and speed in software, it has been found to have several weaknesses, making it insecure. When the beginning of the output keystream isn't destroyed, or when non-random or linked keys are utilized, it's highly vulnerable. The usage of RC4, in particular, ... Read More

Difference between Quantum Cryptography and Post Quantum Cryptography

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 22-Jun-2022 14:24:11


What is Cryptography?Cryptography is the study of secure communication mechanism so that only the sender and intended recipient of a message can read its contents. Microdots and merging are examples of cryptography techniques used to conceal information in photos.Modern cryptography brings together the subjects of mathematics, computer science, electrical engineering, communication science, and physics. Cryptography plays an important role in e-commerce, chip-based payment cards, digital currencies, computer passwords, and military communications.The evolution of cryptographic technology in the Information Age has resulted in a slew of legal issues. Because of its potential for espionage and sedition, several countries have categorized cryptography ... Read More

How Do Root Cause Analysis Techniques Help in Analyzing Security Incidents?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 22-Jun-2022 14:22:17


Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a problem-solving strategy for determining the antecedent and underlying causes of recognized situations. While the phrase "root cause analysis" suggests that problems have a single source, this is not necessarily the case. Problems might have a single source or several causes that come from flaws in goods, people, processes, or other variables.Making effective cybersecurity decisions without enough knowledge is a formula for disaster, and cyber security situations are rarely straightforward. Every situation is unique, and the subtleties must be fully comprehended in order to guide reaction and recovery activities.Enterprises must comprehend not only particular vulnerabilities ... Read More

What are Anti-Spoofing Techniques? How are They Used to Stop DDoS Attacks?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 22-Jun-2022 14:48:11


What is Spoofing?Spoofing is a type of online assault in which cyber attackers alter the address or source of a packet to make it appear as if it came from a trustworthy source. Enterprises set up routers, firewalls, and gateways to identify fake or spoofed packets. These devices are responsible for inspecting each incoming packet and verifying its origins. Anti-spoofing is a method of detecting packets with incorrect addresses.Spoofing usually consists of two parts: the spoof itself such as a forged email or website, and the social engineering component, which encourages the victims to act. A successful spoofing assault can ... Read More

What is Residual Risk in Cybersecurity?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 22-Jun-2022 14:06:36


Residual Risk is the risk that remains after all the attempts have been done to detect and eliminate some or all categories of risk. It is important to assess residual risk to meet compliance and regulatory requirements. Residual risk must be evaluated in order to prioritize security measures and processes over time.How is Residual Risk Calculated?Before developing a risk management strategy, you must first quantify all of the residual hazards unique to your digital ecosystem. This will assist you in defining the particular requirements for your management plan as well as allow you to assess the effectiveness of your mitigation ... Read More

What does a Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT) do? (Composition, Process, Framework)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 22-Jun-2022 13:59:31


Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT) is a team that deals with computer security breaches. CIRT professionals, which comprise team members from certain departments and specialties, must manage such occurrences quickly despite the fact that most firms have procedures in place to prevent security concerns.A CIRT is an organized entity with a defined mission, structure, and duties and responsibilities, according to this definition. Any ad hoc or informal incident response action that lacks a defined constituency or stated roles and duties are excluded from this assumption.The "FIRST CIRT Framework" was issued by the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams, an ... Read More
