Found 451 Articles for Anti Virus

What is Server Message Block (SMB)?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 05-Aug-2022 12:59:17


Server Message Block (SMB) A client/server protocol called SMB (Server Message Block) controls access to files, whole directories, and other network resources, including printers, routers, and network interfaces. The SMB protocol may be used to handle information sharing between the various processes in a system, sometimes referred to as inter-process communication. The protocol was created in 1983 by IBM's IT division, and throughout the years, it has undergone several revisions and implementations. SMB was initially made accessible to the general public as a feature of the OS/2 LAN Manager and LAN Server network operating systems. Since the Windows operating system ... Read More

What is a Romance Scam?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 05-Aug-2022 12:53:34


Romance scams happen when scammers create a false online person to win the victim's love and trust. The con artist then manipulates the victim and steals from them under the guise of a loving or close relationship. Romance scammers are professional at what they do and will appear sincere, compassionate, and believable. The majority of social networking and dating websites host con artists. The goal of the con artist is to become friendly with the victim as soon as possible, win her favor, and acquire her trust. Scammers may make preparations to meet in person and propose marriage, but ... Read More

What is LockBit Ransomware Attack?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 05-Aug-2022 12:51:12


LockBit ransomware is harmful malware meant to prevent users from accessing computer systems unless a ransom is paid. LockBit will automatically disseminate the infection over the network, look for valuable targets, and encrypt any accessible computer systems. Highly specific assaults against businesses and other organizations utilize this malware. LockBit attackers have created a name for themselves by posing the following threats to businesses around the world − Essential operations are interrupted, and they abruptly stop. The hacker is engaging in extortion for personal benefit. If the victim does not cooperate, blackmail tactics include data theft and unauthorized dissemination. ... Read More

What is GoldenEye Ransomware Attack?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 05-Aug-2022 12:48:59


You've undoubtedly watched the movie GoldenEye if you're a Bond fan. The name of the ransomware program, GoldenEye, was inspired by this. The name of the hacker collective is also borrowed from the film. In the movie GoldenEye, the Janus Syndicate, a Russian organized crime group, exploits the instability caused by the fall of the Soviet Union by breaking into the control systems of two Soviet satellites. Petya and Mischa are the names of these satellites. They then fire GoldenEye, an electromagnetic pulse weapon. The Petya ransomware was created b" a Russian hacker gang that adopted the moniker Janus and ... Read More

What is Egregor Ransomware?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 05-Aug-2022 12:47:21


A cybercriminal organization known as Egregor focuses on a particular subset of ransomware operations. In Western magic, the collective energy of a group of people working together toward a shared goal is referred to as Egregor. It is believed that after ceasing operations in October 2020, the prominent cybercrime group Maze's ransomware developers founded Egregor. The extensive scope of Maze's ransomware assault attempts gave the newly established Egregor group a significant foundation to build upon. After successfully breaking into Barnes & Noble, video game developers Crytek and Ubisoft, and Barnes & Noble, in October 2020, Egregor gained a reputation for ... Read More

What is Dridex Malware?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 05-Aug-2022 12:45:21


Malware that makes use of Microsoft Office macros is called Dridex malware. Hackers may use it to steal financial data and other user identifiers. It often takes the form of a spam email with an attached Word document. Dridex virus emerged from an earlier product dubbed Zeus Trojan Horse, according to cybersecurity specialists. When anything is downloaded or otherwise integrated, usually without the end user's knowledge, it enters the system as what appears to be a secure application or product and causes havoc. Zeus Trojan Horse, a type of banking malware with backdoor access points that is self-replicating and ... Read More

What is Double Extortion Ransomware?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 05-Aug-2022 12:43:43


What is Ransomware? A hostage situation exists due to ransomware. It is a form of malicious software or malware that takes data, encrypts it, and then prevents the rightful owners from accessing it until the attacker receives the ransom demanded by the attacker. The ransom cost can range widely, from a few hundred dollars to millions of dollars. Most of the time, a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, etc., is required as payment. The victim is required to satisfy the attacker's deadline, which is specified. It Is important to realize that it might not just be compromised files and data. ... Read More

What is CryptoWall Ransomware?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 05-Aug-2022 12:41:25


A Trojan Horse is used by the ransomware virus known as CryptoWall to encrypt files on a hacked computer, and users must pay a ransom to get the decryption key. A spam email, a malicious online advertisement, a compromised website, or another piece of malware are frequently used to spread Cryptowall. When Cryptowall is activated, it encrypts any files on the drive with a specific extension and leaves files with information on how to pay a ransom and obtain the decryption key. It is renowned for disguising its viral payload as an innocent-looking application or file. As part of its ... Read More

What is a Crimeware?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 05-Aug-2022 12:38:59


A "crimeware" is created particularly to target Internet computers (and occasionally mobile devices) and steal their data by using malicious software tactics. Hackers utilize crimeware, which consists of harmful software (malware), along with other tools, to achieve these goals. The main purposes of crimeware programs are to monitor a victim's screen remotely, steal sensitive data from their computer, and launch denial-ofservice attacks. Crimeware is a common tool used by hackers to steal personal data and seize total control of their targets' machines. A few years ago, the majority of cyberattacks were carried out with the intention of "sabotage, " or ... Read More

What is Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) in Cybersecurity?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 05-Aug-2022 12:35:41


What is CVE? Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) is a reference system or list that functions like a dictionary for risks to information security that are well known. Every exposure or weakness listed on the CVE list has a single, standardized CVE name. The National Cyber Security Division (NCSD) of the Department of Homeland Security sponsors CVE, and MITRE Corporation maintains it. The public can access the CVE dictionary, a shared data collection of information security vulnerabilities. A vulnerability in information security is a software coding mistake that allows hackers to access an information system and carry out illicit actions ... Read More
