Found 54 Articles for AngularJS

AngularJS – ng-copy Directive

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 08-Oct-2021 12:53:46


The ng-copy Directive in AngularJS is used for specifying any custom behaviour while copying the texts in input text fields. We can use this directive to call certain methods that will be triggered while the text is copied from the input field. This directive is supported by all types of input elements.Syntax..content..Example − ngCopy DirectiveCreate a file "ngCopy.html" in your Angular project directory and copy-paste the following code snippet.           ngCopy Directive                      .index {color: white; background-color: green;}       ... Read More

AngularJS – equals() method

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 08-Oct-2021 12:46:35

1K+ Views

The equals() method in AngularJS basically checks if two objects or two values are equal or not. This method supports value types, regular expressions, arrays, and objects. It will return True if the reference objects passed inside the function are equal, else it will return False.Syntaxangular.equals(value1, value2)Example − Check if the reference objects are equal or notCreate a file "equals.html" in your Angular project directory and copy-paste the following code snippet.           angular.equals()                              Welcome to Tutorials Points ... Read More

AngularJS – ngMaxlength Directive

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 08-Oct-2021 12:31:32


The ngMaxlength Directive in AngularJS adds the maxlength validator to the ngModel. This directive is mostly used to control the text-based inputs but can also be applied for controlling the custom text-based controls.This validator sets the maxlength error key if the value ngModel.$viewValue is longer than the integer value obtained by evaluating the Angular JS expression defined in the ngMaxlength attribute value.Syntax..content..Example − ngMaxlength DirectiveCreate a file "ngMaxlength.html" in your Angular project directory and copy-paste the following code snippet.           ngMaxlength Directive                   ... Read More

AngularJS – ng-style Directive

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 08-Oct-2021 12:22:20


The ng-style Directive in AngularJS helps you to set the CSS style of an HTML element conditionally. If the condition evaluates to True, the style will be applied. The expression inside the ng-style directive must be an object. This is supported by all the HTML elements.Syntax..content..Example − ngStyle DirectiveCreate a file "ngStyle.html" in your Angular project directory and copy-paste the following code snippet.           ngStyle Directive                span {             color: black;          }       ... Read More

AngularJS – ngHref Directive

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 08-Oct-2021 12:11:27


The ngHref Directive in AngularJS solves the problem of replacing the markup when the link is broken which thus leads the system to return a 404 error. Instead of using markup like {{hash}} in an href attribute which will change or replace the markup value, we should use the ngHref directive since that link can be broken and thus leads to return a System Error.Syntax..content..Example − ngHref DirectiveCreate a file "ngHref.html" in your Angular project directory and copy-paste the following code snippet.           ngHref Directive                 ... Read More

AngularJS – ngSelected Directive

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 08-Oct-2021 11:59:25


The ngSelected Directive in AngularJS sets the selected attribute element on the element to True. We can also write an expression inside the ngSelected with the only condition that it should evaluate to True.This special directive is necessary since interpolation cannot be used inside the selected attribute.Syntax..content..Example − ngSelected DirectiveCreate a file "ngSelected.html" in your Angular project directory and copy-paste the following code snippet.           ngSelected Directive                                    Welcome to Tutorials Point     ... Read More

AngularJS – ng-switch Directive

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 08-Oct-2021 11:48:00


The ngSwitch directive in AngularJS conditionally swaps the DOM structure on the template based upon the scope expression. This directive can be used for showing or hiding elements based upon the switch cases.The HTML elements will be displayed only if the expression inside the ngSwitch directive evaluates to True, else it will remain hidden. This directive is supported by all the HTML elements.Syntax Contents... Contents... Contents... Example − ngSwitch DirectiveCreate a file "ngSwitch.html" in your Angular project directory and copy-paste the following code snippet. ... Read More

AngularJS – isObject() method

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 08-Oct-2021 11:09:47


The isObject() method in AngularJS basically checks if a reference is an Object or not. This method will return True if the reference passed inside the function is an Object, else it will return False.Note − NULL values are not considered as an Object, but JavaScript arrays are objects.Syntaxangular.isObject(value)Example − Check if the reference is an Object or notCreate a file "isObject.html" in your Angular project directory and copy-paste the following code snippet.           angular.isObject()                               ... Read More

AngularJS – isString() method

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 08-Oct-2021 10:55:57


The isString() method in AngularJS basically checks if a reference is a string value or not. This method will return True if the reference passed inside the function is a string, else it will return False.Syntaxangular.isString(value)Example − Check if the reference is a String or notCreate a file "isString.html" in your Angular project directory and copy-paste the following code snippet.           angular.isString()                                    Welcome to Tutorials Point             ... Read More

AngularJS – ng-change Directive

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 08-Oct-2021 09:47:26


The ng-change directive in AngularJS evaluates a given expression whenever the user changes the input. On every change, the ngChange directive is fired and the expression is evaluated immediately. The JavaScript onChange event only triggers at the end of a change (when the user leaves the form element or presses the key).Note − This directive also requires ngModel to be present.Syntax..Content..Example − ngChange DirectiveCreate a file "ngChange.html" in your Angular project directory and copy-paste the following code snippet.           ngChange Directive                   ... Read More
