Found 1631 Articles for Android

Service vs Intentservice in Android

Vaibhav Ahire
Updated on 09-May-2023 16:10:09

2K+ Views

Introduction Service is a component in Android that runs in the background for performing specific tasks or long running operations without the interaction with the user interface. The main objective of the Service is to ensure that the service remains active in the background and the user can multiple applications at the same time. Here are some of the steps to implement services in android Create a Service class: The first step is to create a Service class that extends the class. This class will define the behavior of the service. Start the service: You need to call ... Read More

Running Google Maps v2 on the Android Emulator

Vaibhav Ahire
Updated on 09-May-2023 16:06:57


Introduction Many android applications nowadays use Google Maps within it to display the map to the users. For example we use many food delivery applications in which we can get to see our order status along with the location of the delivery boy on Google Maps. In this article we will take a look on How to run Google Maps v2 on the android emulator. Implementation We will be creating a simple application in which we will be displaying a simple Google Map within our application and we will be adding a marker on that map to the Delhi location. ... Read More

How to apply machine learning in an android app?

Mouri Roy
Updated on 09-May-2023 12:13:15


Nowadays there are more intelligent recommendation systems, AI embedded cameras on smartphones for auto-focus and auto-face detection, advanced chatbots, and ai voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant. People have started creating apps like ChatGPT, which can handle advanced problems like interviews. However, fascinating this may seem but to deploy an app with such capabilities one needs to have in-depth knowledge of machine learning and deep learning algorithms, with access to a huge variety of resources and datasets, which sometimes is impossible to attain by single individuals. So a proper group of people is needed to access and manage ... Read More

Realm Database in Android

Vaibhav Ahire
Updated on 09-May-2023 14:49:46

2K+ Views

Introduction There are several databases used in android for storing as well as retrieval of data such as SQLite, Room DB, Realm Database and many more. Realm Database is also one of the famous data storage services which uses SQLite to store the data within our android application. In this article we will take a look at using Realm Database in Android. Implementation We will be creating a simple application in which we will be displaying two text input fields. Users can enter his name and age from that field. Then we will also add a button which we will ... Read More

Implementing services in Android?

Vaibhav Ahire
Updated on 09-May-2023 12:43:47


Introduction In many android applications we can see them perform some background tasks in it such as playing music in the background. Many music applications can play the song when the app is not open and play the music in the background. This task can be done with the help of services in android. In this article we will take a look on How to implement services in Android. Implementation We will be creating a simple application in which we will be displaying a text view for displaying the heading of the application. Then we will be creating two buttons, ... Read More

How to use Retrofit Library in Android?

Vaibhav Ahire
Updated on 09-May-2023 12:35:19

8K+ Views

Introduction Retrofit is one of the famous HTTP libraries which is used to parse the data from the internet using APIS. We can use this library to fetch the data from API in the form of JSON and display that JSON within our application. In this article we will take a look at How to use Retrofit Library in Android. Implementation We will be creating a simple application in which we will be creating a text view for displaying the heading of our application. After that we are creating one more text view in which we will be displaying the ... Read More

How to support Arabic text in Android?

Vaibhav Ahire
Updated on 09-May-2023 12:29:34


Introduction Android supports a wide range of languages which we can use for the users residing in different part of countries speaking different languages. We can provide multiple language support within our application such as Hindi, English, Urdu, Marath, Arabic and many more.In this article we will take a look on How to support Arabic text in Android. Implementation We will be creating a simple application in which we will be creating a text view for displaying the heading of our application. After that we are creating one more text view in which we will be displaying a message as ... Read More

How to sign the Android APK before uploading it at Google Play?

Vaibhav Ahire
Updated on 09-May-2023 12:14:01


Introduction While publishing any android application to the Google Play store, it is necessary to sign the android application package (APK) to make our application secure and trustworthy. In this article we will take a look at How to sign the Android APK before uploading it to Google Play Store. Generating the signed APK Create the android studio project for which you have to generate the Android application package (APK) file. Now once your project has been created, we will take a look at How to generate a signed apk for your project. For generating a signed APK navigate to ... Read More

How to send POST requests with JSON data using Volley in Android?

Vaibhav Ahire
Updated on 09-May-2023 12:12:32

4K+ Views

Most of the android applications we see on Google Play store make an API call within themselves so that they can gather data from their database and display that within our application. Similarly many applications take the data from the user through forms and store them within their database. Many applications take user details such as address and other for delivering specific products to their address. For posting this data there are different ways such as using Volley, Retrofit and others. In this article we will take a look on How to send POST requests with JSON data using Volley ... Read More

How to send images via MMS in Android?

Vaibhav Ahire
Updated on 09-May-2023 12:05:52


Introduction The multimedia messaging service is a great way to send images and other media files along with text to different contacts over the phone. If you are looking to send images to your contacts then MMS is a great way to send this to your friends and family. In this article we will take a look at How to send images via MMs in ANdroid. Implementation We will be creating a simple application in which we will be creating a text view for displaying the heading of our application. After that we will be creating an image view in ... Read More

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