Found 1631 Articles for Android

How to remove an activity from the history stack in Android ?

Vaibhav Ahire
Updated on 30-Mar-2023 14:22:37

2K+ Views

Introduction Many times in android applications we use to display so many different types of activities. This activities are used in android applications for performing the different tasks. When we are navigating from one activity to another activity, the previous activity from which we have navigated remains in the stack, which will take system memory and may degrade the performance of the application. To prevent this we have to clear the activity history stack of an android application. In this article we will take a look on How to remove an activity from the history stack in Android. Implementation We ... Read More

How to play HTML5 video on fullscreen in android WebView?

Vaibhav Ahire
Updated on 30-Mar-2023 14:49:47

4K+ Views

Introduction Many android applications use WebView with their applications to display the webpages to the user. This web page many times contains videos embedded within it. Such as many applications that open youtube inside the WebView to be displayed within their application. When the application user opens any video from that web page the full screen option to play the video is disabled. In this article we will take a look on How to enable that full screen inside our WebView so that we can play the HTML 5 video on full screen in WebView inside our android application. Implementation ... Read More

Which one is better in between SQLite and Shared Preferences?

Vaibhav Ahire
Updated on 30-Mar-2023 14:48:15

2K+ Views

Introduction There are many storage service providers in android applications which we can use to store data within our android application. We can store data in our android application in different ways such as by using SQLite database, Room Database, Shared Preferences and many more. Each of them has their own advantages and disadvantages. Room database and Sqlite database are similar which are used to store the data in the form of tables whereas shared preference is used to store the data in the form of key and value pairs. In this article we will be mostly focusing on SQLite ... Read More

What is the difference between match_parent and fill_parent in Android ?

Vaibhav Ahire
Updated on 30-Mar-2023 14:47:18

2K+ Views

Introduction An android application consists of different types of views within it such as image view, text view, buttons and many others. For this different type of view we have to specify the size of that view to be displayed on the screen. We can provide a custom size for that view to take a specific height as well as width. But if we want to provide size to these views so that they can be changed for different screen sizes can be easily handled. We can provide width and height for these views as match_parent or fill_parent. Adding ... Read More

Difference between add(),replace() and addToBackStack() in Android

Vaibhav Ahire
Updated on 30-Mar-2023 14:45:46

1K+ Views

Introduction Android is an open-source, user-friendly mobile operating system used by millions of people around the world. It is the most popular mobile operating system, and its popularity is only growing. Android offers a wide range of features and functions, and its developers have made sure that users can customize their devices to suit their needs. One of the most useful features of Android is the ability to add, replace, and addToBackStack() in Android. These functions allow users to easily manage their apps, activities, and fragments. With the help of these methods we can add a new fragment in our ... Read More

getApplication() vs getApplicationContext() in Android

Vaibhav Ahire
Updated on 30-Mar-2023 14:44:02

2K+ Views

Introduction Android is an operating system designed by Google for mobile devices, based on the Linux kernel and other open-source software. Android is used on smartphones, tablets, watches, televisions and automobiles. Android developers have to use different contexts while developing an application. When it comes to using a context inside a class or method one needs to understand the difference between getApplication() and getApplicationContext(). So in this article we will take a look at getApplication() vs getApplicationContext() in Android. What is context? Context is a situation during which some event happens.In android context is considered as the current state ... Read More

When to use Fragments VS Activities in Android App?

Vaibhav Ahire
Updated on 30-Mar-2023 14:42:42

7K+ Views

Introduction Android apps are created using a variety of components and tools, including activities and fragments. Knowing when to use a fragment versus an activity is key to developing an efficient and successful app. This article will explore the differences between activities and fragments, and guide developers in determining when to use which tool. What is Activity in Android? An activity is the most basic form of an Android app. It typically represents a single screen with a user interface, and is used to create a basic user experience. Activities are typically used to launch and manage other components of ... Read More

What the difference between commit() and apply() in Sharedpreferences in Android?

Vaibhav Ahire
Updated on 30-Mar-2023 14:41:29

1K+ Views

Introduction Many times while building an android application. We came across a scenario where we have to store some of the data inside our mobile application. Such as the applications that store the session of the user. Android provides several different ways which we can use to store the data within an android application such as SQlite database, Sharedpreferences, Room Database and others. Each data storing method is used for a different purpose of data storing. If we have to store data in the form of tables then we prefer using Room database or SQlite Database. What is Sharedpreferences in ... Read More

What is the Android UiThread?

Vaibhav Ahire
Updated on 30-Mar-2023 14:37:39


The Android UIThread is the main thread of the Android operating system. It is responsible for handling all user interface components and events. The UIThread is responsible for creating and managing the user interface, from creating the Activity and Fragment objects to handling user input, and drawing the user interface on the screen. The UIThread is responsible for executing the main loop of the application, which is responsible for updating the user interface and responding to user input. This loop is constantly running, even when the user is not interacting with the application. This ensures that the application always ... Read More

How to start an Application using Android ADB Tools ?

Vaibhav Ahire
Updated on 30-Mar-2023 14:35:45

2K+ Views

Introduction Android Debug Bridge or ADB is a versatile command line tool which allows you to communicate with an Android device to control and manage the application to be installed in an android emulator. With ADB we can copy files, run shell commands and do many more operations. In this article we will discuss on How to start our application in an android emulator using ADB Tools. Implementation We will be creating a simple android studio project in which we will be displaying a simple text view. After that we will be using our ADB Tools commands to launch this ... Read More
