Found 510 Articles for Algorithms

Count possible ways to construct buildings

Arjun Thakur
Updated on 16-Jun-2020 14:50:22


Here n number of sections are given, in each section, there are two sides on the road to constructing buildings. If there is one empty space between two houses are needed, then how many possible ways to construct buildings in the plot.There are four possibilities to construct buildings One side of the road Another side of the road No building can be constructed Both sides of the roadInput and OutputInput: It takes the number of sections to construct buildings. Say the input is 3. Output: Enter Number of sections: 3 Buildings can be constructed in 25 different ways.AlgorithmconstructionWays(n)Input: There are n number of section.Output ... Read More

Count number of ways to reach a given score in a game

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 16-Jun-2020 14:52:58


Let us consider a game, in which a player can get some score with 3, 5 or 10 in each move. A target score is also given. Our task is to find how many possible ways are there to reach that target score with those three points.By the dynamic programming approach, we will create a list of all score from 0 to n, and for each value of 3, 5, 10, we simply update the table.Input and OutputInput: The maximum score to reach using 3, 5 and 10. Let the input is 50. Output: Number of ways to reach using ... Read More

Count Binary String without Consecutive 1's

Ankith Reddy
Updated on 16-Jun-2020 14:57:01


In this problem, we have to find some binary numbers which have no consecutive 1s. In a 3-bit binary string, there are three binary numbers 011, 110, 111, who have consecutive 1s, and five numbers are there which have no consecutive 1s. So after applying this algorithm to 3-bit numbers, the answer will be 5. If a[i] be the set of binary numbers, whose number of bits are I, and not containing any consecutive 1s, and b[i] is the set of binary number, where a number of bits are I, and containing consecutive 1s, then there are recurrence relations like:a[i] := ... Read More

Compute sum of digits in all numbers from 1 to n

Samual Sam
Updated on 16-Jun-2020 15:15:00


In this problem, we have to find the sum of digits of all numbers in range 1 to n. For an example the sum of digits of 54 is 5 + 4 = 9, Like this, we have to find all the numbers and their sum of digits.We know that there are 10d - 1 numbers can be generated, whose number of digits is d. To find the sum of all those numbers of digit d, we can use a recursive formula.sum(10d- 1)=sum(10d-1- 1)*10+45*(10d-1)Input and OutputInput: This algorithm takes the upper limit of the range, say it is 20. Output: ... Read More

Collect maximum points in a grid using two traversals

Arjun Thakur
Updated on 16-Jun-2020 15:18:04


There is a matrix with points in each cell, how to get maximum points from that grid using two traversals.There is some condition to satisfy −The first traversal starts from the top left cell in the grid and should go to the bottom left corner.      And in the second traversal starting from top right corner to bottom right cornerFrom one cell we can only move to bottom, bottom left of the current cell and bottom right of the current cells only.If one traversal already gets some points from a cell, In the next traversal no points will be ... Read More

Box Stacking Problem

Samual Sam
Updated on 16-Jun-2020 13:33:48


In this problem a set of different boxes are given, the length, breadth, and width may differ for different boxes. Our task is to find a stack of these boxes, whose height is as much as possible. We can rotate any box as we wish. But there is a rule to maintain.One can place a box on another box if the area of the top surface for the bottom box is larger than the lower area of the top box.Input and OutputInput: A list of boxes is given. Each box is denoted by (length, bredth, height). { (4, 6, 7), ... Read More

Bellman–Ford Algorithm for Shortest Paths

Ankith Reddy
Updated on 16-Jun-2020 13:41:56

3K+ Views

Bellman-Ford algorithm is used to find minimum distance from the source vertex to any other vertex. The main difference between this algorithm with Dijkstra’s the algorithm is, in Dijkstra’s algorithm we cannot handle the negative weight, but here we can handle it easily.Bellman-Ford algorithm finds the distance in a bottom-up manner. At first, it finds those distances which have only one edge in the path. After that increase the path length to find all possible solutions.Input and OutputInput: The cost matrix of the graph: 0  6  ∞ 7  ∞ ∞  0  5 8 -4 ∞ -2  0 ∞  ∞ ∞ ... Read More

Check For Star Graph

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 16-Jun-2020 13:50:23


A graph is given; we have to check the given graph is a star graph or not.By traversing the graph, we have to find the number of vertices has degree one, and number of vertices, whose degree is n-1. (Here n is the number of vertices in the given graph). When the number of vertices with degree 1 is n-1 and a number of vertices with a degree (n-1) is one, then it is a star graph.Input and OutputInput: The adjacency matrix: 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Output: ... Read More

Transitive closure of a Graph

George John
Updated on 16-Jun-2020 13:54:00

15K+ Views

Transitive Closure it the reachability matrix to reach from vertex u to vertex v of a graph. One graph is given, we have to find a vertex v which is reachable from another vertex u, for all vertex pairs (u, v).The final matrix is the Boolean type. When there is a value 1 for vertex u to vertex v, it means that there is at least one path from u to v.Input and OutputInput: 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 Output: The matrix of transitive closure 1 1 1 ... Read More

Ford Fulkerson Algorithm

Samual Sam
Updated on 16-Jun-2020 14:01:32

4K+ Views

The Ford-Fulkerson algorithm is used to detect maximum flow from start vertex to sink vertex in a given graph. In this graph, every edge has the capacity. Two vertices are provided named Source and Sink. The source vertex has all outward edge, no inward edge, and the sink will have all inward edge no outward edge.There are some constraints:Flow on an edge doesn’t exceed the given capacity of that graph.Incoming flow and outgoing flow will also equal for every edge, except the source and the sink.Input and OutputInput: The adjacency matrix: 0 10 0 10 0  0 0  0 4 ... Read More
