Found 30 Articles for Advertising & Marketing

How does the commodity trade market work in India?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Commodity trading is trading in derivatives and commodity spot. There are two different categories of commodities we have to trade: Agricultural commodities and non-agricultural commoditiesAgricultural Commodities: These include grains and oilseeds (soybean, chana, corn, groundnut etc.), livestock, dairy products, bio-fuels etc.Non-Agricultural Commodities: These include Metals like gold, silver, copper etc.Also, there are 24 commodity exchanges in India and three national level commodity exchanges to trade in all permitted commodities.They are Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd, Mumbai (MCX), National Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd, Ahmedabad (NMCE) and National Commodity and Derivative Exchange, Mumbai (NCDEX)How Does It Work?When you buy ... Read More

Why do most of the Indian Deo Ads employ Bengali ladies?

Rani RPS
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


I am not sure whether all the women who acted in Deodorant ads are Bengali ladies or not, but one thing is common in all the deodorant advertisements when a well-sculpted man applies deodorant, women get attracted to him.I do not understand what they want to prove in that ad ... that women fall so easily or man sprays deodorant not to keep away his body odour but to attract women !!!

What is the height of marketing?

Joshi Malvika
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


This is absolutely true that marketers are crossing all borders to not only sell their products but also to have an upper hand over their competitors. You look around and observe that their eyes are everywhere and they won’t even hesitate to have a sneak peek into your bedroom if they get a chance. Recently, I was scrolling down my social media account and came across this exceptional way of marketing and thought of sharing with you. Just have a look at these side-splitting advertising efforts.

What are some of the honest slogans of big brands?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Any brand gets noticed with a catchy slogan or caption under it. The slogans are a group of words or catchy phrases that help the customers to remember the product easily. The unique brand names with funny but honest slogans or captions can easily catch the eye of a customer. This has been a popular trend nowadays that really gathers much attention.Even the popular social media sites have honest slogans, such as YouTube says broadcast Yourself, while LinkedIn says, “Connect with people for no reason” following one of its options for connecting with people.The recent sensational tinder app has a ... Read More

Why do marketers stress on particular colors to promote their products?

Pinki Rao
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


It has now been scientifically proven that colors leave a powerful influence on our psychology and play a crucial role in affecting our decisions. This fact has been cleverly harnessed by marketers at present because 93 per cent of buyers get affected by the visual appearance and 83 percent accepted that it was only the color of a particular product that made them buy it.Blue is usually considered a manly color. It denotes peace, tranquillity, water, sky, reliability, etc. It offers a sense of security, control appetite and boosts productivity. Brands that want to promote trust in their products use ... Read More

What are Guerrilla Marketing Strategies?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The concept of Guerrilla marketing was created by Jay Conrad Levinson. Traditional marketing involves advertising methods such as advertising on television, radio, print, and mail. Online marketing or Digital marketing is the type of advertising which we see today on websites, YouTube videos, blogs, etc. Whereas, Guerrilla Marketing is an inexpensive method that focuses more on reach rather than frequency. This style of marketing is effective for small businesses to advertise their product and services. One needs to have imagination, energy and time for this kind of advertising.Give an ImpactThis kind of advertising engages the customers with the product and ... Read More

What is AMBUSH Marketing? Why is it known as surprise attack?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Ambush, as the name implies, is a surprise marketing. The term Ambush marketing was coined by Jerry Welsh, a marketing strategist. Ambush marketing is a type of marketing where the marketer associates the product with an event or property and the marketer is not directly or officially related to that event. This is a type of Guerilla marketing.To be more precise, we often happen to watch some advertisements which refer to some events or personalities indirectly without mentioning them officially. Such advertisements have a lot of impact on unknowingly.Grab the OpportunityThis kind of advertising is done by utilizing the opportunities ... Read More

How will you inspire your team if you are the Head of Marketing?

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


What are the basic aspects to assess the strengths of the marketing team? What are you aiming to do- inspiring them or motivating them? The act of actually stimulating a person’s mind to think and perform the way you want them to will define ‘Motivation’. However, the act of doing and achieving something because they want to achieve it is ‘Inspiration’.As a Head of Marketing, I always look at inspiring people to do better in their jobs. This holds true for individuals in every sphere of life or business. To achieve is to inspire and to inspire, is to see ... Read More

How to decode a job advertisement?

Knowledge base
Updated on 21-Apr-2022 06:33:38


It’s great that you thought this way!!Many people just blindly go through the Job title and feel unfit for the job!!In fact, I believe that there are many chances we are missing out without completely checking the Job Profile mentioned. Yes!Firstly, go through the Job description carefully. Understand each and every bit of it. Don't hesitate to call the contact person, for any queries.Give it a try though the number of years of your experience doesn’t match perfectly. A small margin will always be accepted.Understand the Job responsibilities and imagine yourself in that. Fits you? Go ahead.Feeling that only some ... Read More

What is the role of local community media in strengthening democracy at the grassroot level?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 11:58:15


There can be no doubt about the critical role that community media can play in strengthening democracy at the grass-root level. For most folks in urban areas, especially in Tier I, II and even III cities this issue might not generate much interest, but for those in the smaller towns and villages, this is one issue that will spark immediate interest. That's because folks living in such areas that are classified as rural, don't take a lot of things for granted like their counterparts in cities do.Keep An Insight of the Local PoliticsMost of us in cities don't even know ... Read More
