Found 30 Articles for Advertising & Marketing

What Is Marketed in Marketing?

Aparna Singh
Updated on 29-Nov-2023 15:47:38


Introduction Marketing is all about encountering the different needs of consumers and society and doing all sorts of activities to meet those needs. It is delivering value to consumers through different communication channels to maintain a strong relationship with them and foster profitability for the organization and its stakeholders. It is also defined as a social process by which different people and groups of people get what they need and want by offering different valuable products and services. Marketing people generally market 10 types of entities. Let's discuss each one of them − Goods The physical goods available in ... Read More

Major Societal Forces Affecting Marketing

Aparna Singh
Updated on 29-Nov-2023 15:44:03


Introduction Marketing depends on several micro- and macro- environmental factors. The market of today is different from what it used to be. Decades ago, it was easy to judge the market, but now it's not an easy task. Nowadays, the marketplace is radically different because of several factors that are somehow interlinked with each other. These factors have created a lot of challenges for marketers, but at the same time, they have also created a lot of opportunities. Let's study each one of them in detail − Network Information Technology The growth of digital technology has created a new ... Read More

Unlocking the Power of Video in Digital Advertising

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 19:14:44


The rise of video in digital advertising has made it much easier for brands to communicate their messages. Content creators and advertisers can now use powerful visuals on top of audio, motion graphics, and music to express ideas or bring emotion into a brand’s message. With the growth of connected devices and streaming services, online video is becoming a more integral part of people’s lives. Digital marketers need to adapt their strategies for the new world we live in with this shift towards video-based content taking center stage. As an example, many companies are now creating videos that target mobile ... Read More

Top 12 Marketing Management Courses for 2023

Shivam Jadoun
Updated on 26-Feb-2024 12:47:38


The goal of marketing management is to provide a comprehensive view of a company's marketing operations to ensure that they are carried out in an efficient manner that results in higher profits. These courses explore various business models and methods that can be used to meet the needs of consumers. It is typically offered as an area of expertise in a business management degree program. Marketing management courses provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively market their products and services to a specific market. One of the most important factors that a student must consider is ... Read More

12 Google Ads Extensions for Better Results

Shivam Jadoun
Updated on 10-May-2023 16:39:31


After all of your digital marketing efforts, you have created the perfect ad. You’re very confident that it will work. However, after a while, you start doing a test search and notice that the ad is next to another one that looks exactly like Godzilla. You realize that this ad has four mini-links that look like legs, a clickable discount, a store location, and a phone number. If you want to stand a chance at winning the auction, you need to fight this monster with King Kong. Here, you need to use some extensions that can make your ad stand ... Read More

Programmatic Advertising: Using Machine Learning to Optimize Ad Targeting and Delivery

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 08-May-2023 16:05:25


The advertising sector is constantly transforming. Technology advancements such as artificial intelligence (AI), improved targeting, and dynamic creativity are transforming how customers interact with companies. Companies gain from improved analytics and greater knowledge of how their advertising works. Machine learning may remove the guesswork from profiting on massive volumes of data by delivering insights that can be used in AI-powered advertising strategies. In advertising, machine learning is a process in which technology receives information, analyzes it, and then formulates a conclusion that might better a task or process. This technology's findings may be used for audience targeting, personalization, media ... Read More

Ten Ways a Chatbot Can Help Digital Marketing Campaigns

Kiruthika Ravi
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 15:37:47


Chatbots are becoming ubiquitous all over. Digital Marketing is overriding most traditional forms of marketing with its automation and other significant features. A vast number of adoption of chatbots and their increasing efficiency to answer business-related queries are the significant factors that are encouraging more and more companies to invest in chatbot services. Chatbots fulfill one of the significant key focus areas of marketing i.e., customer interaction. Engaging customers effectively is a proven way to push them further in the sales funnel. This article will showcase the most popular ways in which a chatbot can help in digital marketing campaigns. ... Read More

How to Create a Content Strategy for 2023?

Biswaindu Parida
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 15:22:00


It's become harder for firms to stand out in the increasingly competitive e-commerce space. Everyone is trying harder than ever to get noticed. Even the most well-known businesses can be lost in the shuffle when customers can access infinite options with only a few mouse clicks. So, companies must be more deliberate in advertising and marketing content strategy. Campaigns need to be more than just interesting and pertinent to get noticed by the right people. Each brand that wants to flourish in today's oversaturated market must find a way to differentiate itself from its competitors. It's always a good ... Read More

Difference between Webinar and Webcast

Md. Sajid
Updated on 19-Jan-2023 14:03:06


Several generations earlier, printed advertisements and Television broadcasts were present for marketing your product. Those days, however, are long since gone, and marketing has made significant progress since then. There are currently a thousand various kinds of media you may use as promotional techniques to reach a broad audience. Video content is one such medium that has become increasingly popular rapidly over the years. Businesses are increasingly using webcasts and webinars, the two primary types of video material used for marketing, in their marketing strategies. Everything has been transformed by the new and more sophisticated digital world; technology has given ... Read More

Difference between Social Marketing and Commercial Marketing

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:16:46

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Marketing, which may be thought of as inducing demand for a good or service by publicizing its availability to potential buyers, is not only a common practice but crucial to the growth of any business. One of the most common forms of marketing is promoting and selling goods and services to consumers to make a profit. However, there are also forms of marketing that do not seek financial gain but instead seek to influence consumer or societal behavior. Social marketing, for instance, aims to encourage consumers to maintain existing behavior patterns or adopt new ones that benefit society. Social ... Read More
