Found 696 Articles for Advanced Excel Function

How to Add a Blank Option to a Drop-Down List in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Jul-2022 13:45:29

6K+ Views

It's possible that you'll come across situations where you'll need to provide your users with the opportunity to choose a bank or empty value from a Data Validation drop-down list at some point. Because users need just tap the Delete or Backspace key on their keyboards to wipe away the cell value, this modification may be classified as a "nice-to-have." On the other hand, I've discovered that this very little improvement might help the user-experience run a little bit more smoothly. This is because the user can be uncertain as to whether or not they are permitted to have a ... Read More

How to Add a Comma after the First Word in Each Cell in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 29-May-2023 10:51:53

1K+ Views

Adding commas manually in specific places within cells may be a pretty good idea when you deal with numerous cells inside your spreadsheet data. After the first word in a list that was randomly produced in Excel, it is highly typical for there to be an absence of commas in the data. This is particularly true in situations in which the data is copied from word editors. but, when you deal with a vast amount of data, you have to discover a better approach to do it or come up with a different way to do it manually.You have the ... Read More

How to Convert Multiple Rows to Columns in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Jul-2022 12:56:27

2K+ Views

Let's assume you already have a list of data with many rows that only has one column in an excel sheet, but you want to convert these data to multiple rows and columns, you can achieve this using an Excel formula.Step 1Let’s consider the following list of multiple rows data and try to convert those data into multiple columns and rows using excel formula.Step 2Let’s choose an empty cell (C1) in which we will store the first data of the list of data and type the following formula in cell C1 and press Enter.=OFFSET($A$1, (ROW()-1)*3+INT((COLUMN()-3)), MOD(COLUMN()-3, 1))Step 3Now we get ... Read More

How to be a Champion Scrum Master!

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 07:53:30


Do you like to be at the center stage when the management showers the praises and appreciates with thundering applause? Of course, those are the golden moments that everyone is dreaming about. But, is it easy to be a champion without adequate knowledge and skills? No, not at all. You should have all the required skills to excel.And when we talk about a role like Scrum Master, which is widely misunderstood and misinterpreted in many organizations, how come, a person effectively play the role and it’s responsibilities and becomes a champion scrum master, isn’t it challenging?Let’s discuss how you can ... Read More

Excel tips for the power users

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 18-Oct-2019 07:54:46


Excel is one of the most commonly used business software on the market. And yet not everyone is able to fully utilize it. By using these tips you can create impressive spreadsheets that communicate effectively and make your point clearly and quickly.VLOOKUPIt helps you search data that’s scattered across different sheets and workbooks and bring those sheets into a central location to create reports and summaries. It helps you find information in large data tables such as inventory lists. To insert this, select the Formulas tab, and then click on Insert Function. A box appears that allows us to select ... Read More

How Java objects are stored in memory?

Arjun Thakur
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 07:37:24

4K+ Views

A stack and a heap are used for memory allocation in Java. However, the stack is used for primitive data types, temporary variables, object addresses etc. The heap is used for storing objects in memory.Stacks and heaps in Java are explained in more detail as follows −Stack in JavaStacks are used to store temporary variables, primitive data types etc. A block in the stack exists for a variable only as long as the variable exists. After that, the block data is erased and it can be used for storing another variable.
