Found 132 Articles for Academic

Study the effect of different temperatures 3 different Ph on the activity of Salivary Amylase on Starch

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 18:11:42


Introduction Salivary glands produce salivary amylase, an enzyme. Each individual action of any salivary amylase is effective on different available starch. Changes in the temperature directly impact the nature of salivary amylase. At the time of digesting, all the food particles are digested and this helps in generating energy from food. The main reason for executing this experiment is to understand the impacts of different pH and temperatures on salivary amylase. What is Salivary Amylase? Figure 1: Salivary amylase Another important term, associated with salivary amylase is ptyalin. Overall, oral perception of all kinds of starches is ... Read More

Study Pollen Germination on a Slide

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 18:07:55

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Introduction Pollination is mainly carried out with the help of abiotic pieces of equipment of the atmosphere like the wind as well as water. The grain of pollen mainly germinates if it absorbs some nutrients and water for its growth within a pollen tube. What is Pollen Germination? Figure 1: Pollen germination The germination of the pollen grain is a particular procedure through which the reproduction system of plants proceeds. The grains of pollen are transferred to the ovary part where the germ pores come out during germination. Aim of this Experiment The principal aim of ... Read More

Suspended Animation

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 17:37:31


Introduction The condition of suspended animation is also known as a state of hibernation in animals and a dormant state in the case of seeds. This condition is majorly used in therapeutic interventions that support the ceasing of the crucial functions within the body of organisms. This treatment is useful for patients who are having slow functional organs with injuries that are traumatic in nature. The traumatic injuries include stab wounds and gunshots. However, doctors initiate such programs when they feel that in normal conditions the patient would not survive. What is Defined as Suspended Animation? The condition of ... Read More

Reproductive Health MCQs

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 16:39:39


Introduction The procedure of reproduction is associated with the biological process in which offspring is produced from parents' organisms. The reproduction system is known as a key fundamental trait of an individual’s life. In presenting the proper reproductive health of any individual, the changes within the reproductive system of both men and women are important. What is Reproductive Health? Each stage of an individual’s life cycle is responsible for maintaining proper reproductive health. Proper functioning of reproductive organs such as the testes and prostate glands in males and uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix and vagina are effective in maintaining ... Read More

Reproductive Health Problems Strategies

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 16:30:20


Introduction Reproduction is the main process behind the existence lives on earth. Reproductive health involves the subject of reproductive organs, reproductive glands, and associated organs that performs together to complete the reproduction process. Reproductive health strategies are the measures that are taken for the wellness of the reproduction process. What is Reproductive Health? Reproduction is a biological process through which parents produce their offspring. Reproduction is a vital part of the existence of living organisms. Reproductive health means the condition of the female and male reproductive systems during the entire lifespan. The reproductive glands and organs that help in releasing ... Read More

Reproductive Health

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 16:04:49


Introduction Reproductive health is defined as public health in terms of the mental, social as well as physical of living organisms related to the system of reproduction. The reproductive ambit along with sexual health includes the reproductive capacity in terms of satisfactory as well as safe sexual life. What is Reproductive Health? According to the perception of World Health Organization (WHO), reproductive health is defined as the overall well-being along with the accurate functioning of different organs for reproduction. Different types of programmes are arranged by WHO to increase the awareness of this type of health among the global people ... Read More

Reproductive System of Earthworm

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 15:55:42


Introduction Reddish-brown in colour, earthworms have their dorsal side characterized by the dark line of the blood vessels, while their ventral side is characterized by the openings of the genitals. They have both the male and the female parts of the reproductive system. The process is simple as they are hermaphrodites. Earthworm’s Reproduction Earthworms help farmers by improving soil quality. They have a body that has metameric segments with a cylindrical shape. They are found in reddish brown colour. Earthworms’ locomotion is controlled by their S-shaped setae. Earthworms are of hermaphrodites or monoecious type, which means they have both ... Read More

Reproduction Modes

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 15:50:34


Introduction Reproduction refers to making a new organism that contains a genetic similarity along with some characteristics of species. The new organisms are called offspring that maintain some genetic similarity with the body of the parents. This mode ensures the continuity of different species as well as maintains it from generation to generation. What is Reproduction? It is a process of making offspring and is known as the basic forms of creation of life. Mainly two different modes of reproduction are generally seen among the plants and animals such as sexual and asexual modes. The transferring of genetic ... Read More

Reproduction in Organisms MCQs

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 15:38:24


Introduction Reproduction, also termed procreation, is a course of biological events found in all organisms by which the organism reproduces new creatures. It is a fundamental feature in all organisms. There are two kinds of reproduction found in all organisms, that is, asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction. In asexual reproduction, a partner is not required while in sexual reproduction a partner is mandatory. What is Reproduction in Organisms? Reproduction is responsible for ensuring the continuity of the species that linger on earth over multiple generations. The course of reproduction is not the same in all the creatures on ... Read More

Reproduction In Bacteria

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 15:19:35


Introduction Bacteria mainly show asexual reproduction which is also determined as binary fission. The bacterium is a unicellular and microscopic organism that can also be determined as a microbe. It shows genetic transfer by recombination methods. The recombination method mainly results in the generation of non-identical daughter cells. The bacteria like microbes, or prokaryotes lack true nuclei and reproduce only by asexual methods where the fusion of gametes does not take place. Figure 1: Binary fission in Bacteria What is a Bacterium? Bacteria are determined as microbes that have a simpler structure of the cell like other ... Read More
